
Obama's Memorial Day golf course moment of silence

The Log in Your Eye

imageI hope I don’t catch holy hell for this, but the big deal about Obama and his golf course “moment of silence” is a bit contrived. First, when someone is teeing off or addressing the ball, there is always a moment of silence. When I used to golf, that moment of silence was usually followed by a tirade of self-deprecating language.

While it’s true our Imposter in Chief could’ve kept a low profile on Memorial Day and stuck to the ceremonies such as Arlington. How many of us stayed off the golf courses, tennis courts, lakes and other recreational venues? How many Americans took a moment to reflect on the incredible sacrifices made over the years to keep America free? Let’s face it, for most Americans this three day weekend is more memorable for the beaches we frequent, the bar-b-cues we relish, and the hobby or sport we cherish than for a time of true memorial and gratitude. I am not saying we shouldn’t participate in those activities, but we must take time apart from our routines to truly remember how America came to be, and still remains the beacon of liberty for the world to see. While Obama is an easy target for conservatives, don’t forget the countless Americans who don’t stop to remember any of our historical foundations, our God given grace, or the liberty and freedom that came with the ultimate price. When most of the old school media gives barely a passing glance to those who sacrificed life and limb, and schools revise history to cast the United States as an imperialist military machine, it’s no wonder Memorial Day in America for too many is just another three day weekend. Other nations have their days to strut their military might and parade their hardware and troops marching in lockstep. America sets aside a day for all of us to look inward and express our gratitude to our fallen heroes. It should be a day of silence, but for much of this country it is just another day off, just another reason to have a big “sale”, just another day for taking our freedom for granted.

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Dave Macy——

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.
