
The Kool-Aid is indeed sweet for many lost souls

Obama’s Obvious Obfuscation – Oxymoron?

By Christopher Massie ——--September 17, 2010

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As November rapidly approaches, with one politically charged issue after another unfolding before our eyes, now more than ever it’s imperative that issues relating to Barack Obama’s campaign promises are addressed. Battle lines are forming, sides are preparing for political war and as the country splits in two, millions will become complacent; satisfied to simply don the blindfolds of apathy.

We on the Right, presumably, are busying ourselves for the fight; engaging one another on every topic to include the usurper’s Muslim roots, his continued support of Odinga, his pacts with Soros to destroy this nation’s ability to become energy self-sufficient, as well as Barack's moves that are literally imploding our economy through one ruinous policy implementation after another. Yes, the Right is convinced of Obama’s treacherous ways! But what of the Left? As Patriotic Americans, have we, the Conservatives, served our country effectively; have we shared our discoveries to the extent that our beliefs have opened the eyes of just ONE from across the aisle? Winning the battle but losing the war is not an option here, fellow Patriots. We MUST engage with the other side. Daily we should consider this notion. As we visit shops, the library, the Muslim-owned dry cleaner, or just about anywhere else we frequent these days, we should consider sharing a thought about the current administration. As the preacher teaches, you can’t build a congregation with only just your family in the pews. So then, what would we say to those we encounter having a steadfast commitment to Obama’s poisonous rhetoric? So few blindfolded lemmings are even able to confer or deny the latest moves by the current occupant of the Oval Office – heads are buried in the proverbial sand. In fact, one recent conversation involving border security – an issue Obama campaigned heavily on – rendered the Liberal subjected to the conversation so out of sorts as to question if that person had truly known a problem existed. The Kool-Aid is indeed sweet for many lost souls…. Let’s address that issue first. Obama’s campaign promise to secure our borders and grant amnesty to illegals was a major factor leading to his successful run for the White House. Obama ran on a platform to unite families that had been torn apart by America’s immigration policies, additionally vowing to legalize workers – “bringing them out of the shadows” – and opening communications with Mexico towards a new policy implementation in the United States. Mexicans in America had their new savior! Let’s look at reality; a reality deserving of full disclosure to every Liberal, Secular-Socialist or Progressive one encounters. Obama filed suit against Arizona. The President of the United States of America filed a lawsuit against one of the states of the union. How in the name of the Republic can that action on his behalf be considered working to unite families? How does suing a state – a state that is trying to eliminate murder, rape, drug trafficking, human smuggling and other illegal activities – foster the opening of positive dialogue? Simply, bluntly worded: it doesn’t! Obama’s actions alienated public officials, ignited a race war, forced thousands of families to flee Arizona and enraged Mexican politicians against the United States. Obama is neither the friend nor the ally of the Mexican population, he is their Achilles heel; as long as Obama is in office, Mexicans in America will be enslaved to the rhetoric between Obama and the states he prefers to suppress rather than engage; and be further bound by entitlements Obama wants all classes to feed from rather than discover the power of freedom inherent in an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. Another recent spectacle for the Left to make note of took place in California. That issue involved the unspeakable, Constitution slashing move of an openly gay judge denying the rights of 7 million voters by striking down Prop 8. Essentially, Prop 8 banned same-sex marriage. Voted on by Californians, approved by a majority vote, and added as an amendment to the California constitution, Prop 8 was overturned August 5, 2010. Considered a victory by gay-rights advocates, one must question how an issue of this magnitude goes unquestioned in the minds of Americans – gay or straight. (For the record, this author cares not the bed-mate choices chosen by my fellow Americans; what you do at home is your choice.) Reviewing this decision should strike fear in the hearts of Constitutionalists; gay Americans should be worried sick! A judge was allowed to eviscerate the voice of 7 million voters. How many battles have gay Americans fought to have THEIR voices heard? How many seated presidents have silenced gay people? How, then, can gay Americans consider this a victory? Obama received the gay vote for publicly opposing Proposition 8 during the 2008 campaign; a move by Obama strategically taken specifically to garner votes. Now Obama has allowed a judge to slash a constitution; he invariably, just as he originally attempted to do in the Ground Zero mosque case, ‘back-burnered’ this issue by defining it as a “State’s Issue”. Why, then, wasn’t Arizona a “State’s Issue”?! There is a larger picture that the Left appears blinded to. Obama continues to campaign against “Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell”, as he reiterated in January of 2010. Yet, in spite of the rhetoric aimed at furthering his position with gay voters, action on this promise – in typical Obama style – has stalled. But Obama’s moves to crush the United States Constitution, a document he considers “fundamentally flawed” continue unabated. While Obama waited for this moment to present itself – a suspiciously well-timed action on the part of Judge Vaughn Walker – additional measures by Barack to erase the words of our founding fathers – while guaranteeing the gay vote in November – steamrolled along. The confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court completes the circle of deceit – one of several – Obama has been weaving since his campaign began (indeed, since his career began to take shape even before his uncontested election to the Senate in Illinois). With Kagan now in the Court, one of the first issues that will, conveniently, come before her will be the appeal of the overturning of Prop 8. Obama has, with one appointment, further guaranteed the demeaning of the most critical document in our nation’s history AND secured millions of votes for Democrats in November. This is NOT good news for gay voters, no matter how they may feel today. Obama has made a political history for himself by throwing his once-called-friends under the bus. Once elected, once in office, once momentum turns in his favor, Obama eliminates everyone once thought to be an ally. Pastor Wright, Dr. Alice Palmer, Van Jones – and we all know what Obama’s put Hillary through…. Obama is NOT a friend of gay voters. He continues to straddle the fence; backing the overturning of Prop 8 (strictly based on its constitution slashing implications and as a first test of his new appointment), yet refusing to support gay marriage. Barack is out for one gain: gay votes. Period. Liberals, Progressives and Democrats need to remove those rose colored glasses on this issue, as well. Lastly, most critically, as it concerns our national security as well as voters, is the issue regarding Israel. Myriad articles pull zero punches on this issue: Barack Hussein Obama is the most Anti-Semitic, ally-destroying president this nation may have ever elected. From his position on the “humanitarian-aid” camouflaged flotilla launched by Turkey against Israel – that resulted in Obama pledging $Millions in additional “aid” to the Palestinians – to the absolutely inexcusable treatment of Netanyahu by Obama upon Bibi’s visit to the White House (when Obama abandoned the Jewish leader over a disagreement in policy ideas), to Barack’s returning of Churchill’s bust upon taking up residence in the White House, the leader of the U.S. has constantly, flagrantly, insulted and belittled our one true ally in the Middle East. Now, in the most despicable move towards deceiving the Democratic Jewish community, Barack Hussein Obama leaks a letter to Abbas recently. This move should unify the American Jewish voters once and for all! Obama’s letter to Abbas, a shameless ploy to boost his (and the Democrat’s) position as America heads towards November, toothlessly warned Mahmoud that Barack expected the Palestinian President to come to the table with Netanyahu in August 2010, “or else”. These words, coming from the man who promised Palestinians that “Jerusalem will be yours”, and has pledged $Millions of American tax dollars to support the continued conflict in the Middle East, was sickening. Obama, shamelessly positioning himself as a proponent for peace in the Middle East on the side of Israel – after months of insults and backbiting aimed towards Tel Aviv and Barack’s undermining of Netanyahu’s efforts – just in time for what resulted in the most insidious “peace talks” between Israel and Palestine possibly in history, should fool no one! Liberal voting Jews should be just as awake as every other traditionally Democratic constituency. Obama is NOT a friend of the Jew – Left, Right, Center, American, Canadian, Middle Eastern, nor any other….If but one aspect of the Obama lies of late are made aware to liberals encountered as a part of our daily lives, let the atrocities perpetrated by Obama against our ally Israel be that one! Remember November, dear Patriots; not just amongst ourselves, but to every human we encounter along this path to victory!

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Christopher Massie——

Christopher Massie, BS, CS, Founder & Patriot of Drain The Swamp 2010,
Critical Reading for the Conservative American
