
Follow our Saving Lord and King, regardless of Secular Progressive Democrats and their Sovereign Obama say or do

Protests are now Un-American! … Huh?

imageAn important message for Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, et al., from Thomas Hobbes[1588-1679] in his epic work, Leviathan : “They that approve a private opinion, call it opinion; but they that mislike it, heresy: and yet heresy signifies no more than private opinion.” Many readers of philosophy and history are perhaps more familiar with Hobbes’ description of life as a constant state of war among men, that life is: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Indeed, the quality of life during Thomas Hobbes’ lifetime was marred by civil war, regicide, economic and religious strife. Under such circumstances one’s faith in fellow man is sorely tested if not discarded. Thomas Hobbes saw the dark side of humanity as the predominant one. He sought the construct of a Leviathan, a benevolent Christian Sovereign that would govern a safe society, a Christian Commonwealth. The arguments of Hobbes, many claim, led to the rebirth of “Enlightenment” thought about the Rights of Man, Natural Law, and the nature of government.

Thomas Hobbes views, however, were those of a subject, not a free man. And while he could see clearly the need for expression of ideas [opinions], he tended to see them as part of the problem and not the solution. Hobbes preferred order over chaos, even at the cost of personal liberties. Man was a subject then, not a free citizen. Too much freedom in his construct, led to anarchy and strife. It was the responsibility of the Sovereign to crush such rebellion because it was contrary to the social contract. In Hobbes’ Leviathan, one lives in a world where private opinion outside of the social contract is conceivable but not actionable and may well be suppressed by the Sovereign. Democrat President Obama, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and her Majority Leader Steny Hoyer propose what I call the Secular-Progressive version of Leviathan. In their world, diverse opinions are good only as long as they remain within the Secular-Progressive constraints of their Leviathan State Structure. If not, they are declared extremist and dangerous. Christianity is a non-player, a non-factor in their state. Their proscription of opinions outside their own as un-American all sound rather Collectivist and Soviet to me. Those fun-loving Soviets were always denouncing, exiling and murdering “Enemies of the State” in the name of progressive communist thinking … for the good of the State. I think one can see where I am leading. I have come to believe that today’s Democrat Party has embraced pre-Enlightenment thinking for their post-Industrial, post-National Secular-Progressive world view. They do so because it accommodates their discipline for secular-progressive ideas. Their view subjectifies human beings. With the spiritual element of Hobbes’ thinking removed, the Sovereign is able, via unilateral social contract, to re-order our world. No more messy Christian or Humanist Morality to deal with. Utilitarian councilors decide who lives and who dies; who is worthy and productive, and who is not. As in the film “Solent Green ,“ the old, the weak, and the political resistors are done away with, and in a sick materialist perversion of Communion become manna for society. Isn’t it ironic that our fearless leaders: Obama, Pelosi, Hoyer and Reid have signed up for a world culture that will indeed make life once again “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” The convulsive French Revolution was bloody and brutal. It was not modeled after our American Revolution despite what certain revisionists might offer. Instead of two groups of freemen arguing [and even fighting] with one another, it was a clash of two elitist groups using “subjects” as pawns and cannon fodder in their great power struggle. The collectivists, disguised as freedom fighters won under the propagandistic banner of “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.” Because the freemen and freedom lovers were among the first to be executed, it did not take long for the inevitable return of tyranny in France. Napoleon Bonaparte promised greatness to the French, but delivered a despotic empire where accused men had to prove their innocence, where materialism and utilitarianism guided decision making, and where the Leviathan grew ever bigger, promising ever more to the masses. I suggest to you that one of the early steps in the creation of Leviathan in the USA is to outlaw dissent that is not to the Sovereign’s liking. To resist this is to be freemen, these are not the actions of a mob. It is our duty to our posterity. Do we really want to become a secular progressive, collectivist paradise with chronic unemployment at 15% or higher? Do we really want to minimize spiritual values and substitute materialism? Do we want to throw out the US Constitution and make up the rules as we go? If we do want Leviathan then two more quotes from Thomas Hobbes are in order: “The condition of man … is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.” “Words are wise men’s counters, they do but reckon with them, but they are the money of fools.” We Christians already have peace that passes understanding in our hearts. We have done well, and will continue to do well, when we follow our Saving Lord and King, regardless of Secular Progressive Democrats and their Sovereign Obama say or do. I will gladly reckon with the Lord’s wise words, but not with the money of these Democrat fools.

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William R. Mann——

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
