
United States government has done a fine job of paving the road to Hell

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

In the Free World those of us who are Christians understand that there is a road to Hell and a stairway to Heaven. The reason, of course, is the amount of anticipated traffic. Judging by the North American segment of the Free World, traffic to Heaven and Hell has been correctly anticipated.

Until the 19th century, the United States Constitution and United States government operated pretty much as designed by the Founding Fathers. However, from the start there is considerable documentation that demonstrates that the Founding Fathers had serious reservations about government growing to the point that it would become severely out of control. In 2023, America and Canada are experiencing totally out of control tyrannical governments.

Another paver on the road to Hell

Let’s take a look back to the last century at some government programs that were ostensibly initiated with good intentions in mind. The first was the Social Security Insurance (SSI) program that was started during the deepest part of the 1930s Great Depression. Employees and employers were assured the contribution of 2% of an employee’s pay (1% from the employee and 1% from the employer) would be deposited in a “protected fund,” so that when the employee retired he/she would have a basic source of income. It sounded like a really good idea at the time.

However, the unintended consequence was that the government usurped the individual’s responsibility for providing for themselves and their families and gave that responsibility to the government. Today what was never supposed to exceed 1% of a person’s wages is now 6.2% for employee and employer for a total of 12.4%. The SSI program started its death spiral when Congress decided to award SSI benefits to people who had made no contributions to the SSI system. The death die for SSI was cast when Congress decided to “unprotect” the money in the SSI protected fund. That is when SSI became a U.S. government-sponsored Ponzi scheme that depended on new employees to fund the payments to people who paid into the system all their lives. Now the government tells us the SSI system will “go broke” in the 2030s. The SSI system isn’t going broke, the lawless U.S Congress has stolen the money and spent it somewhere else. Good intentions, but another paver on the road to Hell.

Then the U.S. Congress decided to repeat the disaster of SSI with Medicare. Same story, different music. Good intentions, but another paver on the road to Hell.

Good Intentions and the Wars on Poverty and Drugs

Then there are the good intentions associated with the WAR ON POVERTY. Wow, this sounded like a wonderful high minded idea in the 1960s. All you have to do in 2023 is look around the streets of America to see how well that worked out. Poverty is worse in 2023 than it was in 1965. Good intentions, but another paver on the road to Hell.

And let’s not forget the good intentions associated with the WAR ON DRUGS. Wow, this too sounded like a wonderful high minded idea in the 1970s. Again, all you have to do in 2023 is look around the streets of America to see how well that worked out. Drug addiction is worse in 2023 than any time in history. Good intentions, but only another paver on the road to Hell.

Also, don’t forget the U.S. Departments of Education, Energy, Environmental Protection, and all the non-governmental function organizations the United States government funds. Good intentions, but only another truck load of pavers for the road to Hell.

Looking at America and the Free World today, understanding how communism infiltrated our government from the 1930s onward, I have developed a different opinion about all of these U.S. government programs. All these programs have a few things in common. First, they were all purported to be based on good intentions and were bought hook, line, and sinker by Congress and the American public. Each and every one of these programs usurped a small piece the right of individuals to control their own lives and transferred that control to the federal government. All of these programs were created or heavily sponsored by the Democrat Party machine which, we now know has been in the control of Marxists (aka progressives, socialist, communists, globalists) at least as early as the Franklin Roosevelt administration.

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Marxist Democrat Party machine has unabashedly come out of the old Democrat Party closet

In light of the fact that the Marxist Democrat Party machine has unabashedly come out of the old Democrat Party closet, we need to reexamine all the aforementioned programs.

  • Were these programs initiated out of good intentions or were these programs designed to subtlety, step by small step, steal individual rights at a rate that would go unnoticed?
  • Were these program initiated out of good intentions or were these programs designed to subtlety, step by small step, make as many people as possible dependent on government?
  • Were these programs initiated out of good intentions or were these programs designed to subtlety, step by small step, buy as many voters as possible?
  • Are the Marxist Democrats and the political uniparty minions so confident that they think they have no need to hide anymore?

The Marxist Democrat Party and their evil minions have been waging a war against America since the 1930s. When they started coming out of the closet with Barack Obama, patriotic Americans began to realize that the enemy within was a problem. When the Marxist Deep State revealed itself before, during, and after the Trump administration, open warfare started rearing its ugly head. Joe and Kamala’s speeches and behavior have solidified the reality that the Marxist Democrat Party hate America and they want to cede control to others who hate America and what America stands for.

Has the Marxists American globalist uniparty underestimated the resolve of Americans who will defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic?

World Economic Forum and their elite minions think they have us in the dependence stage. We’ll see all too soon

"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the state" ~ Thomas Jefferson
"A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability." ~ John F. Kennedy
“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.” ~ Alexander Tytler

Where do you place America in Tytler’s cycle of democracy? Based on what they tell us, the World Economic Forum and their elite minions think they have us in the dependence stage. We’ll see all too soon.

In summary, the United States government has done a fine job of paving the road to Hell. The same government has screwed up every non-governmental program they have created and are not doing that well on many governmental programs. That begs the question: Just how long will patriotic Americans stand for this behavior?


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Steve Rossiter——

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
