
Today’s equivalent agencies expand the cause of bad weather to include men, women and children.

Weather and Climate Update

“Globally the Last Seven Years Have Been the Warmest Since Records Began in 1850” Published in April, the article by Bloomberg included: “Concentrations of carbon dioxide and particularly methane continue to rise in the atmosphere”. Too much fuss about miniscule influences, when water vapor is the dominant “greenhouse” gas. Generally, the headlines and articles about “Global Warming” and the devious “Climate Change”, that is applicable to any human endeavor, have been promoted by control freaks to, well, gain control. A ploy to control people ambitiously touted in too many countries by too many authoritarian agencies. All on the taxpayer-funded gravy train.
Started by academics seeking grants; sensationalism sells. Do devotees really believe they can set the temperature of the nearest planet at 288 Kelvin and can keep it there at plus or minus one/half of a degree K? If they do, it is audacity without precedent. Well, not quite – Greek and Nordic gods had amazing powers – and today’s equivalent earnestly debate about limiting the increase from some arbitrary time in the 1800s to + 2° K. Others more determined push for limiting it to 1.5° K. For those new to the subject C and K are the same degree of temp measure. Amongst researchers not promoting climate hysteria, the UAH Satellite data is considered to be the most reliable measure of the Earth’s temperature. This record has been relatively flat since 1987 and the two spikes up in 1998 and in 2016, were due to two large “El Ninos”. Warm weather events launched by periodic tropical ocean currents. Along with the cooling “La Ninas” they have been recurring “forever”. The posting for May shows the temp to be 0.17°C above the 1991 to recent base line. The high in 2016 was +0.70°C. A little more than half a degree of cooling in six years.

UAH Satellite Temperature History

UAH Satellite Temperature History

Also, other unaltered temperature records charted by Tony Heller, using the best data which is for the US, shows that the truly hot spell reached its highest with the “Dust Bowl” of the 1930s: class= These are confirmed by the National Climate Assessment:

National Climate Assessment

National Climate Assessment

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There is a good temperature history from Greenland’s ice core covering the Holocene. Geologically, this is the description of the period following the coldest of the last Ice Age, called “interglacials”. Note that the warmest was reached at some 6,000 years ago. And in looking at a Wikipedia on the Holocene the author stated that the cooling following the Holocene Optimum was “caused by the melting of glaciers”.

Holocene Record

Holocene Record

This GAMG (Gracefully Aging Mature Geologist) learned that ice ages are caused by global cooling and that interglacials are caused by global warming. Been happening for a gazillion years and is essentially caused by periodic changes in the solar system. Which changes the amount of energy received at the Earth’s surface. While there are fascinating interactions, the basic mechanism of climate change is simple. The amount of energy received at the Earth’s surface varies—periodically. And atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have very little influence upon weather or even climate change. CO2 molecules can briefly hold a little heat, but it is minor and within the spectrum dominated by molecules of water vapor. The next chart is the temperature and carbon dioxide record from the Vostok Station in Antarctica. Covering some 400,000 years – in close detail it shows that on each major climate change from ice age to interglacial carbon dioxide followed the turn in temperature. In so many words, heat “causes” increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2. Not the other way around, and the lead from heat turning up the CO2 varies from 600 to 800 years.




And then there is the latest winter season for Snow Mass Balance on Greenland, which has been close to normal.

Snow Mass Balance

Snow Mass Balance Taking a look at the latest La Nino – it’s still in its cooling mode.

El Nino

El Nino And the next point is political, which is a recent Gallup Poll on environmental concerns. Global Warming or Climate Change is at the bottom of the list.

Gallup Poll on environmental concerns

Gallup Poll on environmental concerns

* * * * *

This one was discovered after the main article had been finished. But worth adding, as this chart shows a developing reversal in the trend – that could be extended by this season’s “Normal”. And this season is done.

Greenland Mass Balance

Greenland Mass Balance Over thousands of years, there have been many superstitions about weather. Mainly too much cold and too much rain. Indeed, during the Little Ice Age that ended by around 1700, there were frequent crop failures and famine. During the 1500s, in Northern Europe it was widely known the witches caused bad weather and agricultural failures. Many learned magistrates charged, convicted and executed thousands of witches. Today’s equivalent agencies expand the cause of bad weather to include men, women and children.

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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
