
So don't expect a utopia because socialism has a history of creating hell on Earth

The True Character of Socialism

We have had prosperity, independence and freedom snatched from us by socialists who put their corrupt, socialist agenda and personal hatred of the President above all else. Socialists used the pandemic as an excuse to shutdown and destroy America's economy, and if you believe them, they did it for our own good. They even ordered churches to close their doors, and that's a clue to the true character of socialism. How did these callous, authoritarian tyrants ever gain power over us?

Our youth have been indoctrinated into socialism

Besides rigged state and local election systems, there's a number of ways socialists gain power. In the first place, we are not informed because our primary source of information is corrupt. Instead of informing, the media deliberately misleads the public about the character of politicians. They lie about both candidates. They promote their candidate with lies and denigrate his opponents with lies. That makes it impossible for us to make an informed decision because everything the media tells us is false. As a matter of fact, the media has always used its influence to determine the outcome of presidential elections. In 2016, the media failed to insure the deep state candidate's victory, although they smeared Donald Trump relentlessly, and that failure sent the media and socialist politicians off the deep end--exposing them for the liars and manipulators they are. In addition, our youth have been indoctrinated into socialism, misled about its character and intent, by a corrupt education system. As a result, the younger generation is more prone to sympathize with and vote for socialist Democrats; unless they were lucky enough to have had a teacher with integrity. Integrity is one thing that all socialists lack. That's because dishonesty is an essential part of socialism. In fact, media talking heads and politicians knowingly lie to our faces every day without guilt, shame or embarrassment. Fredo Cuomo and Adam Schiff are a good examples. Even when they are caught lying, they don't apologize or stop lying because they are not embarrassed in the least. Lying is part of the socialist ideology, and it's used as a tool to further their dark agenda.

Socialist Democrats want God out of government

Based on personal observation and historical evidence, all socialists, whether they are reporters, academics, doctors, politicians or scientists, are accomplished propagandists and unrepentant liars. Lying isn't wrong to socialists because they loathe God and oppose religious morality. Socialist Democrats want God out of government because they want religious morality out of government. For example, the Democrat Party voted God out of their platform in 2008, voted to remove all reference to God from their platform in 2012, and they tried to have God taken out of government oaths. There's no religious morality in socialism because honesty and truth would expose it for what it is, evil. Besides, honesty is an honorable trait that's dear to Christians and religious Jews, and it's part of the religious morality that Democrats hate. Moreover, socialists have to lie about the character and intent of their ideology because most people would run from it if they knew what it really is. Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia are examples of socialist governments that used their authoritarian power to murder millions of innocent people. In Soviet Russia, self sufficient farmers, Christians and religious Jews were enemies of the state and had to be dealt with harshly. In Nazi Germany, the Jews were the primary enemies of the state, although the list grew over time. As history has shown, socialism always has a state enemy, a scapegoat, that has to be dealt with. In America, socialists are demonizing white people and Christians. The bad news for religious Jews is that many of them are white, and they are still on the socialist's list of enemies.

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Evil of socialism

However, if you are a white Christian in America, then you're at the top of the list of enemies. The government, that socialist Democrats have in store for America, will require white Christians to sew a white cross on their sleeve, while they prepare work camps and euthanization and crematory facilities. And when the socialist state runs out of white Christian scapegoats to steal from and murder, it's a forgone conclusion that the yellow star of David will once again adorn the clothes of religious Jews. Atheists that identify as Jews don't have to worry because socialism embraces those who lack religious convictions; those who have no moral compass whatsoever. Ultimately, God is the primary enemy of socialists, and they are determined to eliminate His influence, things like religious morality and God given rights, by eliminating His faithful. Make no mistake, the character of socialism is evil, and the goal of socialism is to eliminate God's influence by eliminating His people. And when it comes to killing people, pandemics have to take a back seat to socialists. As history shows, socialist governments have killed more people than pandemics, however socialists still manage to hide their involvement in atrocities such as the Holocaust. Democrat socialists even managed to hide their involvement in slavery. They lie about the character of their ideology because it's wicked, heartless and cruel. They could never regain power if they told the truth, so they lie about their own character and motives. Moreover, the evil of socialism, the heartless and cruel murder of innocents, has already surfaced. It's called women's reproductive rights, and the victims are innocent infants. Other monstrous and heartless atrocities will surface as soon as socialists gain complete control of government. They promise a socialist utopia, but what they have in store for people is more like hell on earth, and abortion only represents a small part of the atrocities that come out of the godlessness of socialism. Finally, socialism is a godless, heartless and immoral ideology that corrupts everything it touches. That's the true character of socialism. The stay home edict, that forbade religious assembly, was just a small sample of the tyranny that awaits us at the hands of Democrat socialists. The next socialist utopia will be just as bad or even worse than the ones that preceded it because godless socialism is about absolute power and control, and as the saying goes, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." So don't expect a utopia because socialism has a history of creating hell on Earth.


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Charles Wills——

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.
