
Enemies that self-perpetuate the cannons of destruction now permutating all facets of our lives

The Bowe Bergdahl Charade

You know, there is an old adage which claims that as we grow older we grow wiser. And so it is, as well it should be. There used to be a time when, politically speaking, I would always attempt to rationalize, legitimize, if you will, most antithetical historical events.
I found myself invariably searching for yet genuine reasons on which to fault people's adversative political incongruities, especially those that marked mankind and the human race in ways which we will never understand. The more I thought about it, however, the more I began to realize, there are no such blameworthiness validations to look for other than our own individual frailties, collectively answerable only to the history of mankind - sometimes for the better...others for the worse, nonetheless, always our own doings; no traces of blame to look for elsewhere other than within ourselves, ditto for whatever we choose do with our personal lives as well--our successes and failures alike. Be that as it may and given the premise that we do gain political maturity as we grow older, I can no longer go on contemptuously pretending to look the other way, while you and I and all of us have become eyewitness with firsthand accounts to Barack Obama's impending desecration of the country and everything that is fundamentally wrong with America today. There is not a single day that goes by, where this prophetic Islamic fundamentalist now holding the office of president of the United States of America, unapologetically engages in unthinkable political actions, untenably designed to empower the enemy, while daringly letting the American people realize, in no uncertain terms, of his dubious inclines, albeit cowardly shielding his treasonous intents under the seal of the presidency--a writ of passage which relies solely on the improbable odds of this aberration coming of age. One of the most blatant in Obama's unabashed series of controversial radical Islamic-driven diktats has to be our esteemed president's gallant swap on May 31st, 2014, of alleged U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, for five Gitmo Bay Taliban detainees. To be clear, the Taliban prisoners, Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Norullah Noori,Mohammed Nabi Omari and Abdul Haq Wasiq, were all high-ranking members of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban terrorist organization.

Obama's unwavering commitment to close Gitmo

For the record, Fazl served as Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army. Fazl and Nori are "wanted by the UN for possible War crimes, including the murder of thousands of Shiites". Khairkhwa was the interior minister under the Taliban. He was directly associated with Osama Bin Laden and was "a narcotics trafficker who probably used his position and influence to become one of the major opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan", probably using profits from his drugs emporium to promote the Taliban's interests throughout the world. Mohammed Nabi was the Taliban's chief of communications and Wasiq was the deputy chief of the Taliban regime's intelligence service and was "central to the Taliban's efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against US and Coalition forces after the September 11th, 2001 attacks". These, my dear fellow Americans, is an indiscriminate compendium of Barack Obama's select war-prisoners' entourage endowed with complete freedoms and sovereignty in lieu of their high moral characters and the administration's sympathetic credence in the group's integrity, uprightness and authentic disavowing of any of future involvement and/or association with their former terrorist organization or any such association dispensing to wage war against the United States of America or its people. But, then again, the magnitude of these criminal's pardon was commensurate only to the extent that Obama's trade resulted in the release of one alleged American deserter - talk about a balanced exchange. Obama's unwavering commitment to close Gitmo, has been there all along, as far back as his campaign trail in 2008, while few of us, if any, dared ask why, notwithstanding the extent and repercussion that such closing would potentially have on our homeland security. You may remember that in January 22nd, 2009, President Obama issued an executive order that called for the Guantánamo Bay detention facility to be closed within a year. A month later, in his first State of the Union address, the president toldAmericans he had ordered the closure of the controversial camp in Cuba, and would "seek swift and certain justice for captured terrorists." The bay is located in Guantanamo province at the southeastern end of Cuba. The United States assumed territorial control of Guantánamo in 1903 under the Cuban-American Treaty. Cuba's Castro regime deems the U.S. presence in Guantánamo Bay as illegal and insists the Cuban--American Treaty was obtained by threat of force and is in violation of international law. As a matter of record, Guantánamo Bay has served as a detention camp since the time of its establishment in January 2002. At the time, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said the prison camp was established to detain "extraordinarily dangerous persons; to interrogate detainees in an optimal setting and to prosecute these detainees for war crimes, committed in the War on Terror." It would seem to me, that anyone, willing to do away with this detention center, and anyone who is obsessively-compulsively committed to releasing these so-called extraordinarily dangerous detainees, is, in fact, committed to aiding and abetting the enemy by virtue of clamoring for the exact opposite of what the camp was first intended to do in the best interests of the United States of America to begin with, as originally suggested by Mr. Rumsfeld. Is it not fair, then, to postulate that Obama's willingness to seek "swift and certain justice for captured terrorists" carries a presumptive injunction of unjustness and cruelty by its captors, the United States of America, the very nation over which he now presides? Decide, if you will, Mr. President, which side are you with, sir? Define yourself, sir. Enough of your double standards and lies. Enough of your dubiousness, your unconstrained and unfathomable desire to deceive this nation albeit an overwhelming crave to please and appease those who have vowed to destroy us.

Barack Obama reaches out to normalize relations with Cuba

Notably, just a few weeks back, on December 17th, 2014, Barack Obama did, in fact, reach out to normalize relations with Cuba--a political standoff that spanned for the better part of five decades and 10 presidents. Obama's bold move, to reach out to one of this nation's worse political enemies ever, I realized, was based on his old appeasement doctrine, once again, giving the house away, while getting virtually nothing in return. This time around, Obama, the wise-man, gained the freedom of Mr. Allan Phillip Gross--a U.S. contractor, imprisoned in Cuba for allegedly providing equipment to Cuban Jews striving to have internet access, and Rolando Sarraf, a Cuban who had worked as an agent for American intelligence imprisoned in Cuba 20 years back, both exchanged for three of the last remaining "Cuban Five"--a renowned espionage ring consisting of five Cuban intelligence officers arrested in September 1998 and later convicted in Miami of conspiracy to commit espionage, conspiracy to commit murder, acting as an agent of a foreign government, and other illegal activities in the United States. The trial of the "Cuban Five" on espionage and conspiracy charges resulted in convictions and long-term prison sentences for the Cuban agents who, for one, had been known to spy on the humanitarian missions of Brothers to the Rescue--a Miami-based group of missionary pilots, engaged in salvaging rafters leaving the enslaved communist island-nation of Cuba. Obama's exchange agents' undercover missions had resulted in the shooting-down of one of the Brothers to the Rescue planes on February 24th, 1996. Now, what do you make of the fact that on January 28th, 2015, a mere 50 days after the infamous pact with Cuba, the island's dictator-president Raul Castro went public in San Jose, Costa Rica's Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, demanding that the United States' return of the Guantánamo Bay base along with lifting the half-century trade embargo on Cuba and compensate his country [Cuba] for damages sustained, these caveats before the two nations could re-establish normal relations. For the most naïve amongst you, I am certain, you will fail to see the relevancy of Castro's declaration and the soap-opera that preceded these declarations in terms of everything has been going on in backrooms and behind- the-scenes, between the two nations, for much longer than we all care to know or accept. For the more incredulous amongst us, however, including this author, Castro's demands, have been bounteously committed to by this administration, for the longest time imaginable, in an all-out effort by Obama to gain the graces of one of the world's most disdainful dictators, thus the later [Obama's] incessant drives bannering Gitmo's closing and Castro's unreserved acclaim to making it public as well he did in the Costa Rican Summit. O.K., so whatever happened to Bowe Bergdahl and his alleged charges for treason? Suffice it to say that for the past few weeks, the nation has stood by waiting in awe to hear the results of an Army investigation of Mr. Bergdahl, amidst a great deal of controversy and scrutiny surrounding yet another case where this administration's dubious portrayal of the truth becomes magnificently distorted while protocols for the search of said truths, are safely put into place as best suited to the particular interests of the former [administration]. The Bergdahl incident is no exception. As intelligence sources revealed that some of the exchanged Taliban prisoners were amply picking up right where they had left off, to wit, re-establishing their old links with the Taliban and other terrorist organizations, the Bergdahl swap, all of a sudden, took on a new life of its own - a completely renewed vantage point by Obama's detractors as yet an ill-advised trade with the enemy, categorically denouncing Bergdahl as a traitor, all the while as Obama's forces, composed mostly of high ranking officials, speaking on behalf of the Armed Forces, as well as media spokesmen continued to hail Bergdahl as some sort of a war hero, once held captive by the enemy. For a week now, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby has been routinely grilled in press interviews with Fox News over Bergdahl's stalled investigations and the administration's obvious efforts to drag it out for as long as possible, or, shall we say, for as long it takes for the Taliban news to rekindle their terrorists ties to subside--a deceitful tactic widely implemented and perfected by this administration during the Benghazi scandal. I will not attempt to try Mr. Bergdahl in this writing, as well I should not, but I will exercise my given freedom of speech rights to give you my piece of mind on it. As you may all know, various members of Bergdahl's platoon came out publicly accusing him of desertion and treason--former platoon members claimed there were at least six soldiers killed in subsequent searches for Bergdahl. The Pentagon was not able to provide details on specific operations in which any soldiers killed during that time. Just prior to his alleged desertion, in a letter written to his parents, Bergdahl says: "I am ashamed to even be American...the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools... The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies... The horror that is America is disgusting." Now, you tell me, if this is not an obvious statement of a traitor, I don't know what is. And I did say, didn't I, that I would give you my piece of mind, regarding this Bergdahl character. Assuming then that Mr. Bergdahl is indeed guilty of treason whose actions sparked the death of six loyal American soldiers, I would have no hesitation whatsoever in giving him the death penalty as provided for "treason" offenders under 18 U.S.C. 2381. As for Obama, I would also have no hesitation whatsoever to impeach the son-of-a-gun for treason as provided for by the Constitution, which defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Again, Mr. Bergdahl's guilt in his charges of treason, would "de-facto" make Obama's swap for the five Taliban an outright sham--a disgraceful and unlawful model of everything that is wrong with this president and this administration, all the while as we complacently let Megan Kelly and the Fox News' team fight our battle, self-righteously assuming they alone will take care of business, when, in reality, we all know it is going to take a lot more than Fox News to win the battle. The sudden realization of the magnanimous blunder which may ensue, assuming Bergdahl's guilt, has the administration not only dragging the outcome of the investigation per say, but moreover going to dramatic extents to cover the truth. The last in a series of obvious desperation moves in hiding the truths comes by way of reclassifying, of all things, the Taliban, eminently not as a terrorist organization but, according to the White House's latest pronunciation as an "armed insurgency". For God's sake, I am really beginning to believe Jonathan Holmes Gruber, the ObamaCare architect when he refers to Americans as "ill-informed or stupid". This is, I should say, as good a time as ever to remind Barack Obama and all his cronies, that terrorists and terrorism have many faces; they come in a wide-array of sectorial tribes; they fall under a great assortment of religious cults and different factions, all however, united by a common creed of destroying the Western infidels--that is all of us in this part of the world, who just not happen to be Islamic radicals, nor care to be governed by Sharia Law. To the administration's deputy press secretary Eric Schultz, who innocently would want us to believe that the Taliban somewhat now poses less of a threat to our homeland security than other terrorists organizations, only because this is [the] organization harboring his Taliban exchanges for Bowe Bergdahl, I say hogwash, sir. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, sir, are all militant Islamic radicals operating networks comprising both a multinational, stateless army and an Islamist, extremist, wahhabi, jihadist group, and have been designated as terrorist organizations, not "armed insurgencies", by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union, the United States, Russia, India and various other countries. As to ISIS the name commonly translated as the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham", abbreviated as ISIS, the group renamed itself as "The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL), in an apparent undemanding change which dealt with the administration's innocent concession of territorial control by the ISIS organization, one which President Obama had previously disposed of as having Junior Varsity [JV] caliber, whereas the revised concession of the newly-name group ISIL, was to include the Levant, also known as the Eastern Mediterranean region which today consists of Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and part of Southern Turkey--a powerful territorial stronghold and serious potential threat to the United States' security throughout the world. But then again, how stupid does this administration make us out to be? And, that my dear friends, is the message I want to send to all of you today. The time has come to pay homage to the old adage as I do believe we are all in this together, growing wiser hopefully as we turn older, more so, in lieu of the events that are transpiring right before our very eyes. It is very clear to me, and I hope to you as well, that this lame president is out to do no good for our country. I mean, his actions speak out much louder than his words. In years past, we have impeached presidents for actions that paled in comparison to those undertaken by this Barack Obama, albeit of the fact that we continue to give the man a "free-pass" and "carte-blanche" rights to continue doing whatever he pleases to do in an obvious path of desecration to the most fundamental freedoms and values upheld by our nation. I can only imagine what would have happened to anyone of us, you and I, had we aided and abetted our enemy in ways as has this Obama character, but, then again, his righteous shield as president of the United States has served him well in his destructive agenda--again, a most difficult aberration to concede to and understand therein, thus the magnitude of the collective denial to what the man is doing, has done and continues to do. Last week, I was proud to watch the three-night scripted mini-series of America's fight for freedom, Sons of Liberty, written by Stephen David and David C. White for the History channel--a compelling drama depicting epoch radicals Sam Adams, John Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock and Dr. Joseph Warren as they banded together to make America a nation. Starting out asyoung men looking for a purpose, they ultimately find independence in their quest for equality. Throughout the series, which culminates in the American proclamation of independence from the Imperial British Crown on July 4th, 1776, one cannot help, but feel a deep sense of patriotism and gratitude for the brave men to whom we ultimately owe our present freedoms. Conversely, throughout the series, one cannot help but feel a sense of complete and utter frustration or otherwise outright anger over the present desecrations over the same values gallantly fought for by the Founding Fathers--a raging disparity between the heroes of yesteryears and the savage invasion of un-American anti-heroes, led by Obama. O.K., so I will concede to the fact that we are not going to impeach this man for now as otherwise we would not have re-elected him instead in 2012, but, then again, our only redemption for everything that I am charging him with today, including but not limited to the returning of the five Taliban to rekindling their fight against the United States; the return of five court-convicted murderous agents of a foreign government to their homeland; and the death of six loyal American soldiers while in pursuit of one deserter - all gleefully carried out under the aegis of one ego maniacal psychopath - is our imminent need to replacing this man and his administration with responsible candidates, capable, if you will, of undoing most of what has been done wrong to our nation, of reversing our present path of destruction, of appeasements to the enemy, and vexation to our allies. For those of us willing to take our challenges of the forthcoming 2016 elections with the same pose and calm preservation of wishful reveries as those shown in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012, respectively, I say, waken up to the realities of a renewed political landscape irreparably bursting with combined portions of liberal Muslim fundamentalism, Nihilism and Marxism, all combined in a one potent political concoction adeptly implemented by the persona of Barack Obama. To you all I say, wake up and smell the coffee as there is still time and hope to make up for all the lost time. The news of the Koch billionaire brothers, owners of the second largest privately owned company in the nation, pledging to give $889 million dollars to support conservative republican candidates in their run for the presidency in 2016 comes as welcome news and renewed hopes for the party as, it is no secret, we certainly can use all the money we can raise. The Koch's commitment can certainly be looked upon as a sign of good things to come. At a time when a Fox News poll, shows Hillary Clinton easily winning the presidential elections were these held today over all Republican candidates should come as a clear indication of the power and political strength gained by liberals over the past six years. Our battle is not against one candidate, nor one party, nor any other than a well oiled political machinery, unwilling to let go of what took them so many years to gain. I have said it many times before and will say one more time again: We are not running just against an old browbeaten politician raised and bred in the old school of hard knocks, including "standing by her-man" at a time when her husband Bill Clinton, made a ridicule out of her, all in the name of her political expediency for whenever the time came for her presidential bid. And that time, dear friends, has come and is...now. I apologize to all of you if I have let myself to be carried away a bit, by going to lengths in trying to make a case for ourselves--a case, which, I personally deem to be detrimental to the future of this noble land, maybe even mankind itself, thus my passionate determination to sharing with you my uttermost fears, as I continue to be a firsthand witness to the ongoing political crimes of this administration. I do, from the bottom of my heart, hope to have swayed you to sharing some of these legitimate and justified fears with me, as if I did, my hopes for a better future for us and for all who will follow shall have a prodigal foundation upon which to build; as if I did, I will have abridged our chances of allowing the enemy to self-perpetuate the cannons of destruction now permutating all facets of our lives. May God save you and may God save America.

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Obie Usategui——

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values.  Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End—“The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections”
