
Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: We have them outmanned and outgunned. We can win, but we will have to call their bluff.

The Deep State is weak, but we will have to call their bluff

The greatest hope and strength for the present conservative struggle in America

Is the stupidity and ineptitude of progressives. I wonder if anyone had Eagle Pass, Texas on their Biden Administration face plant bingo card? Texas governor, Gregg Abbott, has used the National Guard and his Department of Public Safety agents to string razor wire along the border with Mexico. While lawsuits regarding the constitutionality of this action wend their way through our court system, the Supreme Court has said the Feds have the right to remove the wire.

What we have here is a constitutional crisis

Biden told Abbott to let the Feds have access to Shelby Park on the Texas-Mexican border so they could remove the wire; Abbot has told Biden to pound sand, and 25 GOP governors have signed a letter pledging to support Abbot with men and material as Texas continues stringing wire.

What we have here is a constitutional crisis: Article IV of the Constitution guarantees protection from foreign invaders. Abbott contends Biden has abrogated that responsibility and that it is his duty to protect Texas. There have been calls from progressive politicians, media members and academics for Biden to nationalize, that is, take over, the Texas National Guard.

This, too, runs head long into a constitutional barrier via the Posse Comitatus Act, which prevents Federal troops from interfering with civilian government. However, given the general lawlessness and break with norms that Biden and Dems have evidenced over the last 3+ years, it’s safe to assume the Feds would ignore the act if Biden and his string handlers thought it were to their benefit. And this brings me to the dilemma they presently face in what may be the greatest self- own I’ve ever witnessed.

An overwhelming percentage of the country is against the de facto open border policy of the Biden Administration. Blue cities like New York, Chicago and DC are witnessing loyal constituencies promise to break ranks because of the flood of illegals filling up their parks and sidewalks and sucking up the grain in the public trough. Is the Biden admin really going to force Texas, at literal gunpoint, to remove the wire? That would be a political disaster.

Yesterday, Biden issued a letter attempting to thread this needle; problem for him is, a significant part of the Dem coalition wants open borders and they immediately attacked the letter.

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The Biden poohbahs hand puppeteers should have stayed away from this

The Biden poohbahs hand puppeteers should have stayed away from this. The corporate media # would have left the story alone, and Dems could simply continue to demonize Trump, hoping that would be sufficient to mask the catastrophe at our border. Instead, they pried open a box and the rattlesnakes have crawled out.

What’s more, there is even a worse scenario: what if the guard refuses to be nationalized and gives Biden the finger? Does Biden then send in the US Army? Abbott contends his side is prepared for a confrontation. What if the two sides shoot at one another? We could suddenly find ourselves in a civil war. You think that’s fear mongering? The historical record is replete with just such incidents leading to bloody conflict.

In my view, Biden and his handlers wouldn’t hesitate to provoke violence if they knew they’d win, but they realize another scenario is more likely. They’re stupid, but they’re not so stupid as to be ignorant of the fact they’re weak. Biden could send a division down there and have the NCOs and the rank file go over to the other side.

That could lead to a cascade of revolt among the majority of the armed forces all over the country. And after the last 3 years, on whose side do you think our police departments would come down? What would Biden do, marshal his pink-haired forces? ANTIFA and BLM rabble? Men in dresses? The LGBTQ storm troopers?

I know which side would be fighting for beliefs willing to die for and which side is narcissistic and criminal rabble. I also know which side has the most guns and the greater experience with them.

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Matt Taibbi: “Is the Electoral Fix Already In?”

I’m sure there are those who would find the scenario I’ve just painted risible and paranoid, but I’d bet everything I own or ever will that the Rasputins running this administration have gamed this out, and they’ve concluded, as have I, that in terms of armed struggle, the country is in an inverse position of that preceding the Civil War. The nation’s strength and vitality, economically and demographically, lies with that part of the electorate commonly referred to as red states or MAGA country. Should things go seriously sideways, the prospect of the Biden junta’s architects and leaders facing a firing squad or the hangman’s noose in the hands of a vengeful mob are not to be discounted.

Besides, why risk violent confrontation if cheating and fraud can get you where you need to be and even provide, however gossamer, something of a fig leaf of legitimacy? This brings me to Matt Taibbi’s article from this week: “Is the Electoral Fix Already In?”

In the article Taibbi documents the ongoing efforts in media and academia to insist Trump poses an existential threat; that his re-election would be the end of democracy; that Trump would use the army to further political aims and the government to attack and punish his opponents. In short, that Donald Trump would pull all the pages from the playbook that we’ve witnessed the left employ since the persecuted former and perhaps future president came down the escalator and announced his intention to run.

Taibbi further documents that the same Dem players to whom we’ve become accustomed are preparing to fight and destroy Trump by all the same means they’ve previously used and dig into their bag for others, if need be. The most ham fisted was a quote from an NBC story from former defense and intelligence officials about the possibility of, quote, “a preemptive mutiny.”

I don’t think that will happen for the reasons I just stated, that is, it’s too likely to fail with miserable consequences, but more interesting to me, and also mentioned in the story, is the lawfare we’ve already seen used, such as states trying to strike Trump from primary ballots or the scorched earth approach to Dems running third party.


Transition Integrity Project,  a consortium of Deep State players

A coalition from what’s calling itself the No Labels party, which is really a group of 3rd party Dems, sent a letter to the Department of Justice complaining of Dem tactics to derail their effort. The letter described a meeting between the No Labels people and a number of Dem advocacy groups. Semafor, an online site, got an audio recording of the meeting and listen to this warning issued to those Dems wishing to run third party. This is a quote from the audio:

    "Through every channel we have, to their donors, their friends, the press, everyone — everyone — should send the message: If you have one fingernail clipping of a skeleton in your closet, we will find it… If you think you were vetted when you ran for governor, you’re insane. That was nothing. We are going to come at you with every gun we can possibly find. We did not do that with Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, we should have, and we will not make that mistake again.”

Good lord. If that’s how they treat fellow Dems, what do they have in store for Donald Trump and the rest of us? Well, as Taibbi points out, we don’t have to wonder because we’ve already seen and continue to see it.

Taibbi quotes from a report by the “Transition Integrity Project, the TIP” a consortium of Deep State players all too familiar to us from them Russia-gate fraud that is as frighteningly a clear look into the dark heart of progressive projection as you will ever encounter.

The essence of a TIP report is that it may be necessary to destroy democracy in order to save it. In excerpts, Taibbi lists some of things authors of the report fear; give a listen, these are quotes from the report:

    “The President’s ability… to launch investigations into opponents; and his ability to use Department of Justice and/or the intelligence agencies to cast doubt on election results or discredit his opponents.”
    “The President and key members of his administration can also reference classified documents without releasing them, manipulate classified information, or selectively release classified documents for political purposes, fuelling manufactured rumors.”

Deep state fecklessness is on bold display

    “Additional presidential powers subject to misuse include… his ability to restrict internet communications in the name of national security.”
    “There is considerable room to use foreign interference, real or invented, as a pretext to cast doubt on the election results or more generally to create uncertainty about the legitimacy of the election.”

Can you believe the audacity to write this #? The country bore witness to Biden and Dem power brokers doing every bit of this. From Crossfire Hurricane to the Pee tapes to fabricated FISA warrants, spying on American citizens and illegal leaks of classified documents, progressive Deep Staters engaged in all of it, and they are preparing to do that and more in the event Trump wins.

Final items listed in the TIP’s report were, and I’m lifting these from Taibbi’s reporting “plan for a contested election” and “plan for large-scale protests”; “make plans now for how to respond in the event of crisis.”

Challenged on the report by a writer at National Review, one of the lead authors gave an interview with lickspittle NY Times reporter Michelle Goldberg who helpfully conveyed to us that the paper was simply gaming things out, that Dems don’t want to take to the streets, but that it’s something that, quote, “must nonetheless be considered.

Right, just considered. And this brings me back around to the showdown at Eagle Pass.

Deep state fecklessness is on bold display. The desire is to crush Donald Trump and his 75 million voters and then take over running the country without interference on the way to global utopia. Eagle Pass will embolden freedom lovers and has outlined the present limits of Deep State power. However, We are now dealing with a wounded animal, and there is nothing so dangerous.

The outline of their intentions is easily detected in previously deployed tactics. At some point, our enemies will have to push all their chips into the middle of the table. We have them outmanned and outgunned. We can win, but we will have to call their bluff.

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Charles Martel -- Bio and Archives

Charles Martel, laying down the Hammer for Canada Free Press
Charles can be found on Rumble and on Spotify  as @CharlesMartelCFP
