
America in Chains, The Champion of Freedom is Free no more, The Night the Lights went out in America

The Agony of the American Nightmare

Most of us will never forget waking up on the morning of November 7th, 2012 to the shocking news that Hussein Obama, America’s worst enemy, had been reelected for another four years. There are many days in the history of the world that will live in history as days of terrible shock.
Some were before our time such as the sinking of the Titanic on 15 April 1912 with the loss of 1502 lives. There was the Hindenburg disaster when the giant German airship caught fire upon landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6, 1937. On this occasion only 36 people were killed but the fact that the accident was reported on the spot and broadcast live to hundreds of thousands of people caused it to be a great shock worldwide. Four years later came the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. President Roosevelt called it a “Day of Infamy.” Most people who experienced those terrible days have already passed away or, like me, were too young at the time for the horror to be registered in our young minds. I clearly remember the Kennedy assassination. I was visiting some people in their apartment in London when that terrible news was broadcast over the radio. We all stood transfixed. In this case it was only one man who was killed but it was the President of the United States. The whole world was shocked and in mourning. I remember where I was when the Pope was shot. In this case it was again only one man and he was not killed. But it was the fact of who he was that stunned the world. I was in the Sheraton Hotel in Charlotte North Carolina when I saw the news on TV. Like most people I was stunned. And then there was the shooting of President Reagan. Again, it was only one man but he was the President of the United States and the world stopped once more in shock.

None of us could forget where we were when we first heard about the Muslim attack on the World Trade Center. Every person reading this article knows where they were at the moment they first heard the terrible news. We could not believe this could happen in the United States. Most of America and much of the world stood or sat in front of Televisions and watched reruns of the first airplane to hit the Twin Towers and then, even more unbelievable, we saw the second aircraft hurtling toward the second tower. But what happened on the night of November 6th/November 7th 2012 was one of the darkest days in the history of the world and Americans are still stunned. Few can, even now, bring themselves to speak of it. It was a far worse tragedy, not only for the United States, but for the rest of the world. The United Nations was founded to bring peace and justice to the world, but in all too many issues they did nothing and the United States had to be the world’s policeman and guardian. Now that has ended.

America has committed Suicide

One commentator said it for all of us “America has committed Suicide.” All of the world leaders who are America’s enemies are happy because they know it means the final day of American power for good in the world. The Castro regime in Cuba has applauded this election result, as has Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the Putin dictatorship in Russia. Now the world has no hope and no leader. I have challenged people to tell me one good thing Obama did for the United States in four years. So far nobody has come up with anything. He has plundered our national finances and squandered billions of dollars on unworthy causes when those resources were desperately needed to bring the country out of the financial pit into which we had fallen due to greed and mismanagement. I noticed before the election that church leaders were, by and large, silent. I heard that some were praying and a few Catholic Bishops and Priests told their people not to vote for the Dictator. This bears an eerie resemblance to Germany in the '30s. The German church leaders dared not protest. The German courts rubberstamped Hitler’s agenda. And by the time some church leaders had the guts to stand up to him it was too late and they ended their days in the concentration camps. I read on Sunday that one Baptist Mega church Pastor finally told his people the truth about Obama. He said that the Christians of America must stand against this evil and beat it, in the ballot box. Does he know the election has already taken place and that evil has already won? The American practice of allowing deductions from taxes for giving to non-profit (church) organizations is a two edged sword. It supports free religion. But at the same time it forces the church leaders to withhold comment on the government in order to keep their tax-exempt status. Many have been threatened by the IRS in recent years that if they speak politically their tax-free status will be withdrawn. Obviously that would have a serious affect on the amount Americans give to churches and other non-profits. Could that have anything to do with their silence before this momentous election? Did those pastors put their own jobs ahead of their duty to lead their people?

Reigning in the Dictator

The next election in which any changes can take place is two years away. In that election 33 Senators will stand for reelection. If all 33 were replaced by true American Patriots we might have a chance of reigning in the Dictator. But judging by the recent past there is not much hope that the Congress will be changed to one that actually represents the people of the United States.. America was founded on a foolproof system with three parts of government, a system like no other in the world. Our forefathers wanted to make sure that no King or Dictator ever held power over this Nation like the King of England had done. We had a President, a Congress and a Supreme Court. Each of them was designed to balance the other. Yet, in his first term Obama overrode the balance of power and ignored both legislative and judicial branches of our government. He has the Senate firmly in his control and a Supreme Court of wimps who have already shown themselves to be heavily weighted on the side of Liberalism. The Supreme Court and the Congress have rejected God and the people will suffer. I am still a Patriotic American Citizen but I know there is nothing I can do to reverse the course of madness simply by staying in the country. This is why we and many other American patriots have been forced to leave the dictatorship that was once our home and move to peaceful Costa Rica where we can still worship God in freedom.

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David Rushton——

David Rushton was born in London where his parents were staunch conservatives. He immigrated to the United States in the sixties and formed a patriotic organization advocating conservative principles which include rallies and marches. He had his own radio talk show for many years and was also a guest on many radio and Television talk shows.

In the last few years David wrote several books about the dangers of radical Islam and spoke on this subject in some of the largest Conservative Churches in the United States.

He now resides with his wife Marcia in Costa Rica.
