
Senator Freedom vs. Senator Government

Senator Government? Investors Prepare for “Change”

The best line of the night was McCain’s appropriate Freudian slip, referring to Barack Obama as “Senator Government.” That slip put a fine point on what this election is really all about.

Senator Freedom vs. Senator Government

America’s Founding Fathers were “rich white men.” As such, they designed a nation where intelligent self-reliant individuals would be free to “self-govern.” They designed a nation based upon Judeo-Christian principles of “free will,” in which every individual had the “unalienable right” to Life, Liberty and Economic Freedom, recorded as the “pursuit of happiness.” The land of the free was only for the brave. That was then... Class warfare and economic envy rule the day now. For some 232 years, freedom and self-governance were the concepts that held America together. Where we came from was never as important as where we were going. We used to agree on where we were going, only debating how best to get there. Now we disagree on where to go. Today, freedom and self-governance are outdated concepts for many Americans. Senator Government attracts the support of Americans too young or too ignorant to realize that freedom is the only truly “fair” system of governance on earth. Somewhere along the way, they bought into the communist idea that Americans have the right to “take from those according to their ability; and give to those according to their need,” as the father of Socialism, Karl Marx, once put it. Today, many Americans believe that they have a born right to the earnings of others and that those trying to protect the “unalienable” right to their own earnings are somehow “greedy.” Senator Government has been very clear in his promises. He wants to “re-distribute” the earnings of some, for benefit of others. More accurately stated; he wants to take away the rights, freedoms and earnings of some, in order to purchase the votes of others. Every campaign promise is made on the basis of sending the tab to someone else. But there is a fly in that ointment...

Preparing for “Change”

If you notice, the trillion dollar government “bailout” of the Democrat manufactured financial crisis has not worked. The stock market has continued a power-slide into the abyss, despite federal efforts to head off a complete collapse of the free market system. Day after day, no matter how big the socialist promises to “bail out” America with tax-payer debt, investors continue to exit the market and move money to a safer haven in preparation for an almost forgone Obama victory. Obama’s lie is already visible. The 5% of Americans who he has repeatedly promised to rape and plunder on behalf of his constituents, “the rich” who are the primary players on the trading floor of the stock market, are withdrawing from the American economy in droves. They are preparing for “change.” They are preparing for Obama’s leap into uncharted waters, whereby Obama promises to target every American producer for punitive taxation in order to advance his version of Democratic Socialism.

The “Rich” Know the Facts

They know that there is no such thing as “corporate taxation.” Every last penny in corporate tax is passed on to consumers in higher retail prices - and to employees in lower wages, lost benefits and eventually, lost employment. They know that it is share holders, specifically, 401k investors, not “rich” stock traders, who will lose value in their investments through higher corporate taxes in America where corporations already have the second highest taxes anywhere in the world. They are “rich” for a reason. They know what it takes to become “rich” and remain “rich” no matter what else happens in the world. They were “rich” before, during and after the Great Depression. They know that before Obama can be sworn into office, the assets of the 5% Obama is ready to attack will be long gone and out of reach from the long arm of the I.R.S. They are pulling their profits out right now. 401k investors are left behind, having lost nearly 50% of their portfolio value in the mass exit of astute investors. The “rich” know this because they know “the golden rule” shared by our nation’s Founders.

He with the gold makes the rules

Before Obama can “change” the rules to that of federal rape and plunder, investors will already be playing their game on a new field where the rules are again to their advantage. Before Obama can “change” the American free market to a federally run entitlement economy under Marxism, American investors will have their assets far from Obama’s grasp. We are watching as investors withdraw from our market each day. The fed is powerless in their efforts to stop the mass exit of free market investors. Free market investors simply will not risk their capital in a market soon to target their assets for a massive shift to socialism. Meanwhile, markets all over the globe are moving towards the same capitalist principles that once made America the most prosperous and powerful nation on earth. Investors are having no trouble finding new fields to play on.

Who’s Left Holding the Bag of Left-Wing Lies?

The truly needy Americans, who are incapable of self-reliance and self-governance, will continue to be cared for, just as they have been for many years in this nation. That leaves the so-called “Middle Class,” the very folks who are currently working around the clock to make certain that Barack Obama becomes the next President of the United States. The very people who think economic conditions don’t “trickle down.” Are you watching job lay-off announcements each day? We are watching how poverty trickles down from Wall Street, Fannie and Freddie right now. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. The national financial crisis will “trickle down” to every American household. Likewise, wealth has “trickled down” in America for more than 232 years, producing the greatest number of self-made millionaires on the planet and the highest standard of living anywhere in the world. Economics never “trickle up.” The only choice is to allow free market prosperity to “trickle down,” or to allow our bankrupt federal government to force “trickle down” poverty on every American household. Either way, the “rich” will still be “rich” and the truly incapable needy will still be cared for. That leaves the “Middle Class” holding the bag of leftist lies. The people supporting Obama’s lies today will be caught in Obama’s economic trap tomorrow.

Freedom in the Balance

It’s not about “greed.” It’s about FREEDOM! Intelligent investors will only risk capital on FREEDOM. They will never invest in socialism, because socialism has failed every where on earth it has ever been tried, and it targets them for poverty first. Obama is the slickest liar to ever take center stage in the American political debate. He can look into the camera and tell lie after lie without ever flinching a single muscle. And once Democrats created the “perfect storm” threatening many Americans with a soup line existence weeks before the election, many voters are willing to buy what they inherently know to be false. There ain’t no free lunch! Obama has won all four debates. This only makes him a very talented liar, the opposite of a talented leader... It also makes those who buy into his overt lies, poster-children for the term “useful idiot.”

Obama is Many Things

At the top of the list is “false messiah.” He will not be able to deliver on a single campaign promise. The money will be gone before he can attack it. The people he hopes to rape and plunder are already exiting the American economy. The Dow has already slipped from $14,000 to $8500 in preparation for an Obama victory. It could be at $5000 by Election Day, if Obama continues to run ahead in all of the polls. Useful idiots are right; it is the economy stupid...

It is Senator Freedom vs. Senator Government...

Can you name a single federal program that has ever been run well? The same people who bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and every other federal program under the sun, now want control of the financial industry, the energy industry, and the health and medical industry. Once investors are gone, and those who create jobs in America are run out of business, who will Obama send the tab to? Obama’s “new jobs” are new “government” jobs. He plans to tax private sector employment right out of existence. If the “Middle Class” buys his lies, they deserve the tab, and that’s exactly who the tab will go to in the end. But as I have asked leftists for many years now, to no avail, when the nation that has fed the world for decades can no longer feed itself, then what? Don’t worry about the “rich.” Worry about the people left behind when the “rich” take their football and go home. Obama’s supporters are setting themselves up for the fall and best I can tell, they are beyond reason and incapable of simple common sense.

The last Presidential debate was just like the other two

I saw a slick flashy young show horse, (think Tennessee Walker) that can dazzle a crowd by prancing around and looking really good doing it. An otherwise useless drain of resources on the farm... but none the less, impressive on display. Never mind that he dances on lies. - Vs. - An old work horse, a little long in the tooth and thin in the mane, but very sure footed after many years of plowing new ground day in and day out. If you hitch him to the plow, you can go have an ice tea while he plows the field he has plowed many times before, all by himself.

Unfortunately, many Americans are dazzled by the show horse and they will never think about the upkeep of that useless animal while he's putting on a show, prancing around the arena in beautiful form.

They love how pretty he is, and they won't realize what they paid top dollar for at auction, until they get him home and hitch him up to the plow... Only then will they realize that he's just a pretty horse that will eat you out of house and home... and that field ain't ever gettin' plowed. How sad... Not for the “rich.” For everyone else! Senator Freedom vs. Senator Government – That’s the decision America will make on November 4th. Investors are placing their bets now.


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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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