
Our enemies are the criminals that use the power of the media to conceal their crimes, and then they use the same government power they used to commit crimes to prosecute anyone brave enough to expose their crimes

People who expose the truth are not enemies of the American people

The American people don't know what's going on in the world because everything we hear from the government and the media is an exaggeration or an outright lie that's designed to mislead us. In fact, the government withholds and classifies any information that exposes the truth. And if anyone dares to tell us the truth, the government and their accomplices in the media immediately brand them as criminals; "threats to our democracy."

For instance, the Marxist media is telling us that our allies have no faith in the U.S. because of the recent intelligence leak. And, so-called conservative talking heads tell us that"our allies no longer trust us because of the recent Pentagon intelligence leak." They are both telling us the same thing, and both want the leaker arrested and prosecuted. although all the leaker exposed was "the truth about the war in Ukraine."

U.S. government is doing all the corrupt and tyrannical things that the Nazis and Soviets did

In the first place, telling lies and then classifying the truth as a state secret is nothing more than a way to criminalize the act of telling the truth. It's a way to nullify the First Amendment--to abridge the freedom of speech. Classifying the truth, to keep the people in the dark, is the height of tyranny! The Nazis and the Soviets did that! They prosecuted and imprisoned anyone that dared to expose their lies. They also prosecuted their political opponents--just the Democrats are doing to President Trump today.

Furthermore, the U.S. government is doing all the corrupt and tyrannical things that the Nazis and Soviets did. That means we are living under a tyrannical government that has no respect for the truth, the Constitution, or our rights. When the state prosecutes people for telling the truth or for expressing an opposing political view, then a state of tyranny exists. I can't say this enough! We are living under tyranny.

In fact, Edward Snowden is a victim of tyranny. The only thing Snowden did was expose the fact that U.S. government agencies regularly violate our constitutional rights and abuse their power over us. Snowden did not compromised national security, like we were told. That was a damn lie! To reiterate, Snowden did not expose any information that endangered or harmed America's security. Snowden is only guilty of exposing government tyranny, for exposing the truth, and that should not be a crime.

The real criminals are the people who use the power of government to commit crimes, and then use the same power of government to hide their crimes 

By the same token, Julian Assange did not reveal anything that would endanger U.S. security. He revealed U.S. government corruption and war crimes. By exposing U.S. war crimes, Assange made himself the number one enemy of the state. They still want his head on a platter for exposing their crimes; for exposing the truth. For the record, when exposing the truth become a crime, a state of tyranny has to exist!

Moreover, it should shame all Americans, as it does me, to know that a fellow American, Edward Snowden, had to flee to Russia to escape political persecution and imprisonment for exposing the truth. It's a disgrace to all Americans to know that the U.S. government has held a truther, Julian Assange, a political prisoner for decades because he exposed government crimes. Assange and Snowden are not criminals.

Furthermore, I don't believe the current so-called intelligence leaker is a criminal either. The real criminals are the people who use the power of government to commit crimes, and then use the same power of government to hide their crimes by classifying the truth about their crimes. The real criminals are people who use the power of government to prosecute anyone brave enough to expose their crimes.

Finally, people who expose the truth are not criminals or enemies of the American people. If truthers are enemies of anything, they are enemies of tyranny. The real enemies of the American people are the criminals that use the power of the U.S. government to commit crimes. Our enemies are the criminals that use the power of the media to conceal their crimes, and then they use the same government power they used to commit crimes to prosecute anyone brave enough to expose their crimes.

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Charles Wills——

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.
