
But they didn't lie! No! See, what happened was . . .

White House: OK fine, Obama actually lived with that Kenyan uncle we said he'd never met

I have to admit I really haven't been following this story - the one about Obama's illegal alien uncle from Kenya who is not going to be deported because, I guess, they only do that to mothers of three from Albania. But to the extent that they were addressing it at all, the White House had been claiming that Obama had never even met the man.
Until they couldn't say that anymore, because Uncle Onyango told police when he was arrested that Obama had not only met him, but had actually lived with him in Cambridge. Well that's a little different than "never met the man," isn't it? So the White House was caught in a lie, yes? Hardly an earthshaking development with this White House, but nonetheless, a lie. Not so fast! The Obama White House never admits it did anything wrong, even when it's caught red-handed. Get a load of this:
The White House acknowledged Thursday that President Barack Obama lived briefly years ago with a Kenyan uncle previously targeted for deportation — after initially insisting there was no evidence they had ever met.

Why the stark turnaround? “Nobody spoke to the president” when the question first arose in 2011, press secretary Jay Carney told reporters at his daily briefing. Instead, staff appear to have relied on one of the president’s autobiographical books. “Back when this arose, folks looked at the record, including the president's book, and there was no evidence that they had met, there was — and that was what was conveyed,” Carney explained. That appeared to be a reference to “Dreams From My Father,” which famously includes the warning that some people in the book are composites. So let me see if I have this straight. When asked about the relationship between Obama and Uncle Onyango, these people, who work for Obama right there in the White House, did not ask Obama about the relationship. Instead, they read Obama's autobiography, which is famous for talking about people who didn't exist. Seeing no evidence in the book that Obama knew Uncle Onyango, they proceeded to tell the public Obama didn't know him. And Obama, who obviously knows he once lived with the man, issued no public correction of his staff's answer to a question about his personal life, which they issued without ever asking him about it. That's what we're supposed to believe? How about this? The White House lied at Obama's behest so as not to let the president be embarrassed by his connection to an illegal alien, and when it became obvious they'd been lying, they made up a bunch of Bolshevik to try to pretend they didn't lie. And if that doesn't work for you, there's only one thing left to do:


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Dan Calabrese——

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