
"Put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger."

VIDEO: Trey Gowdy destroys ObamaCare architect who thinks you're stupid

I thought you'd enjoy the passion with which Trey Gowdy delivers this takedown, and you always seem to respond well to Megyn Kelly for some reason. But do you catch only takeaway that really matters here?

Gowdy gets right down to it with this point: It's fine and good to now expose what a fraud this was from the beginning and has been all along, but it doesn't change the fact that the abomination it created remains on the books. That is the most maddening thing about the whole issue. Here we are with a law almost everyone hates, and that almost everyone now understands was shoved down our throats based on total lies - and let's not forget that the public was really not fooled even then. We have more than half the senators who voted for it no longer in office - only four years later! - and we see the public now laboring daily under the real-life consequences of this piece of legislative garbage. And yet . . . it's exceedingly difficult to get rid of it, even with a new Republican Congress that would like nothing better and a public that would applaud their doing so.
