
Local patriots turned back the buses. Somewhere between 200-300 people swarmed the street, with cars parked on both sides, blocking the buses

Murrieta Patriots Reject Busloads of Illegal Aliens

Over the weekend a few protest rallies erupted in Temecula, and at the Murrieta Border Patrol Station on Madison. The concern over the unconstitutional dumping of illegal aliens, many of whom may be infected with communicable diseases, has placed Murrieta, California, at the forefront of the immigration battle.
Residents have activated now that the illegal immigrants are being shipped in and dumped on their doorstep, and as the incidence of a variety of diseases are on the rise in the area. On Tuesday, 140 illegals were being bused in, and the protesters were ready. The local patriots turned back the buses. Somewhere between 200 and 300 people swarmed the street, with cars parked on both sides, blocking the buses. Rather than risk a confrontation, the buses turned around, and departed from the area. The illegal aliens were being shipped in from Texas, to be released in Southwest Riverside County after a 72-hour processing period. Murrieta City Council Member and Mayor Pro-Tem Harry Ramos spoke out against what is going on during the Constitution Radio program on KCAA AM1050 on June 28, 2014, calling the refusal to act by fellow Republicans a part of the "Matrix Effect," explaining that, "Most of our information is second hand as well, and I think that is one of the travesties in all of this, is that we have yet to get any official word from the federal government on their plans. Most of the information we are getting is from sources within the Border Patrol.

From what we understand is that for about a month now there's been plans to start shipping in a lot of the illegal aliens that come in through Texas and Arizona into Murrieta--we've been trying to be pro-active and get information and stop this before this happens, and two times we were under the notion that it has been stopped. . . 200 illegals every seventy two hours. . . mostly other than Mexican nationals. . . coming into our area. . . the truth is, you hit the nail on the head, when you read the newspapers and listen to the TV shows, they're all saying they're being processed. Well, a part of the process is releasing them. The biggest problem. . . since they are not mostly Mexican, based on the law, they have to have a court hearing. And by law they can only hold someone before they can have a court case for 72 hours. So what happens is, the reason why it's 72 hours, they release them, they give them either a bus ticket or leave them within the area, and then they are supposed to come back I believe within ten or fifteen days, I don't remember the exact number, too, for a court hearing. And quite frankly, I've heard heard numbers as high as 95% do not come back, for a court hearing. . . illegal immigration has always been a national security issue, there is more than one way of tearing down a country. It doesn't take bombs. There are other ways philosophically you can destroy a nation as well. . . Unfortunately. . . the conversation is being drawn towards a humanitarian or people issue, where we're heartless and racists [as republicans]. . . this is not the city councils' doing. This is not a republican issue. And this is actually a winning issue, if you just looked at what is going on. Why isn't the Republican Party, and everybody else, standing up and pointing this out. . . I think it's, I like to call it the Matrix Effect. If you start giving information to people, and people start to realize that they are not in this, this perfect utopia, people start to wake up, and, in essence, getting unplugged. Then they start to ask questions. You see, Doug, we all know that information is truly power, and, quite frankly, there have been many attacks on our Constitution and freedoms that I think one of the biggest, to date, threats to our freedoms is the lack of questions, and the blind and quiet press we have today. . . But you can't petition [the government] if you don't know there's a problem."
Murrieta Mayor Alan Long also spoke out, urging citizens to protest the influx of illegal aliens from overwhelmed facilities in other parts of the country, criticizing the federal government for "dispersing" illegal immigrants into our local communities. The buses, after their inability to drop off the passengers at the Murrieta Border Patrol Station, headed south, to the San Diego facility. Other arrivals every 72 hours are expected in Murrieta. The federal government is refusing to deport illegal aliens unless they are on record for committing crimes other than illegal entry in the United States. Article II of the United States Constitution tasks the President of the United States to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States," a provision the executive branch is violating by refusing to follow existing immigration laws that are on the books. Article IV of the Constitution, which calls upon the federal government to protect the States from invasion, also infers that the national border must be secured by federal personnel. Protesters that support illegal immigration also showed up, creating a verbal confrontation, waving Mexican flags and shouting insults. According to border patrol agents, many of the arrivals are OTMs (Other Than Mexicans). The Murrieta City Council Meeting later in the evening was also packed with protesters, and the council thanked the rally participants from refraining from acting violently. City Council Member Rick Gibbs, after touring the Border Patrol facility on Madison, was concerned about the space being used to house immigrants. The facility was never designed to handle such a large influx of people. He called it "a jailhouse. This is not a hotel. It is a spartan facility." My wife on Saturday quipped that dropping a dog off on the side of the road is a crime because it is inhumane, yet, the federal government is doing that with people. They are dropping off people that carry disease previously eradicated from the United States, and people who have no intention of assimilating into the American society. These people are then being held at facilities not designed to handle such large numbers, sleeping on concrete slabs, without food, without an opportunity to be bathed. It is bad for us, and it is bad for them. But the Obama administration does not care about the well-being of the illegals, or members of the communities affected. This is simply a case of the illegal aliens being used as political pawns to push a leftist political agenda. When asked how we combat what is going on, Murrieta Mayor Pro-Tem Harry Ramos replied simply, "The People." City of Murrieta Immigration Update Murrieta: City Announces Opposition to Illegal Immigrants Arrival in Town - Murrieta Patch Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs - KCAA AM1050

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Douglas V. Gibbs——

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.
