
Do we want to wait and see what else the government will do to us or do we want to practice our American entrepreneurship

“Striking out” against obamascare

With the mark of approval of the Supreme Court, we are now in the position of having the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, thrust upon America. From what we hear from the experts, those who have spent their days and hours studying ACA and its many aspects, it is not looking good for America as concerns the national economy and, specifically, working Americans and small businesses.
Pushed into a corner, or with the threat of it, American ingenuity sets in and we see solutions appear in some form or another. Some solutions often seem so at first but later we find it is not an effective solution in all ways. There are so many buried provisos inherent in the ACA that even the so-called experts on Obamacare are coming out with new views of this or that element and I suspect that some of those squirrelly tidbits are new discoveries to the experts. With any broad-language document, there are undercurrents of meaning and in the end we find that it requires the application of unlimited imagination to provide more complete understanding. With the forgoing in mind, I’m sure that we will hear many “solutions” come out soon and later. In the last few days, I have heard several and some seem logical and others must be coupled with an expansion of explanations for how those supposed solutions may take place.

One “solution” I have heard is that the ruling of the Supreme Court, specifically in the guise of Chief Justice John Roberts, has opened up the aspect that contrary to White House (Obama) statements, the ACA amounts to an enlargement of taxes. Before, President Obama declared on various occasions that it was not, just as the application of those “penalties” were to be applied to those making $250,000 or less but even this has been a fluid figure and has sometimes been “rubbered down” to $200,000 but I have also heard a number as low as $50,000 mentioned. And all the while they are linked with what the powers that be refer to as “the middle class.” There has also been mentioned on several occasions by the ACA pundits that we must remember that the House of Representatives control the purse. The funding of this or that is in the control of the House, in other words, and the ACA or various parts of it hang on the funding. Supposedly, the House has the ability to defund ACA in its entirety or, at least, those elements that are the most significant as far as they might relate to national budget concerns. The “experts” tell us that we Americans, and the country, are at the edge of the economic cliff. We have been told on various occasions that dire consequences are going to jump up and take center stage and, at that time, we will migrate immediately into a national depression where no one has any money, no funds and no way to make money, and these dire economic consequences also apply on all levels to the nation as a whole. From what I can see, we are operating in a deficiency. As long as people have their cars, can buy gas and move around pretty much as normal, most people merely hold their collective breath and assume a wait-and-see attitude. To someone in the higher reaches of government and to military leaders, this is like holding a lit stick of dynamite. It reminds me of a cartoon of a kid and a frog where the kid touches the frog with a stick which causes the frog to jump. Simultaneously, the kid jumps in the opposite direction. However, all this jumping around by the government is not allaying anyone’s fears of being thrust into an uncontrollable situation where no matter what is done is not going to be enough. As we lose more and more confidence in local and national government, those fears are approaching the surface with thinking people. One may even conclude that it is bad and while it may seem to not be getting worse, it also appears that it’s not going to get better. Stepping back and evaluating what is happening nationally and how it is affecting people on the local level, it is easy to conclude that politics is more than local, as a Democrat pundit once remarked, it is from top to bottom as they bring it to We the People. Politicians appear to be more interested in their political futures than the future of our great nation. With this in mind, we lose confidence in most politicians. Where there are a few who have their hearts in the right place, the Media is focusing more on those who are always looking for photo opportunities and the not-so-hot mike. We have many examples of politicians showing off their political power for the viewers and the Media has the podium complete with audio and video waiting for them as they just “happen” to amble by. We saw this when those worms wiggled out of the Contempt of Congress session where they thought that the most effective response and protest was to merely leave their responsibilities behind. However, they did not miss the opportunity to express their views for the viewers courtesy of the Media and, I suspect, it was planned well in advance or those mikes and cameras would not have been there. Stop and think about it; we saw the Democrats “protest” the Contempt of Congress vote but are those who abandoned their duties as representatives playing a game that is exclusive and only for them to play? Is it their game alone? What about us? We can form a walkout protest of our own. It will not be in Washington per se but on a more local but national level. To get into this, consider what our responsibilities are regarding working people. We are expected by the government to provide a working salary both as individuals and as corporations/industries that provide funds that can be taxed by government. Remember how the Obama government bailed out the auto industry? Was this merely to show they cared about all those on the assembly and not merely focused on the Union members? Of course not! It was because if they permitted that element of the auto industry to fail, the taxes imposed on that vast group of people would be lost. Never fear, there are financial accountants who whispered in the President’s ear that if the auto industry were allowed to fail, it would cost the government untold millions/billions of Dollars in what the government considers “Tax Revenue.” The government fears greatly that monies coming in via the IRS should not be available. The government geniuses shoot themselves in the foot, however, when they make it harder and harder for industries to forge ahead and make more money and specifically the government appears to care little for the plight of the working man/woman while, at the same time, they talk to their best friend “Mike” and tell us that they really do care. Really? For anyone with an ounce of political savvy, this is more politically self-serving bovine scatology, as General Schwarzkopf once opined accurately. Let’s consider for a moment the apparent love between the highest office in the land and the Unions. Not only did Barack Obama work to provide counsel in a lawsuit for a union but he has continued to count on the Unions to provide support for his elections. And the Unions have been faithful to provide that support. But, is there one union only in America? No, as we know, there are unions for the auto industry, for electrical industries, for education and even for such things as electronic communications and dock, workers. They are usually elements of parent unions, getting their guidance/training and instructions from those parent unions. The members usually fall into two categories: The ones who depend on the union for their jobs and really don’t mind as they enjoy some kind of advantage from it; the other union member is one who can think and realizes that membership may be necessary but they know that it provides no advantage whatsoever because those workers are good, qualified people with no need of outside help which is, by the way, reminiscent of the help that the government wants to force on people who really don’t need it but have come to expect it. Where does this leave us, the much greater Union in the United States? Keep in mind that built into the name United States we see implied that We the People, we who are American Citizens, are part of the greatest union of them all: The United States of America. Now stop and consider that the greatest traditional tool of Unions is the proclivity to strike. They don’t get their way; they strike and, in the process, inhibit others not in the Union from doing their jobs inasmuch as is possible. But, what if we American Citizen “Unionists” also go on strike? The reason the government loves us who work and provide a salary, and keep in mind that those on retirement are also taxed on their retirement pay (double taxation?) is because that tax money goes into local and national government coffers. But, what if we refuse to work, refuse to take a salary? This is where we would be if the economy worsens and evolves into the Dollar being relatively worthless. At that time, the government would declare martial law, no doubt, and the American Condition would be dismal indeed. Again, what if We the People refuse to work and take a salary. The taxes taken in by government would dwindle to nothing except of those few holdouts that are so traditional in their work habits that they know nothing else. I suspect that after two or three months of this, the government would come a-begging to the people of America. They could not call the non-workers unpatriotic or infer that they are not good Americans because half those on the dole now are not working or making money/paying taxes, unless in secret. To infer that not working is un-American would be a political mistake. Also, those industries that try to use faithful union members to do the work will fail because many of those union leaders are not able to do the entire range of work required in many industries. It is something that the reader needs to think about. Do you now understand why the Feds are making it harder to be a farmer or to merely have a way to produce raw milk? And it should be clearer now why people who stockpile food are resented by government. The government does not like people to be independent. They want everyone to be on the government dole and/or depend entirely on the government. This is one of the ways dictators set up their empires and what we see happening now is exactly this. What I have proposed is an option to stop the government in its tracks even though it will not happen overnight. However, what the government is doing to US is a nibble at a time and the end result will be the same, as far as the government is concerned, and only those in government will survive as the people in power. Therefore, do we want to see the country come to a halt now or see it happen later? Or, as an alternative, do we want to bring it to a head now? Keep in mind also that if we do this and the government comes to beg us to go back to work so they can collect taxes from us, we can make demands that must be heard or, like a true Union, we will not agree! This also includes a revolt against those Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) and specific Democrats who are thorns in America’s flesh. But, should we also include a revolt against the un-American and undesirable pushers for the decimation of America that infest the Media? Do we want to wait and see what else the government will do to us or do we want to practice our American entrepreneurship and make things happen sooner rather than later that will be satisfactory to We the People? The ultimate decision is up the collective readers here. We can be the ones in ultimate control or we can wait to see what happens but by then it may well be too late. It’s up to you…

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Bob Lunsford——

Mr. Lunsford is a retired DoD telecommunications engineer, linguist and world traveler now living in eastern Kentucky. Still active in radio communications, he has several books copyrighted, one of which is now in final process of publication. He is politically motivated and, as much as possible, politically active.
