
Democrat socialists took control of the executive branch and Congress via the fraudulent 2020 election

We can fight to keep our liberty and freedom or give up and live like rats under Democrat socialist tyrants

We can fight to keep our liberty and freedom or give up and live like rats under Democrat socialist tyrants The Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act, that Joe Biden recently signed into law, is an example of the insanity driven tyranny of socialism. In reality, there is no justification for hate crimes legislation because assault and murder are already crimes in every state. There's no reason to pass hate crime laws, other than to perpetuate lies, like systemic racism, that can be used to undermine the Constitution and further the Marxist takeover of America.
Moreover, the Marxist media keeps the American people off balance with exaggerated distractions and outright lies while the socialist-run government hides the truth behind an iron curtain of secrecy, cover-ups and fraud. And speaking of fraud, the 2020 election was rigged. That fact alone proves the entire government has fallen into the hands of unprincipled socialists because they, not the American people, decided the outcome of the 2020 election. And if we have no voice in elections, then we have no voice in government. Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe that the U.S. government could never fall to tyranny because of the constitutional division of powers into three separate branches of government; that if one branch becomes tyrannical, the other two will reign it back in. However, our founders knew that the Constitution would fall to tyranny if the American people lost their religious principles. In a letter to Lafayette, dated February 7, 1788, Washington wrote:
"That these Powers are so distributed among the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, into which the general Government is arranged, that it can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an Oligarchy, an Aristocracy, or any other despotic or oppressive form; so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the People."
As Benjamin Franklin said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need for masters," And James Madison stated: “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical (imaginary) idea."

And Samuel Adams warned, "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt." Patrick Henry put it this way: “A vitiated (adulterated) state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom.” Our founders knew that, if the people lost their religious moral principles, all three branches of government would eventually fall under the control of unprincipled tyrants. They knew that politics reflect society, and an unprincipled people spawn unprincipled governments. In this case, the government has fallen under the control of unprincipled Marxist/socialist tyrants. How did that happen? Well, the simple answer is that Congress put their own personal interest ahead of the interest of the people they were elected to represent. Instead of representing the voters, representatives decided it was in their own best interest to do the bidding of globalist, Marxist organizations like the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. In return, Marxist oligarchs rewarded representatives with wealth and political power. For years now, Congress has been doing the bidding of godless Marxists by passing legislation favorable to global Marxism and by appointing socialist ideologues to high positions throughout government. As a result, all three branches of the U.S. government are under the control of socialist ideologues - tyrants. That's why we are currently confronted with an unprincipled government that rules from a military compound surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by armed troops. Today, all three branches of the U.S. government are in the hands of unprincipled, godless Marxists; people who put their own personal interest ahead of the interest of America and the American people. The persecution of the Democrat's political opponents by the justice system, and the Supreme Court's stamp of approval on unconstitutional, socialist legislation, like Obamacare, is proof that the entire judicial system is in the hands of unprincipled, Marxist tyrants.

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In the Federalist Papers #47, James Madison warned:
"The accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
Madison said;
"Where the whole power of one department is exercised by the same hands which possess the whole power of another department, the fundamental principles of a free constitution, are subverted."
In other words, if all three branches of government fall into the same hands, the Constitution will be rendered meaningless (subverted). Finally, Democrat socialists took control of the executive branch and Congress via the fraudulent 2020 election. They also have a Supreme Court that rubber stamps unconstitutional, socialist legislation and turns a blind eye to election fraud. Democrats also have a justice department that persecutes their political opponents, and an unethical media propaganda machine that perpetuates their lies. As things currently stand, we only have two choices. We can fight to keep our liberty and freedom or give up and live like rats under Democrat socialist tyrants.


Federalist Paper Founders Archives -- Samuel Adams Founders Archives -- George Washington Founders Archives -- George Washington Founders Archives -- Alexander Hamilton


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Charles Wills——

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.
