
Because the stakes haven't changed in this election

No, I won't bail on Trump after the next firestorm either

There are some pretty ugly rumors about what might be coming next from Donald Trump’s enemies. We hear there may be more salacious accusations. We hear someone may have more awful tapes. And yes, the one released last weekend was awful. He said awful words 11 years ago. I didn’t like them any more than you did. But no, I’m not bailing on Trump, and whatever they pull out next isn’t going to get me to bail. Why? Because unlike many in the Republican Party who get weak-kneed at the slightest sign of trouble, I am keeping the larger stakes in mind.
This nation has very serious problems. Our fiscal condition is dire. We face troubling national security threats. Our economy is limping along and has been for nearly a decade. Religious freedom is under assault. Free enterprise is under assault. Citizens are being harassed by the IRS and the EPA. The criminal justice system has been compromised. And contrary to the lies of Hillary Clinton, we have not become energy-independent. We could. But we have not, largely because of the Obama policies she supports. We are still beholden to nations who are not our friends to supply us with oil, and the solution to that is not wind and solar. It’s to drill, baby, drill. However awful some of Donald Trump’s words may have been at times over the years, I know one thing for certain: He and Mike Pence want to solve these problems. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine want to double down on the policies that created them. For that reason, it is not a difficult call for me to support Donald Trump. What the media want you to believe is that because Trump has said and done some not-so-admirable things over the years, we have no choice but to put a corrupt, dishonest liberal in the White House and give her permission to spend at least four years making these problems worse than they already are. Even worse, some in the Republican Party seem to want this too – either because they’ve bought the nonsense that a Trump presidency would “destroy the conservative movement” or because they’re not really conservatives and they actually prefer Hillary’s agenda.

Not me. Leaving aside for a moment that there are reports of Hillary behavior that’s just as bad if not worse, and the media ignore that, let’s just stipulate that usually in politics you don’t get to choose between two perfect people. You should consider their character, of course, which is one reason I have a problem with a woman who helped her husband get away with the awful things Bill Clinton did to women. But you almost always have to accept some sort of flaws in the person you vote for. A flawed man who has both the intent, the will and the talent to solve our problems is a much better choice from where I sit than a woman who is happy we have these problems, and wants to shove them further down our throats. So if another bomb drops in the war on Trump, don’t call me and ask if I’m finally willing to abandon him. You already have your answer. No. America needs help, and we’re not getting it from Hillary Clinton. If people would focus for a moment on the real issues in this race, we might have a chance of fixing this mess. And believe me, that’s the last thing Hillary or her media megaphones want you to do.

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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
