
Tea Party activist and radio talk show host Dana Loesch received no help from “conservative” Kathleen Parker

Spitzer Takes On Tea Party, Parker Goes AWOL

Tea Party activist and radio talk show host Dana Loesch received no help from “conservative” Kathleen Parker during her appearance on the Parker Spitzer show.

Loesch more than held her own against Spitzer’s grilling but it was Parker’s absence from the segment that was startling. She is the co-host after all and her name is FIRST in the title. CNN might start trying to fix the low rated show by hiring someone like Loesch to combat Spitzer rather than the milquetoast Parker who doesn’t appear to want to do battle with the disgraced former N.Y. governor who has more skeletons in his closest than a haunted house. They should rename the show Spitzer Patsy.

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Don Irvine——

Don Irvine is the chairman of Accuracy in Media and its sister organization Accuracy in Academia. As the son of Reed Irvine, who launched AIM in 1969, he developed an understanding of media bias at an early age, and has been actively involved with AIM for over 30 years.
