
Barak Obama is an out and out charlatan

The Height of Phony Indignation

After reading two whole pages of drivel from the Associated Press about the Honorable Rep. Joe Wilson (R) - SC's alleged faux pas of calling out "You Lie".

I didn't find one word about Harry Reid calling President Bush a liar, or the rest of the Democrats booing or being disrespectful when Bush was addressing the joint body. All the idiots who wrote the article talked about was a congressman from South Carolina 150 years ago beating a Senator from Massachussetts with a metal-topped wooden cane. Then there was the 1838 pistol duel in which William Graves of Kentucky shot and killed Congressman Jonathan Cilley of Maine over words spoken on the floor of the house. (Graves wasn't even expelled) Pelosi said there would be no further action and the man had already aplogized, but now she has changed her mind (does she have a mind?) and the democrats are intent on going after him further and not letting this incident fade away. "Accusing someone of lying is impugning their integrity," says Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a supposed expert on political communication at the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Congress is a place of deliberation, Jamieson adds: "If you call someone a liar, you've ended the deliberations. This is such a strong norm that it's been in the House rules since the time of Thomas Jefferson". If a man tells a lie, or lies by deliberate omission, he is a LIAR, there is no way around that plain and simple fact, and all of this "make nice crap" is just exactly that, "CRAP". If a man tell a lie, what in the bloody blue hell is wrong with saying he told a lie and holding him accountable for that lie, especially an elected official like the President of the United States, whose words and actions effect us all? I'd imagine that the next time President Obama speaks to congress, says Fred Beuttler, "Everyone will be very polite". Beuttler, the deputy historian at the House of Representatives, called the Wilson incedent "highly unusual, if not unique." The Daedalian Society always closes the meeting with the phrase"G-d Bless the President of the United States", but during the time of Bill Clinton, it was changed to "G-d Bless the Office of the Presidency", changing back again as soon as Clinton vacated the office, needless to say, this being a society of retired and/or former military pilots, Clinton was not held in very high esteem (need I say more?). Barak Obama is an out and out charlatan, and if Pelosi or Reid want to show some more phony indignation, hey folks if you feel like a damn frog JUMP! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!

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Aaron Cantor——

<em>Las Vegas based Aaron is retired from the U.S. Military. His favourite weapons now are:  a spatula, a 1 iron, or a corkscrew. </a>
