
The loss of civil liberties and jobs and the ensuing chaos in our land are so much more dangerous than Covid-19 to Karen and to all of us

Ode to Karen: New Villain in the Covid Fear Pandemic

Ode to Karen: New Villain in the Covid Fear PandemicKaren, please stay home, wash your hands, socially distance, and let the rest of us endure without your constant coronavirus soapboxing. Here's the deal that America offers Karen: U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts promises to keep her abortions safe and legal. In return, the rest of us request that Karen leaves us alone, specifically around wearing face masks. America would also like to remind Karen that she and her young children, if she has any, have almost no chance of dying of Covid-19.

One would think that Karen would be more concerned about rampant rioting in the streets and lawlessness

One would think that Karen would be more concerned about rampant rioting in the streets and lawlessness, but no, she's busy moralizing that everyone should wear a face mask so that somehow, nobody will ever die of coronavirus, which is a total fantasy. People are going to die of Covid-19 for a long time, even if there is ever a vaccine, as science still has not found the cure for the common cold, much less the flu, which kills tens of thousands of people in the United States each year. In fact, the flu so far is more lethal to children than Covid-19. Karen is the pejorative term for women who demand beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary, and in this case, during Covid-19, it is the entitlement to feel safe no matter what the cost to others. Calling someone a Karen unfortunately also has the message of telling women "to shut up," and that's not good. For example, the meme has succeeded in silencing women, who say they have had to balance their desire to complain with their fear of being called a Karen. Nevertheless, among the most galling aspects of the Covid-19 fear pandemic is 25-year-old single Karen telling people over 50 how stupid they are. Karen does not realize that older Americans survived their twenties. With more life experience, seniors have acquired wisdom, and that includes the ability to take necessary precautions. And let's not forget the married Karen in her 30s and 40s, who post on social media on how proud she is that the museum in her town has done so much to protect children, as she posts pictures of her children under 10 years old wearing face masks, scaring the living daylights out of them and causing who-knows-what future psychological trauma, instead of telling them that they are not going to die of Covid-19.

There is no proof, meaning no peer-reviewed scientific evidence, that wearing a mask somehow reduces the risk to others

And just to prove that this is not misogyny, there are male Karens, too. They dutifully don their face masks as they work remotely and never worry about the 45 million of the Great Unwashed who have lost their jobs due to locking down the economy for a virus that only kills 0.4 percent of the people who contract it, of which nearly all had underlying medical conditions or were over 75 years of age, and usually both. For healthy people to wear a mask when they have hardly any chance of dying of Covid-19 makes no sense. This holds especially true for children under 17, who are the least at risk, and therefore ought to be returned to face-to-face school as soon as possible. Anybody who is afraid of catching Covid-19 can wear a high-grade face mask and ingest unhealthy amounts of their own carbon dioxide. If they are especially afraid of catching the virus due to underlying medical conditions, they can add a face shield and not worry that "droplets" will zoom onto their person and kill them in a moment's notice. In fact, there is no proof, meaning no peer-reviewed scientific evidence, that wearing a mask somehow reduces the risk to others. This assertion that everyone be required to wear face masks is the lynchpin of the lockdown narrative of which Karen is the primary consumer. The following is gleaned from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center website and quotes the Centers for Disease Control, i.e., the two most credible "mainstream," sources on Covid-19.

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Notice the language in this statement, completely free of what would be called scientific proof

"Cloth face coverings are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when somebody coughs, sneezes, talks or raises their voice. This is called source control," the CDC says. "This recommendation is based on what we know about the role respiratory droplets play in the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19, paired with emerging evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that shows cloth face coverings reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth." Notice the language in this statement, completely free of what would be called scientific proof. "What we know" and "emerging evidence" are backhanded attempts to bolster what can only be called speculation without exhaustive research. Right now, we do not know much other than that the health experts often have been quite wrong during Covid-19. How do these health experts "know" from what they speak? Where is the "emerging evidence," under laboratory conditions, with control groups to determine that everyone ought to wear a mask? Nowhere, because it does not exist. The main thing that we truly know about Covid-19 is that the virus is highly contagious, but remarkably non-lethal to the young and healthy. Karens are our daughters, wives, and sisters. Their hearts are in the right place. They are the nurturers and the protectors of parents and grandparents. However, Karen, please don't be scared for yourself, and certainly not for your children either. Hardly anybody healthy and under 65 years old dies of Covid-19. The loss of civil liberties and jobs and the ensuing chaos in our land are so much more dangerous than Covid-19 to Karen and to all of us.


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Daniel Wiseman ——

Daniel Wiseman is an independent political commentator, who focuses on national and international affairs. He spent nine years as a professional journalist in Wyoming before working in fund-raising, non-profit management, and is now working in New York City. Wiseman focuses his writing on how to bring the United States back to its Constitutional moorings.  He writes exclusively for Canada Free Press.
