
The brazen effort to steal the election from the American people exposes the Democrat/Media complex’s contempt for both the people and their freedom

Was The Trump Tsunami Stopped By A Biden Fake Quake?

Was The Trump Tsunami Stopped By A Biden Fake Quake?The absurdities we’re being asked to accept should destroy any lingering illusions about the integrity of America’s electoral system and the vast scale of corruption that runs it. This election is tainted to such a degree that if the malfeasance goes unpunished and unrepaired, then the Republic and its vaunted Constitution is already dead. Trump voters went to sleep content and happy on November 3 as the President was leading in most of the swing states but woke up to the horror of Joe Biden leading the electoral race.  How did that happen? The short answer is magic mail-in votes!
They advertised it, for God’s sake. The Trump’s lead is a "red mirage" Fake News narrative laid it out. Trump would be well out in front, which they knew was coming, but that fake lead would magically evaporate as all the late "votes" were finally tallied. Pennsylvania’s Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, couldn’t contain his enthusiasm for the coming Biden rush and excitedly tweeted the day before the election that Trump would lose PA once every "vote" is counted, which was why Trump was trying to undermine the election by subtracting as many "votes" as possible from the process. https://news.yahoo.com/pennsylvania-ag-declares-trump-going-174913934.html.  An astounding admission of the corruption to come. He also set up the post-court Trump victory narrative that Trump "stole the election and disenfranchised" voters.  This embarrassing episode could have been prevented had pre-Barrett Chief Justice John "Epstein Island" Roberts not allowed States to bypass their legislatures and Constitutions to make late-breaking, and likely illegal, changes to the voting system allowing late votes from unverified voters to be counted. Fortunately for America, and unfortunately for the seemingly compromised Roberts, he’s got a big problem coming because Constitutional originalist Amy Comey Barrett will likely join the four other conservative members on the Supreme Court in determining the validity of the election. This provides the five votes required to stop the worst electoral fraud in the country’s history. Just one of the reasons why the Democrats were trying to delay her appointment. President Trump spoke to the press early Wednesday morning quipping "Where did the election go?" He was referring to the fact that several Democrat States, in a coordinated coincidence, oddly stopped the vote counting process midstream. Trump expressed concerns that "votes" would be found at 4:00 am. Turns out the President is not only popular, he’s prescient because plenty of votes were indeed found, and to no one’s surprise, an alarmingly skewed percentage were for Joe.

Joe’s Early Morning Surges 

These charts show changes in vote tallies over time in Wisconsin and Michigan. You can clearly see Biden’s Fake Quake fault line, which registered a massive 9.0 on the political Richter scale, shaking the entire nation to the core the next morning. (See Below) It has also been reported that Wisconsin somehow drew a whopping 104% voter turnout. The enthusiasm level in Wisconsin is certainly off the charts because while Trump added 250,000 votes to his winning 2016 totals, Joe Biden gained even more!   Trump has asked for recounts in Wisconsin and Michigan but with all the shenanigans that went on, there’s no guarantee the recount would be accurate either. Still, requesting recounts before suing over corrupt ballots seems like the right way to go about challenging the results. Philadelphia got in on the late Biden ballot action too, dropping off a total of 23,277 of them, all for Biden. That’s right, Trump scored a goose egg in Philly, but he did get 1,300 of 5,000 in Luzerne County.  The media’s antics were also unbecoming of a great nation, calling Biden wins early and failing to call Trump wins late, luckily setting the table for Joe’s miraculous comeback. Vote counting irregularities are popping up all across Democrat swing states plus Arizona, which Fox News embarrassingly called for Biden when hundreds of thousands of Trump leaning votes remained to be counted. Other outlets have retracted their Arizona for Biden call, but Fox News and AP are sticking with it. May they regret it. Biden’s Fake Quake fault line

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What We’re Supposed To Believe

The public is being pushed aside to accept that President Trump, with his spectacular foreign and domestic policy successes —Middle East peace deals and a booming economy—whose rallies drew tens of thousands, whose legion of supporters celebrated in massive, impromptu vehicle and boat parades, who greatly increased his minority vote totals, added tens of thousands of disillusioned Democrats and projects with confidence that the best is yet to come,  has lost his re-election bid  to Joe Biden, a man struggling to string two coherent sentences together, whose rallies were attended by dozens, who promised to kill the oil-and-gas industry, threatened mask mandates and nation wide lockdowns, boasted of stripping citizens of their second amendment rights, swore to reverse the Trump tax cuts that put thousands in the pockets of normal Americans, got demolished in the debates, had his family’s rank corruption exposed world wide, and hid behind his lid (no campaigning) was the American people’s choice. C’mon, man!

Something isn’t right

Its clear that this whole corrupt scheme was long planned and needed the pandemic to set the stage for crooked mail-in votes. Needed it, which does suggest COVID-19 was a plandemic, as terrifying as that thought is. The coordinated effort between the media, pollsters, government agencies, and the corrupt Democrat machine looks increasingly like a coup, and those involved are guilty of at least sedition.  One thing they can no longer hide is their vile, contemptuous feelings for a public they claim to serve.  Some commentators see the corruptocrat’s brazen, in-your-face actions as a sign they feel invincible, making them unstoppable. That may be true. However, for others, their actions signify an abject terror of having their insane global corruption exposed to the world. Not just the Democrat machine, the Deep State machine itself is in jeopardy, including the media and Tech Giants, the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and even global organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO).  The Swamp is in for the battle of their lives and as ugly as it may look for Trump and his supporters right now, there is chatter that Team Trump is more than prepared.  If so, it's going to be an exciting four years for freedom and a lifetime of incarceration for the guilty. If not, then it's going to be four years of nasty civil strife, maybe worse.


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Mark Gray——

Mark Gray hails from the Kirkland Lake, Ontario area and has spent over 30 years as an Analyst/Developer in Big IT, mostly in Calgary’s Oil-And-Gas Sector. Creator of an non-partisan, analytical methodology that seeks out and identifies Bias and Deceit embedded in weaponized information.
