
Preventing authoritarian movements that are now so tiresome, from compulsively turning into devastating totalitarian regimes

Profoundly Important Marches And Now Truck Convoys

In March 1965, a university friend was driving his small economy car from Vancouver to Toronto and while crossing the Great Plains and in listening to radio reports of the march from Selma to Montgomery, he turned south to participate. The 54-mile route to the state capital of Alabama was not lengthy but inspired a profound political reform. The world was fascinated by the popular uprising against not just repression of the Black vote, but absolute denial. Essentially, it was that Blacks should be able to freely vote, which as an American issue was watched by the political world.
And now, the political world has been focusing upon Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” of big trucks (aka “Semis”) that has made its way from various regions to Ottawa, the political capital. From Vancouver, the distance is 2,700 miles and some of the convoys were 40 miles long. Even the Leftist BBC headlined it as a “Freedom Convoy” and through the internet funds are being raised around the world. Decades ago, troopers or police in Alabama tried to suppress the plea for freedom through bloodshed by beatings, whipping and gun shots. Indeed, one day goes down in history as “Bloody Sunday”. Now Prime Minister Trudeau, who heads a monolithic political system whereby there is little distinction between the Liberal Party of Canada, the government of Canada, its media and bureaucrats, has a special condemnation for the Freedom Convoy. Those who are striving to restore basic freedoms are condemned as a “fringe minority” and in opposing Ottawa’s dictates such folk are “unacceptable” people. Or as Hillary Clinton described us as “deplorables”. Despite the establishment’s scorn”, the Convoy has raised over $10 million-- much more than recently raised by the political parties representing the governing classes. In the 1960s, when Democrats dominated the Southern States there were some interesting voting statistics. Alabama’s Lowndes County was 82% Black, but not one was allowed to vote. There were 2,240 registered white voters, which added up to 118 percent of the adult white population. It was common practice to keep such voters on the list even though they may have died or moved.

The ploy to deny the franchise included regulations that voters needed to be above a “poverty line” and “educated”. Nevertheless, when 32 black school teachers tried to register, they were fired by white schoolboards. Banners then displayed included “Freedom Day”, which compares to today’s “Freedom Convoy”. A decade ago, a life-long progressive, who is a liberal academic, sent me a video documentary covering the magnificent struggle as represented by “Selma”. And I sent back that the vid was a rare example of twentieth-century-liberals showing a regard for freedom. As marvelous as the movement was in accomplishment as well as in attracting global interest, it was not part of a profound reform of global political excesses. An example of the latter was symbolized by the tearing down of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, which was soon followed by the collapse of Communist governments around the world. When pushed by the governing classes, ordinary folk have thrown off the “unending” costs of intrusion by benign popular uprisings – with successful examples all the way back to Ancient Egypt.

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Intruding governments have always employed fear to control the masses

And after more than a century of another seemingly unending experiment in authoritarianism, has aroused serious opposition.. Provocation has been the usual in-your-face and in-your-wallet government that has suddenly become “too much”, prompting another set of benign popular uprisings – in a growing number of countries. Intruding governments have always employed fear to control the masses. For too long it has been the dread of bad weather, which has turned into a secular religion. Even more severe blame was employed in the 1500s, when with famines forced by that cooling trend, educated magistrates executed thousands of witches for causing bad weather. Nowadays, including children, all are accused of causing unacceptable weather. Essentially, surrender your freedom, money and votes and the climate will be controlled. And more recently, the propaganda has been focused upon a virus that while nasty is less than 2 percent lethal. But has been remarkably effective as a ploy to impose unprecedented controls over otherwise “free” countries. Which gets to the incredible electoral manipulations still being used to impose Democrat lust for power. A recently released review of Wisconsin’s voter rolls shows that 569,277 as being registered on January 1, 1918 (no typo). This makes one out of fourteen voters at least 104 years old. And Resident Biden “won” the state by 20,682 votes.

Global control freaks are increasingly being seen on the destructive side of history

The Selma to Montgomery Marches represented a profound movement towards ensuring freedom for all Americans. That while widely admired around the world, was a domestic accomplishment. With the popular uprising gaining participants, America’s Constitution will again be allowed to protect individual freedoms as well as prosecute offenders in high places. Although prompted by COVID issues, Canada’s Truck Convoys feature large banners heralding “Freedom”, as do most of the signs displayed by folk along the roads. But the phenomenon is more than a domestic confrontation, it is another phase of benign popular uprisings that can add up to another great reformation. Global control freaks are increasingly being seen on the destructive side of history, as ordinary folk are asserting their commonsense. This week, England and countries in Europe suddenly ended some COVID restrictions, which could be a tidal change. With this, hysterical propaganda about arbitrarily unacceptable weather could soon follow. Thus, preventing authoritarian movements that are now so tiresome, from compulsively turning into devastating totalitarian regimes.


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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
