
Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the ACLU

Welcome to the School for Dunces

Every day we delay the death penalty on the Gitmo detainees we give the prisoners another day of the gift of life. Why we should want to give Khalid Sheik Mohammad a gift startles me. He murdered three thousand people and grief-struck thousands of their relatives. Our treating him to more life sounds like a form of insanity. Obama boasts that’s the American way. Is it the American way to disrespect our citizens and give murderers freebees? Is it the American tradition to do unto others better than they have done unto you? The scales of justice tip to the side of the despicable.

I was in jail and I loved it there. And I was relatively sane. Don’t tell me these lunatic, distorted ideologically distorted fanatics aren’t having a laugh at Gitmo. Some torture? They think we are a joke. I would. The dead victims get no paroles, furloughs or shortened sentences. The creeps who killed them get halal meals, recreation and time to read the derivative Koran. Anyone who is guilty of softening punishments on the 9-11 plotters is an inconsiderate, insensitive fool. The liberals pat themselves on the back but they have no backbone. Welcome to the school for dunces—Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the ACLU. David Lawrence NY, NY

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David Lawrence——

David Lawrence is a writer for Canada Free Press.
