
Obama’s choices have proven less than stellar

The Democrat Comic Opera

The Democrats have lusted for total power for eight long years since the departure of Bill (the meaning of 'is') Clinton, disbarred lawyer, adulterer, and former President of the United States. Since 2000 they passed their time blaming everything on George W. Bush, including acts of God such as Hurricane Katrina.

By 2006, President Bush had exhausted whatever political capital he thought he had and the Democrats grabbed a thin margin in Congress, but enough to elevate geniuses like Barney Frank, an Elmer Fudd impersonator and, like Sergeant Schultz in “Hogan’s Heroes”, someone who saw nothing going terribly wrong at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Also rising to power were Harry Reid in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi in the House. For two years they and their fellow Democrats have accomplished…what? By 2008, the messiah in the person of Sen. Barack Obama smiled upon them and, along with lots of other Democrats, laid claim to both the White House and Congress. Reid and Pelosi embraced, everyone broke open the champagne, and then things began to go horribly wrong. The economy tanked. Furious efforts ensued to throw billions at the credit liquidity problems brought on by Democrat “social justice” programs that actually required banks and lending institutions to make bad loans to people who could not pay them. The Detroit auto makers came to Washington, D.C., to beg for a loan that everyone knew was a waste of taxpayer’s money. Labor unions, one of the mainstays of the Democrat Party, glowered at any thought of not paying members not to work. Then the Governor of Illinois, a State in which the Chicago political machine is located, was arrested for allegedly trying to sell Sen. Obama’s seat for political advantage. Caught on tape, he denied everything and appointed an Afro-American, Roland Burris, to the seat. This caught the Democrat Party off guard because “Blago” was actually doing something legal. Harry Reid’s first instinct was to deny Burris a seat in the Senate, thus alienating countless Afro-Americans who voted for Obama and other Democrats. If the Chicago shenanigans weren’t sufficient, there was the prospect of a comedian—would I kid you—Al Franken being “elected” under the most dubious circumstances to the Senate as, of course, a Democrat. Having essentially failed at all previous pursuits, Franken naturally aspired to politics. His status remains in limbo because of all the votes that suddenly occurred after the election which his opponent won. In Minnesota votes found at the bottom of wells and under piles of leaves count if they are cast for a Democrat. It is well to pause and note that EVERYBODY knows that the Democrats are attempting to STEAL the Minnesota Senate seat. Just as EVERYBODY knows that the appointment of Burris is Blago’s way of sticking it to his fellow Democrats, some of whom are suggesting that there should be a “black” seat in the Senate. There are, of course, many Afro-Americans in Congress and many have managed to disgrace themselves with the same alacrity as their white counterparts. If matters could not get much worse (and they will) for the Democrats, New Mexico Governor Richardson, a designee for an Obama cabinet post, withdrew himself from consideration due to an investigation of alleged pay-for-play tactics. So far, Obama’s choices have proven less than stellar. Most are drawn from the former Clinton administration, including the wife of the former President. Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano has no apparent credentials to head up the Homeland Security Department, suggesting that the war on terror is not a top priority for the incoming Obama administration. This perception is heightened by the designation of Leon Panetta, the former chief of staff for Clinton, selected to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Given the fact that the CIA has operated as a stealth agent for the Democrat Party throughout the course of the Bush administration, Panetta’s selection makes perfectly good sense. It was the Agency that consistently leaked “news” to The New York Times and anyone else that could rush into print to decry the horror of actually waging a war on Islamic terrorism. It is hard to criticize the appointment, however, given that Bush41 was once a CIA director and their headquarters is actually named for him. The most recent news is that the President-elect wants to deal in part with the unemployment problem by hiring hundreds of people to serve in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That way Americans can feel even safer in a nation that threatens to become a police state where we will all have to carry a government-issued ID card in order to drive a car, board an airplane, do any banking, et cetera. Other bizarre ideas include taxing every cow, goat, horse, and chicken in America for the crime of emitting greenhouse gases. The Great Obama Anti-Recession Plan is likely to end up looking like the failed FDR plan of the 1930s. The government will become the employer of last resort and, with any luck, absolutely nothing will get done. Even the disgraced former New York Governor, Elliot Spitzer, attacked it! I suspect that few Americans will be laughing much by the next elections in 2010. That is not good news for Democrats.

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Alan Caruba——

Editor’s Note: Alan passed away on June 15, 2015.  He will be greatly missed

  Alan Caruba: A candle that goes on flickering in the dark.


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