
Contrary to what you've been led to believe

Scott Rasmussen: Community problem solving, not politics, is the cure for America

Community Problem Solving (CPS) is the second step in Scott Rasmussen's new book about what America must do to succeed, because politics has failed. As a reminder, one step is to realize that our culture leads politics, and political solutions lag community solutions. Stated another way, get the people to believe something, whether true or not, and eventually they will accept the political solution that appears to match what they have been brainwashed to believe.
This is why the Democrats and the socialists continue to tell people that health care is a right, and that a single payer health care system is the political solution. When a poll starts to say people would like a single payer system after decades of hammering the idea on the public, then boom! A single payer system is introduced to crawl its way through the legislative process. Community problem solving has seen thousands of examples of people helping people during and after the most recent hurricanes that directly hit Texas, Louisiana, Florida and the southeastern part of the U.S.. Even federal emergency aid agencies were asking private citizens to lend a hand at shelters and bring their boats to help rescue people. The Cajun Navy sailed again! That's community problem solving! But there are many non-disaster related examples of CPS that we see in our everyday lives that we may not notice because those examples do not make the nightly news, the fake news, the false news or the deceptive news. Food banks, homeless shelters, charter schools, home schooling, community colleges, technical schools, full degree state-supported colleges and universities do not depend primarily on federal funding to succeed. They depend on the support of their local and state communities. That's CPS. Volunteers who help maintain centers for abused women, pregnancy prevention education, chemical and drug abuse ministries are community problem solvers committed to solving problems closest to their source.

Volunteers and first responders in smaller communities are critical to those communities, who might not otherwise have that assistance. These and many other assistance-based initiatives and the local support they get are the pillars of America's success, not politics. The big and well-known national assistance organizations have their place in helping America to remain the greatest country in the world, but their success would not be possible without the local community problem solvers. Scott's call to action is that we need more community problem solvers. Everybody can do something, and most people can do more. As I reflect on what I am doing, it is certainly unique because of the unique experiences and career with which I have been blessed. And I'm still going! A line from the song "Power of One" sums up our challenge. "Just look inside and you will find, just what you can do." Community problem solvers are saving the United States of America. Scott Rasmussen's book is titled Politics Has Failed: America Will Not. Get it here.


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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
