
Dear Lord people, wake up and smell the liberal media manipulation!

Tea party leaders too easily put on the defensive. Stop it!

Who on earth could be calling me at 5:30am? It was CNN. After apologizing for the early call, the producer, almost giddy with excitement, said tea party spokesperson, Mark Williams made, "what some would call," a racist comment on his blog about the NAACP.

Myself being a black spokesperson for the Tea Party Movement, CNN was requesting that I come on the air to address Mark's comment. I told the CNN producer that I had not read Mark's comment. The response was, "I'll email it to you. Please read it and call me back." After reading Mark's comment, I told my wife, "This is much ado about nothing. I am not going on the air allowing them to put me on the defensive defending Mark Williams." My beautiful, wonderful and wise wife replied, "Do the interview, but do not defend Mark. Use this as an opportunity to defend the Tea Party Movement."

Ben Jealous slandered millions of decent Tea Party patriots by saying we tolerate racist signs

It is truly unfortunate that some on our side are so easily put on the defensive. NAACP, president, Ben Jealous, slandered millions of decent Tea Party patriots by saying we tolerate racist signs. We do not. Not one liberal mainstream media outlet demanded that Jealous produce the "Lynch Barack Obama" and "Lynch Eric Holder" signs he claimed to have seen. Thus, the liberal media are saying these violent racist signs exist and the tea partiers are guilty simply because Jealous says so. Furthering their efforts to discredit the tea party movement by portraying them as racist, the liberal media attacked our Mark Williams for a satirical comment on his blog. Mark is a personal friend who is not a racist; far from it. On his blog, Mark was making a point about the blatant hypocrisy and backwardness of the NAACP. Meanwhile, the liberal media typically ignores "real racism" coming from the left. A member of the New Black Panther Party boldly proclaimed he hates crackers (white people) and they need to "kill more crackers." Has the liberal media confronted the NAACP about denouncing the New Black Panthers' hate-filled racist statement? No, they have not.

Dear Lord, people, wake up and smell the liberal media manipulation!

And yet, folks on our side ran to the microphones to denounce Mark Williams and Tea Party Express, which is the most effective, ethical and powerful conservative voice of We The People. Dear Lord, people, wake up and smell the liberal media manipulation! As for those so-called racist signs, in my travels with Tea Party Express attending over 200 tea parties nationwide, I have not seen one overtly racist sign. Researchers have documented that the same negative images which were called patriotic and celebrated for exercising free speech when used against George Bush are now considered racist when used against Barack Obama. As far as democrats, the Obama administration and the liberal mainstream media are concerned, Obama's race trumps everything. Blatantly assaulting our free speech as Americans, for the first time in U.S. history, we have a president of whom any and all criticism, satire and negative portrayals are attacked as racist. Offenders are severely punished (fired & etc.) and executed in the public square by Obama's Enforcers, the liberal mainstream media. Falling into the defensive trap, some tea party leaders have suggested that we change our name. They say, "The term "tea party" has become so negative." The liberal mainstream media is going to trash us no matter what we call ourselves, even if we change our name to the "Happy Go Lucky Really Nice People" movement. News Flash! The goal of the liberal mainstream media is to "crush" the Tea Party Movement. Obama is their guy. The liberal mainstream media's unprecedented protection of Obama during the election, skipping the usual vetting process for one applying for the job of leader of the free world, won Obama the White House. Along with their racist support because he is black, the liberal mainstream wholeheartedly embraces Obama's socialist/progressive agenda. Thus, it is foolish for us tea party patriots to pander to our enemy, the liberal mainstream media. Relentlessly, the liberal mainstream media Obama-ites and Progressivism religious zealots will distort, lie and do whatever necessary to divide and conquer us. Brothers and sisters, please do not fall for it. God bless.

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Lloyd Marcus——

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com
