
Keep hunting, Democrats. Allowing a heavenly hand to guide the reins, the president is steadily making headway against the current of D.C.’s raging river

Power under restraint – defending the Trump presidency

By A. Dru Kristenev ——--November 5, 2019

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Power under restraint – defending the Trump presidencyOutward appearances may seem to contradict the headline’s premise but, in fact, it is what the Trump presidency embodies, tweets and periodic bombast notwithstanding. Beginning with the biblical definition of meek, as used by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount when He said those demonstrating that quality would inherit the earth, it is misconstrued in that context to mean quiet, unassertive individuals.

Obama administration bent over backwards to impugn individuals as racist, misogynist, homophobic or Islam-haters

It means nothing of the kind. A humble individual is one who submits his will to that of God. Meek is properly described as a bridled horse, a creature of great strength that is guided by a wise handler to use that power to beneficial purpose. It is ‘power under restraint.’

Despite mainstream media’s persistent efforts to portray President Trump as undisciplined, disorganized, uncultured and uncontrolled, scrutiny of his methods and subsequent results refutes their claims as indefensible.

Numerous opportunities have arisen where the President could have responded on impulse, which was the trademark of his predecessor who consistently jumped to conclusions that were invariably unsubstantiated.

The Obama administration bent over backwards to impugn individuals as racist, misogynist, homophobic or Islam-haters and in the majority of situations that president proved himself wrong.

In direct opposition to the current president’s policies, Obama appeased terrorists and drug cartels with massive cash infusions, nuclear “deals,” weapons of war, illegal firearms and stooped so low as to release murderers from prisons including Gitmo. He orchestrated dubious industry, trade and environmental agreements (international and domestic) designed to gut the American economy – Obamacare, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Paris Climate Accord, WOTUS, condoning illegal border crossing, skirting the law to import immigrants from adversarial states who despise America … the list is long.

Trump has held his cards close to his chest just as he told citizens he would when elected, whereas his predecessor broadcast every offensive and defensive move, forewarning all, inviting enemies to do their worst and they did. Benghazi, Fast and Furious that further enabled the border and opioid crises to grow, farming out manufacturing to unfriendly foreign nations, etc., Obama was Capitulator-in-Chief.

The president is a master of the long game

Invoking here the biblical example, it is of interest that Jesus did not withhold his tongue in lambasting the Temple power brokers, the Pharisees and scribes whom he called out as vipers, serpents and hypocrites. Trump also isn’t shy about tagging perpetrators with equally appropriate terms, the outward bluster working to divert the D.C. establishment from effectively interfering with his agenda of re-establishing American values and culture at home.

A good contractor has a vision of a project and understands what it will take to build it. The president is an accomplished contractor who isn’t drawn off point by the machinations of the vipers and hypocrites railing at this White House.

Behind the scenes, Trump has been restrained in dealings with other nations, managing to get them to show their hands, to react on impulse in negotiations that left them at a disadvantage.

The president is a master of the long game. When the Democrats howl about his misguided negotiations with Mexico, Canada and China, they’re mistaken every time as those nations either yield or come to an agreement that benefits our national interest. Pure pettiness has kept the liberal party from ratifying the USMCA because they despise allowing their foe (which is how they view Donald Trump) to chalk up a win for the United States.

Since taking office President Trump has elevated America’s status among nations, partially through destroying enemies that have targeted our culture. He surprised liberals by responding with restraint to Iran’s downing of our drone, ascertaining that innocent lives would not be lost. Continuing to build the border wall, he’s improved the conditions of custody for families that have crossed illegally forcing detractors to rely on photos of overcrowded facilities maintained under President Obama.

Wild-eyed Deep Staters search under every rock and toadstool for mud to smear Donald Trump

Keeping the Abu Bakr al Baghdadi raid under wraps is a prime example of how the president works to protect the West from pure evil, of which there is no better way to describe the ISIS leader. Had he allowed congressional leadership prior knowledge, the takedown wouldn’t have been successful considering Pelosi and her associates’ probability of leaking the plan (likely to al Baghdadi himself, hatred has so infested the democrat party).

Trump may irritate the left when he approaches a microphone but his focus, assisted by God-fearing counselors, is unwavering on protecting our nation from enemies foreign and domestic. It’s unfortunate the same cannot be said for power-obsessed liberals.

Distractions played out in the Capitol by Democrats consumed by their loss of the Oval Office have only helped the president continue making reasoned decisions, while wild-eyed Deep Staters (by their own admission) search under every rock and toadstool for mud to smear Donald Trump.

Keep hunting, Democrats. Allowing a heavenly hand to guide the reins, the president is steadily making headway against the current of D.C.’s raging river.


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A. Dru Kristenev——

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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