
BP's spill is a National Disaster. The US Press is still giving this man a pass

The Beginning of the End, or the End of the Beginning

It seems that one has to go to the British Press to get another point of view these days. The BP Oil spill ... Ay-yi -yi!

This is what happens when we elect an overpaid Community Organizer to the most powerful and prominent position in the world. Obama acts like a High School Student Council or Class President attending a model UN meeting, pontificating about all of his inane coffeehouse ideologies. Don't be fooled, Obama is only the avant garde for a more severe transformation of America down the road. He has fooled the press so far, who desperately want to make this man a messiah. The veneer is starting to wear off. BP's spill is a National Disaster. The US Press is still giving this man a pass. We are watching our way of life die down here on the Gulf Coast while Obama and his crew dither and consult. We are getting the butt end of what a small majority bought "on credit" in 2008. Buyer's remorse anyone? This man told us that the Federal government could and would do any and everything to solve this oil spill crisis. They would fix it... all of it. Nonsense! They nibble at the fringes. They restrict local and state officials' actions. They debate about how to look the best politically and blame BP for everything. They want us all to accept their smarmy characterizations of the oil industry! But oil and gas are also part of our way of life and work down here. We need action: rubber on the road, the cavalry to the rescue, not Obama's teleprompter rhetoric, curled lip, wagging finger, and puerile promises to "kick #." We need "Dunkirk leadership." A fleet made up of every craft from everywhere that can perform some kind of mission to collect the oil. Has anyone heard that clarion call yet? Ironic, isn't it, that Obama sent Churchill's bust back to Britain. Here is an illustration of Obama's disastrous mindset. This man put a moratorium on Gulf drilling and exploration for six months. When he found out that thousands of jobs are up in smoke and that the drillers will haul the rigs to Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, or Africa before six months has passed ... then he changed his mind ... Haven't really heard that reported yet, eh? Another example: Obama says if BP's CEO worked for him he would have been fired by now. Obama is a buck passer of the first order ... of course he'd fire him. He has a history of throwing folks under the bus, whether they work for him or not. But it was his own Administration that gave BP an enviro-friendly award as a green company, waived certain inspection requirements, and has indirectly encouraged the deep water drilling in deference to environmentalists, so as to keep the rigs away from shorelines. Obama's actions have encouraged 'red' protests against capitalism and incidents of vandalism against many Mom & Pop BP stations. There are groups down here today demanding that we abandon oil and move immediately to alternative energy. They work of folks' emotions. How utterly ignorant and unfathomably stupid! Obama has folks thinking that all we have to do is flip a switch and this will happen. He created the same confusion with his Socialized Health Care legislation: "Poof" it's up and operating tomorrow... the fine print says something else. Now Obama is talking down [taking down?] BP; he even calls it British Petroleum ... this is no mistake! Obama is a the titular head of a "wrecking crew" that aims to take down market capitalism and replace it with collective-socialism and crony-capitalism enforced with labor unions like SEIU, or Party thugs, or front organizations like ACORN. Briton's pensions are heavily tied to BP... does Obama care? No. This is the same man who returned the bust of Churchill from in the White House and back to Britain because Britain represents Imperialism to Obama. Winston Churchill offends Obama because Obama is an ideological Marxist. Churchill had no use for Marxists. Churchill represents the Old World Order. Obama is deconstructing that order at breakneck speed with the help of powerful NGOs and the UN, pushing for a New World Order. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is nothing more than Mussolini-style Fascism headed towards something even worse! Look it up! Read Mussolini's platforms, study his methods. Hitler even said that Mussolini had provided the "blueprint for National Socialism." Fascism could overtake even the United States given certain pre-conditions. Obama sets himself up as the Great Leader, Il Duce. He even poses like Il Duce ... check out archived pictures. Even now Obama's FCC is set to tax and regulate the internet, and to regulate free speech on radio. That means eliminating Rush, Hannity and the rest of those "Right-Wing Extremists" from the airwaves. He has already openly singled out Fox News Channel as an enemy. This country has three branches of government, not one. No one has appointed this man "Imperator." Yet all we hear is the reference to "I" in Obama's speeches. For the past fifteen years and more, I have been watching the drip, drip, drip of our freedoms down the drain. With each passing year we lose a little bit more. There is bigger government, ever bigger government. This is nothing new, just more of the same. These forces of Progressivism, Collectivism, and Fascist-Cronyism have been insidiously at work for over 100 years. Investigate how your country has changed since Woodrow Wilson was elected. Wilson restricted free speech during WWI and discriminated against those who opposed him. He favored a Progressive World Order. FDR learned from Wilson. Many of FDR's New Deal Programs were ruled as unconstitutional. FDR actually erected and used concentration camps for Japanese American Citizens! Their property was confiscated and they were trucked to the camps. These people were: Not illegal aliens, Not terrorists, Not drug smugglers, Not battlefield detainees. They were citizens of the US, who with the exception of a miniscule number, had no ties whatsoever to Tojo's Japan. During and after WWII, warnings about Communists in the government were labeled as "Red Baiting" and later as McCarthyism. Liberals did not tolerate any bad press for "Uncle Joe Stalin." We still hear that word "McCarthyism" bandied about carelessly. When the USSR fell in the early 90s, the KGB/GRU documents and files released from that time verified what anti-Communists of that period had claimed. How many know that? It's all part of the record. And yes, according to these files, Alger Hiss was indeed a communist agent. McCarthy's assertions, if not his methods, were vindicated. How well was that reported? Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and now Obama have all stood by and watched as the Russian, Chinese, North Korean, Cuban, Venezuelan, and Iranian have built up and reinforced themselves as serious adversaries to our National Security. We have increased domestic spending at the expense of National Security, and have maintained a woefully inadequate military required for facing down multiple theater threats. Now, even our own border with Mexico is destabilized, a direct threat to our country. What does Obama do? He criticizes the border states for protecting their citizens and then allows the Mexican President to harangue the American People from the Peoples' own House! The 2010 and 2012 elections may be the last chance we have to save our Constitution, our Individual Freedoms, our distinct American Culture, and American Exceptionalism. The Tea Party is pro-America. The mainstream parties have a lot to prove to us about where they really stand. Obama is no Centrist Democrat, he is a Marxist. Vote for drastic change and reversal of our present direction in 2010 and 2012. I'm ready for a real American President in the White House and a real American Congress ... are you? Ronald Reagan, how I miss you!

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William R. Mann——

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
