
To understand the nature of politics, and the drive of the liberal left, we must understand the basic elements of human nature

Popularity, Power, Passion

In reality, it is impossible to truly understand the mentality of those caught up in the cesspool of politics, or the trappings of leftward liberalism. Because they are so filled with misinformation, lies, and unexpected twists that sometimes I don’t even think that they truly understand what they believe, the game they play has directed this nation into a dangerous heading into perilous waters.

At the root of American Politics is the influence of leftism. Leftward tendencies are essentially the taking of the elements of human nature and using them to dictate power and control. Liberalism, specifically, takes what is good, such as giving to the poor, being fair to one’s neighbor, and looking out for each other in a responsible and kind way, and has perverted it into an agenda that takes away individual choices and forces their version of morality into a government mandate that pressures the citizen to participate through unfair taxation and societal coercion. Humanity, despite what your psychology teacher tried to cram down your throat in school, is naturally a fallen creature. When left to our own devices, we tend to do the wrong thing. There is no little child inside begging to be good. Instead, there is a snarling animal inside searching for its next victim. To cover up the wrongness of our basic nature, and the despicable actions we allow that growling creature to create during our daily lives, we change the definition of “wrong.” We justify by lying to ourselves. We bubble with pride when often pride can be damaging. When we see the opportunity to boost our popularity we become a mirror reflecting only what needs to be reflected in order to gain that acceptance of our fellow humans. Personal convictions change with the direction of the wind. Individual beliefs begin to come in all forms, shapes and sizes, often changing to accommodate acceptance in an ever-changing socio-political landscape. Because of this, we wind up becoming puppets controlled by many strings dangling on the fingers of various puppeteers. We become singers of many songs, and preachers of empty sermons. Our appearance changes to fit our environment, so that we may try to be everyone and no one simultaneously. And as we sing our songs, proclaiming that we are trying to be our own unique selves, we never realize that we no longer have a song of our own - we are singing the songs of our handlers. Power corrupts, making a man a predator - prowling, hunting, stalking. Pride is the the driving force, and recognition becomes his prey. Power is attained through devouring people. The quest to devour is endless, because there is always another world to conquer, or another person to control. And this quest for power degrades humanity to the level of vicious animals, insatiable in their desire for power, not controlled by principles and values within, but by a will encouraged by lthe lusts of the world. When our eyes abandon standards, the natural result is a downward spiral into the bowels of deceit, corruption, and unethical actions. When we allow people to take central control through the powers of government, people who have abandoned these standards to use the powers of government to take away our individuality, and dictate to us what they believe we should be, we begin to dangle dangerously over a pool of fascism, smiling all along because of our failure to recognize it for what it truly is. Pleasure degrades us, causes us to make decisions we would not make otherwise, and we become thrill-seekers, alive only in the moment of hanging off the cliff or riding a thrill ride. Our lives have become carnivals seeking titillating entertainment. A lustful fever drives us from attraction to attraction in an impossible attempt to satisfy our insatiable passion with a never ending need for more and more. The sensations don’t last long enough, so like the addict, we seek out another with a longer or more intense pleasure or thrill. We treat romance like baseless conquests, searching out the many levels of eroticism, hammering ourselves into the dangerous world of excitement - rejecting the consequences, and then blaming those consequences on those that warned us about them. This is not to say that one should not enjoy life, or seek out pleasurable things - but like anything, moderation and responsibility while remaining principled in our actions, becomes an important key to a well balanced life. Like the local carnival, in the end the fun comes to an end. The crowd moves on, but the uncontrollable desire remains, and we find ourselves rummaging through the empty boxes of goodies, picking through the trash, searching for just a few more bits and pieces of sticky, but delightful, candy and toys. Passion drives us, but unreined passion makes us willing to lose objectivity as we pursue just one more rush, one more pleasure, one more ride on a harrowing roller coaster that takes us away from the real world that fails to satisfy, and is full of broken promises. Popularity, power, pleasure. In the end, when those that seek out these things come to the end of the ride, they will realize that the end result often is the same. Unfulfillment, and a painful consequence that affects not only them, but everyone that has been touched by their insanity. Such is human nature when not tempered by standards, principles, and moral values.

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Douglas V. Gibbs——

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.
