
Geo-nuclear Climate Forcing Theory, Geo-magnetic Field Theory, The Non Expanding Universe Theory

Unified Earth Science Theory

The Holy Grail of science for the almost a century is to find the ‘Unified Field Theory’ to explain the inconsistencies of three branches of science. Isaac Newton published his Principia de Mathematica in 1686 and his ‘theory’ was so accepted that it became ‘Law’ throughout the scientific world.

This ‘settled science’ was challenged on the micro and macro scales by Einstein, Planck and Hubbell at the start of the twentieth century. Neither particles within atoms, nor the expanding universe, behaved according to classical Newtonian physics. The hunt for the single formula that did explain all these disparate forces was on in earnest. Long before ‘unexpected consequences’ was a recognized political phenomenon it was recognized by science. More often than not, scientists discovered things far different than they expected. Forced to think in a new direction then allowed major refinements in other, non-related branches of science. Such is the case in this author’s quest for the truth about human caused climate change.

Geo-nuclear Climate Forcing Theory

The Carbon Dioxide Climate Forcing Hypothesis is the most transparent fraud in all of human history. To truly understand climate variations science requires that you first identify the extreme boundaries. The Earth has been far warmer and far colder, with slightly less, but far higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide. There is some evidence of slight correlation, but NO EVIDENCE OF CAUSATION. If you are looking for climate change factors, you are looking for energy sources. For Earth there are two major forces, solar radiation and internal Geo-nuclear radiation. The next step in proper scientific inquiry is to quantify the variations and then the motivating factors for these variations. In thirty years of accurate extra-terrestrial satellite measurements the total solar output appears nearly constant. There are variations in the amounts within electromagnetic bandwidths, certain frequencies increasing as others decrease. These variations, along with orbital variations can account for some changes in total solar energy at the Earth’s surface. These solar variations cannot in themselves account for ALL of the wide range of climate variation. All that is necessary to believe/understand the ‘Geo-nuclear Climate Forcing Theory’ is to answer two simple questions. What is the magnitude and what is the variation of this nuclear energy force ? The public have already been treated/tortured with enough of the climate change echo chamber syndrome. Rather than repeat all the evidence, please just refer to the after-noted articles.

Geo-magnetic Field Theory

One unintended consequence of research into Earth core structure was this author’s discovery of an obscure research paper by Xiaodong Song and Xinlei Sun published in 2008. Based on earthquake wave reflections thru the planet these researchers were able to prove that the Earth’s core is a single 900 mile diameter cubic crystal of iron. The graphite in your pencil and the diamond in your wedding ring are both pure carbon. One is barely more than dust, the other is the hardest substance CURRENTLY known to man. The difference is the diamonds six sided crystalline structure. The atoms in the four sided iron crystal at Earth’s core are both closer together and stronger that the six sided ‘soccer ball’ shaped diamond crystal. In addition, iron atoms are more than four times heavier than carbon atoms. This is now the most currently known hardest substance, and is far from any human contact. High velocity particles from nuclear decay that impinged on this grid would exert a turbine like rotating force, and indeed this is what we witness in the Earth’s magnetic field. Iron atoms have an uneven electron distribution causing each atom to be dipolar, on in effect a tiny magnet. These atoms would align in the crystal according to this polarity and create a 900 mile diameter magnet. The particle bombardments would cause this magnet to spin. Spinning magnets create electricity. The Earth’s electricity flows to the surface and is exchanged with the atmosphere causing lightning. The flow of electricity also creates a magnetic field. Due to rotation direction, this electric magnetism can reinforce or reduce the overall static magnetic effect of this 900 mile wide magnet. Changes in the axis of this spinning magnet are visible as erratic motion of the magnetic north and as magnetic declination for Earthlings trying to use a compass for navigation. The three thousand miles of molten rock which surrounds this crystal magnet core has a high concentration of ‘floating’ iron molecule atoms. When core rotation magnetism overcomes the static magnetism there is a ‘polar shift’ and these ‘floating’ iron molecules then immediately realign and reinforce the now, new polar orientation. There has never been a theory for magnetic strength variation or magnetic polar shifts. Thanks to the faux science of human caused global warming there is now a workable theory. Freed from false science and emboldened by new science it was time to take a fresh look at a science that had long ago expanded beyond the bounds of reason.

The Non Expanding Universe Theory

Again, a subject described in previous articles and referred to in the after-notes is a credible challenge to the Hubbell Hypothesis of the expanding universe. Include this as additional evidence to the previously mentioned, Theory on Non Expanding Universe. If the Universe is curved and the ‘red spectrum shift’ is from angular acceleration, and not direct acceleration from the observer, then science is freed from the multiple ‘invisible’ universes and the ‘invisible’ vacuum force of expansion. In support of non-expansion consider just our immediate Galactic neighborhood. Our solar system was not originally part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our solar system is part of a small cluster galaxy, which is being absorbed into one of the swirling Milky Way galactic arms. In the future we will reach maximum velocity away from the Milky Way, then reverse and pass thru in the opposite direction. In the distant future our cluster galaxy will align our orbit with the predominate gravitional force and the Milky Way will be in alignment with the solar ecliptic. At that time all of the planets will appear to move within the Milky Way instead of the 60 degree angle visible today. The distant galaxies we see are further away in both space and time. In a curved galaxy we may be seeing the back side of our past Galaxy in a hall of mirrors effect. The Milky Way is 230 million light years across with no apparent force pulling it apart, but a slight inward pull most likely due to a central black hole. The expanding universe hypothesis is further challenged by the apparent attraction and future collision of the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. Discussions of times and distance beyond comprehension is a useful mind expanding exercise, but the fundamental question is “How did we get here?”

From Black Holes to Rat Holes

By asking, how did we get here, I’m not asking the philosophical or religious question. I’m asking the practical question every taxpayer must ask. How did so many branches of science make so many errors in judgment ? It is easy enough to chase a bunny down the wrong trail and end up pounding sand down a rat hole. With the government providing the sand, there are plenty of ‘science institutions’ are more than willing to become rat holes. The Godfather of scientific stupidity is the federally funded, National Science Foundation. This cesspool of chronyism, nepotism, affirmative action, bribes and fraud is responsible for massive waste of public funds. Last year one of the NSF directors was forced to resign after it was discovered that he had been viewing on-line porn at work for a majority of the previous year. The NSF Inspector General said the problem was too wide spread to deal with. This sounds amazingly like the good gatekeepers at the Security and Exchange Commission. Who has time for Bernie Madoff or A.I.G. if there’s nude oil wrestling on the office computer monitor ? While the SEC failures can make a useful comparison to the NSF, the National Endowment for the Arts is equally useful. Think of the Expanding Universe Hypothesis as the ‘crucifix in urine’ of science. Think of human caused climate change as the ‘chocolate covered elephant dung’. The government has once again, successfully blurred the lines between ‘art and science’. All of the worst science in history has been funded the US taxpayer, from near useless impact studies to perverse species behavior studies. Serious problems go begging while the absurd is fully funded. The NSF, the SEC and the NEA are cube farms, full of porn feed bureaucrats incapable of serving the public. Oh and by the way, these bureaucrats are now paid, on average TWICE what you are paid. And talk about gold plated health care and retirement plans, where do I sign up ? I’ll even watch porn if I have to.

After Notes

Geo-nuclear Climate Forcing: Motive Force For All Climate Change The Neutrino Effect Magnetic Field Theory: No Loophole for Your Soul Non Expanding Universe Theory: Big Bang Rebuttal The Cure for Cosmology’s Peptic Ulcer

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Joseph A Olson, PE——

The Strange Tale of Green House Gas Gang and Motive Force for All Climate Change are both posted at ClimateRealist.com along with a complete series of articles on the Geo-nuclear climate forcing theory.
