
Denouncing the Hoax of Global Warming

Predictions for 2009

Everybody in the pundit trade likes to make predictions. If they come true, we look smarter than we really are and, if they don’t, no further mention of them is made.

1. A general belief in “global warming” will continue to decrease when winter weather conditions continue beyond March. More scientists will come forth to denounce it as a hoax. 2. Iran will announce it has nuclear weapon capability. Beyond condemnation, no direct action will be taken by the United Nations, United States or Israel. 3. Hezbollah will attack Israel from its base in Lebanon. 4. There will be a growing protest movement against further U.S. troop placements in Afghanistan as losses begin to increase. 5. Both India and Pakistan will to put troops on their border, but no conflict will occur. 6. A major Islamist terrorist plot will be uncovered in the United States. 7. The world economy will continue to slow. U.S. government efforts to restore trust in the banking system and Wall Street will not bring about significant results until shortly before the end of 2009. 8. President Obama will be a party to a major scandal. 9. The drug wars along the U.S. and Mexican border will dramatically spill over into Texas and Arizona. There will be a massacre on U.S. territory between rival drug gangs that will attract widespread public attention and demand for action. 10. Earthquakes! Blizzards! Hurricanes! Tornados! Floods! Fires! Wars and rumors of war!

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Alan Caruba——

Editor’s Note: Alan passed away on June 15, 2015.  He will be greatly missed

  Alan Caruba: A candle that goes on flickering in the dark.


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