
Relationship between Truth and Freedom is inviolable, infrangible, perfect, and absolute. Do your part to preserve Truth and Freedom for your children’s and grandchildren’s sake

The Relationship Between Truth and Freedom is Absolute

By Sherry Knight Rossiter ——--June 18, 2023

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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it along to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ~ Ronald Reagan

Lately I’ve spent a good deal of time pondering the relationship between Truth and Freedom. I am capitalizing these words deliberately because they deserve to be treated with reverence and respect. Truth and Freedom are not only the bedrock of the U.S. Constitution, but also of Christianity. The older I get, the more I understand that Truth cannot exist without Freedom and Freedom cannot exist without Truth. In other words, they are two sides of the same precious coin.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard

“People everywhere enjoy believing things they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.” ~ Brooks Atkinson

Sadly, there are many people in this world who believe that the Truth does not matter. We see examples of this every single day in our interactions with others and in reading or watching the latest news out of Washington, DC, or our state capitals. Because the Truth is constantly being twisted like a pretzel by politicians and so-called journalists, it is hard for us to know what to believe anymore.

It takes hard work to ferret out the Truth, and many are simply either too lazy to put in the work, or they simply don’t care. However, if we want to continue to live in Freedom, we must take personal responsibility to find the Truth.

Why do some people refuse to believe what is true even when presented with solid, irrefutable evidence? As a mental health professional, I would say there are many reasons for this refusal. One reason may be that it is just too frightening emotionally for the person to accept that particular truth. Another reason may be that accepting this Truth would require that person to give up some type of power, if he or she was to actually believe the facts presented.

We have seen plenty of examples of political figures, especially in the last several years, who continue to deny or refuse to acknowledge what is really happening in favor of lying about the Truth to either keep themselves in power or to take power away from some other person or group.

Let’s now shift our attention to the topic of Freedom. As I see it, true Freedom is a gift from God, not from Man. We often hear the slogan “Freedom is not free.” In my town, we have a state military cemetery that I drive by quite often going to and from my church. When I see the rows and rows of white grave markers, it reminds me of the many soldiers who have served or given their lives in service in order for Americans (and those in other countries) to continue to live in Freedom. We must never take our Freedom for granted. Just like it takes personal responsibility to ascertain the Truth, continuing to live in Freedom also requires personal responsibility and sometimes personal sacrifice.

When you look back on who it is that actually starts wars and threatens a country’s Freedom, it is a small minority of the population. This was true with Stalin, Hitler, and all other dictators. Who is it now wanting to take Freedom away from Americans? Well, there is Klaus Schwab and his globalist buddies working under the guise of the World Economic Forum. Then we also have the World Health Organization (WHO), who would just love for the U.S. to give up our medical sovereignty and be totally under WHO’s control when the next pandemic arrives. 

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Finally, we have George Soros, Barack Obama, President Joe Biden, and the Leftists in the U.S. Congress who currently pose a very real threat to America because they are working very hard to hide the Truth and erode the Freedom of all Americans.

Just this week, 20 armed IRS and ATF agents showed up in force at a gun shop in Great Falls, Montana just as the shop was opening. When all was said and done, the only thing they took from the shop was a list of all gun sales over some period of time. This list would be extensive since this shop is one of the largest mail order gun shops in the United States. What were the IRS and the ATF really looking for? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with Truth or Freedom.

As I said at the beginning of this commentary, I believe Truth and Freedom are two sides of the same coin. In other words, the relationship between Truth and Freedom is inviolable, infrangible, perfect, and absolute. Do your part to preserve Truth and Freedom for your children’s and grandchildren’s sake.

“It does not take a majority to prevail . . . but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” ~ Samuel Adams

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell


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Sherry Knight Rossiter——

Sherry Knight Rossiter resides in Missoula, Montana, where she is a licensed mental health professional in private practice and an adjunct college professor.  She is an unabashed Christian conservative, a former Army helicopter pilot, and a very concerned American citizen.
