
Hillary would be a protector of the status quo, and Trump would probably blow up the status quo

Trump: It would be 'inappropriate' to debate Bernie

Boom! Liberals and the mainstream media just had a conniption fit because Donald Trump changed his mind. He did so for good reason. It would be inappropriate to debate the soon-to-be second-place finisher in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination. But Bernie Sanders and the liberals will spin the decision by saying Trump reneged, backed out or backed down. No such thing!
Trump either had second thoughts after making the comment about debating Sanders on a late-night TV show, or, heaven forbid, he listened to his people. Liberals will say he can't do that! He might actually be displaying a strong leadership quality. Namely, listening! I have said many times that running for president is like trying to take a sip of water from a fire hydrant. You run the risk of losing your lips. Maybe he decided to listen to his people to avoid making Bernie look better than he deserves, or, to avoid political presidential lip damage. (Write that down, Shaney B!). In other words, Trump had nothing to gain. Now that Trump has clinched the pre-requisite number of Republican delegates to officially secure the Republican nomination for president, every word, every insinuation and every reconsideration will be scrutinized and scrubbed by the liberals and their media allies to make Trump look bad. Why? They would still rather have Hillary in the White House, because she is predictable and Trump is not predictable. Hillary would be influenced by big financial donors. Trump has no big donors. Hillary would be a protector of the status quo, and Trump would probably blow up the status quo. I think the "blow up the status quo" part is what has a lot of voters excited. The liberals would have another conniption fit. Boom! Again!


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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
