
Trudeau Has Fallen For The Global Warming Promotion
– Hook, Line And 'Thinker'

Trudeau Has Fallen For The Global Warming Promotion
– Hook, Line And 'Thinker'
Ever loyal to his authoritarian compulsions, Canada’s PM Trudeau has fallen for the “Global Warming” promotion – hook, line and “thinker”. The latest gaff included stiffing Germany’s representative who is seeking desperately needed supplies of natural gas. Instead the conversation was about hydrogen. Which is an extremely low density form of energy. Not only an inefficient source of energy it is difficult to store and transport, and beyond that highly explosive. Another is that Canada’s Arctic region is suddenly vulnerable to a sea-borne invasion by Russia. Despite Putin’s extraordinary blunder and rapidly disappearing funding Trudeau discovers a threat.  One can imagine Spetznaz troops attacking “Tuk-Tuk”, with its two “super markets” and a crafts store. Just what would Russia’s interests be? Regrettably, it seems a fanciful tout to keep Climate Hysteria at the forefront.

Arctic Sea Ice

Don’t know where he gets his research from, but it contrasts with some recent charts. The following shows that Arctic Sea Ice Extent has been expanding since the unusual low in 2012. Now close to setting new highs: Arctic Sea Ice Extent The next chart covers the extent since 2008, with the usual seasonal fluctuations. With the latest decade the annual mean is recording a slight up-trend. annual mean

Cooking the Books on Temperature Records

Next shows Greenland’s Surface Mean Balance. Outside of Trudeau’s tiresome ambition the loss of ice on latest “melt” season was the least in many years. So, ice is not rapidly disappearing on Denmark’s biggest island. Greenland’s Surface Mean Balance These few charts provide perspective on Trudeau’s latest promotion, but there are other aspects that the globalist Climate Crowd has been going on about. Whenever you see headlines about setting the “hottest” year on record and this is one-one hundredth of a degree over the last record, you know that they are “cooking the books”. America has the most complete weather record and the following chart by Tony Heller shows the number of stations setting highs each year. And it, along with other charts, confirms that the 1930s was the hottest since the Medieval Optimum. 1930s was the hottest since the Medieval Optimum

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Global Warming, Wild Fires and Hurricanes

Another item to promote concerns and control has been “Global Warming” is causing wildfires.  Recall the mantra that the “Earth Is Going to Fry”.  Again, the US has a lengthy record: Global Warming is causing wildfires And then control freaks have been going on about “Destructive Storms”, but the following provides the record of Global Major Hurricanes: record of Global Major Hurricanes

Invoice to replace a battery

And then there is the unrelenting promotion of Electric Vehicles. The last image is of the invoice to remove and replace the battery in a Chevrolet hybrid car: invoice to remove and replace the battery in a Chevrolet hybrid car


Canada, Holland and Sri Lanka are attacking centuries of agricultural improvements by preaching that nitrogen is suddenly “bad”

Governments use of mass hysteria has been used before. Until some thirty years ago researchers recognized that a warming climate was beneficial and the example that prevailed through the 1200s was called the “Medieval Optimum”. Which was followed by the cooling trend that was eventually called the Little Ice Age with the 1400s and 1500s suffering seriously cold and wet weather. This could not be offset by wearing extra clothes, because it meant many crop failures with many famines. Not just for people, but poor grasses devastated live-stock as well. The very hard times required a scapegoat and through the 1500s in Germany witches were burned at the stake. While seeming a reckless mob rule, learned magistrates tried, convicted and executed thousands of defenseless women. Because they were “cooking the weather”. Today’s equivalent hysteria is more democratic – everyone, including infants, are “cooking” not just the weather, but the climate. Over the past forty years, there were no serious famines with mass die-offs. Sure, there were politically induced famines in Ethiopia but no natural famines that could not be diminished by shipments of food. Accusations and condemnations about the weather and climate have been part of a lengthy experiment in authoritarianism – whereby any issue will be used to impose control. That lately and ironically is constraining food production. There is Russia’s misguided invasion of Ukraine. And other equally misguided countries such as Canada, Holland and Sri Lanka are attacking centuries of agricultural improvements by preaching that nitrogen is suddenly “bad”. Too many learned but misguided magistrates in cities trying to overwhelm common-sense in the country.

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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
