
Let's get to work and save our country

Naming the Enemy

Naming the Enemy
If you can't name your enemies you can't defeat them. It is clear that there are those who have systematically set out to destroy the United States of America. Some despise our country or want to control it for their own benefit. Others want to weaken us in order to further their expansionist goals. Our enemy is not a single entity. Instead, there is a confederation of enemies who tacitly or explicitly have agreed to weaken the United States because it is the only power in the world strong enough to stop their quest for ultimate control.
Clearly China is an enemy of the United States. Xi is doing everything possible to expand his military power while stealing our technology. He is working very successfully to co-opt every country in Africa, South America and Europe through bribery, espionage, blackmail, and economic blackmail using initiatives such as dam and power plant construction and communications platforms. In the U.S., he is working to undermine and control all levels of our government, through bribery, blackmail and intimidation. Why go to war when you can manipulate your enemy into weakening themselves so severely that their only option is to capitulate? And, of course, there's the virus they knowingly unleashed on the world. The Globalists of the World Economic Forum callously use the “Green” agenda as their excuse to weaken the West and control every aspect of our lives. “Global warming” is a new religion that dominates well-meaning, but naive, people. They tolerate no opposition to their dogma, and despise God-centered thinking. But their “love for the planet” is merely love for complete control. Their “climate policies” do nothing for the climate, but are simply excuses for wealth transfer and destruction of capitalism, so they can remake the planet--with them in control. Whether the Chinese control the Globalists, or the Globalists control the Chinese, both have agreed to destroy the United States and decide who's in charge later. If we try to name our domestic enemy we have been tricked into thinking they are “Democrats“ with their alliance of victims of “systemic racism,” illegal immigrants, and gender-confused wokists.

Almost every American with a functioning brain realizes that the majority of Republicans are our enemies as well

We are told “Just vote against the Democrats and the Republicans will fix everything.” Almost every American with a functioning brain realizes that the majority of Republicans are our enemies as well. Their hatred of “the Orange Man” shows the last thing they want is to make America great again. Their acceptance of electoral fraud to attempt to defeat Trump in 2016, his defeat in 2020, and their almost-successful plan to keep the House in Democrat hands in 2022 is recognized by over 70% of likely voters. Republicans in the House and Senate are only interested in acquiring power and prestige and will destroy the country to do so. In a recent article, I called for firing the entire leadership of the GOP - McConnel, McCarthy, and RNC chair McDaniel, who have opposed MAGA candidates in primaries and general elections, even when it meant Democrats would win. In another article, I explained how voting machines can be programmed to “weight” conservative votes so that totals are switched or deleted according to a formula. But this is done by BOTH parties. The candidates affected are only MAGA Republicans! The video below shows how it was done.

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Bureaucracies and government agencies are forever

The name for this alliance of political corruption is the “UniParty.” But politicians are temporary---they can lose elections (occasionally) or simply retire once they've made enough money or want to become lobbyists. Bureaucracies and government agencies are forever. Once a government program is created, it lasts forever. Those in charge hide in the shadows and promulgate liberal rules and regulations that are more far-reaching and long-lasting than any law enacted by Congress. The media, dominated by leftist/communist/environmentalist actors, is another enemy on our list. Individual writers and reporters seek fame in their own circles by altering the truth to further their own agenda. The Tech Giants of Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., censor or ban all opposing speech, and manipulate the truth for their own bottom line or social goals. Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex, which requires regular wars in order to use up old inventory and generate new business. They spend billions annually to lobby Congress to manipulate foreign policy. They benefit from the war in Ukraine between two equally corrupt regimes.

It's our silence that gives them consent to continue their corruption

So lobbyists are on our enemies list as well. They don't care about the health and safety of the United States, just their companies' bottom lines. This is why the utility companies have avoided any modernization and hardening of our electric grid--putting us at risk of nationwide, long-term failures. The recent attack on two North Carolina substations turns out to be a nationwide trend, not an isolated incident. At the beginning of the great American experiment, our Founders warned us that--over time--if the power of the Federal government was allowed to surpass that of the States, the politicians and their bureaucracies would gain complete control of our lives. This is what has come to pass and the greed and excesses of the political class have left us vulnerable to enemies intent on the destruction of our country. The checks and balances of our Constitution have been whittled away along with our Bill of Rights, leaving our citizens muzzled and defenseless. The Declaration of Independence set forth the proposition that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” and “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government...” Armed rebellion is not the answer. But we must act quickly in order to avoid a situation where Americans are so angry at the abuses they have suffered, and are threatened by outside forces because of our weakness, that they feel there is no choice but to fight for their freedom. Right now we still hold tremendous political power. We can demand that our politicians start representing us in Washington. It's our silence that gives them consent to continue their corruption. Ongoing peaceful protests at every congressman's door would show them their betrayals have been noticed.


Turn off Google, close your Facebook account. Support local businesses and products even if they cost a little bit more. Homeschool your kids and send them to a conservative college

Peaceful demonstrations at courthouses where judges are ruling on cases of electoral fraud will get their attention as well, but we need to be aware that there are infiltrators (or “infil-traitors”) who will try to stir us to violence. Pointing them out and videotaping their attempts to foment violent action is the surest way to thwart their plans. Thankfully there are uncensored video websites like BitChute and Rumble. Perhaps Twitter will be freed from censorship and Musk's revelations about government ties to Big Tech censorship will open communications. But the best social media is person to person--whether it's an email sharing an article on this website, frank talk with Uncle Fred at a holiday gathering, or just a comment about high food prices while checking out at the grocery store. We need to know we're not alone. The other way to fight back is through economic power. Americans spend trillions of dollars supporting the various companies and Big Tech that are destroying us. Turn off Google, close your Facebook account. Support local businesses and products even if they cost a little bit more. Homeschool your kids and send them to a conservative college. But we also need a name for our fellow countrymen who believe as we do. Whether we call ourselves “conservatives,” “patriots,” or simply “Americans,” we recognize each other immediately as we thank a police officer or soldier for their service or roll our eyes when we see someone wearing a mask in an open park. Let's get to work and save our country.

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Jack Gleason——

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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