
Today, those determined to trash the Constitution are just as determined to destroy America

Will Defending the Constitution Destroy America?

Will Defending the Constitution Destroy America?Quite simply: “No!”. But in looking beyond today’s political furies, a return to Constitutional government will restore American freedoms. That have been assaulted by a seemingly endless experiment in authoritarian government. It will also restore control of government expenses to the people. What’s more, the irony is that most in government are required upon oath to defend and protect the Constitution. For far too many this is unfashionable, while acutely disturbing, the political mania by control freaks is not new. Nor is the growing movement to restore law and order. Peace and prosperity are again becoming more important than “causes” promoted by “experts”, such as Dr. Fauci or Al Gore. Or professional thugs under “Antifa”.   Understandably, the rule of law is a threat to those who have used offices of the state to impose personal ambition. For this always dangerous clique, the Constitution has been an inconvenience. Adding further irony, those determined to control through endless regulation, prefer not to abide by their own blizzard of rules. A simple but outstanding one has been the COVID lockdowns over Christmas as rulers dine without masks at fine restaurants or holiday in tropical paradises.

Venezuela’s prosperity was destroyed in less than twenty years

The latest in grand compulsions is the omnibus bill. Using hysteria, governments forced the greatest unemployment hit in history. And the bill includes $600 to individuals but doles out some $15 million for “gender studies” in Pakistan. The explanation of this as well as other budgetary monstrosities would likely be as weird as the headlines.   Whose interests do Democrats and too many Republicans represent?   The administrative state, and the mania is becoming more Orwellian every day.   Ordinary folk can only be abused so far and unrelenting intrusion has inspired reform movements. While benign popular uprisings date back to ruling class iniquities in Ancient Egypt, the most recent tore down the Berlin Wall. Many communist governments were brought down as well.   And this gets into political labels. The most tragic has been the corruption of “liberal”. At one time it was a political ideal within which individuals are free and government is limited. Although the term “liberal” still has considerable cachet, it means the opposite.   Adding to the list of ironies is that today’s liberals condemn legit opposition as “Hitlerian”. Because they are “Left”, any criticism must be from the “Right”, thus the naive accusations of “Nazi”. But many non-political researchers can point out that every great experiment in authoritarian government has forced hardship upon ordinary folk. But not upon the governing classes. Venezuela’s prosperity was destroyed in less than twenty years.  

Ancient Anglo-Saxon concept of common law worked towards freedom and prosperity

Furthermore, “Right” in the early 1900s was used to distinguish the differences between International Socialists and National Socialists. Of course, while the main difference was territorial ambition, economic disaster was without borders.   Each generation has used appealing banners to promote control. Regrettably, both Democrat and Republican brand names have been corrupted to very socialist or less socialist. At one time Democrats were anti-communist, but now embrace Chi-Coms. Well, the ones bearing bribes. In the interests of improving the Left’s understanding of real politics, physics has a definition of a totalitarian system.   “That which is not compulsory, is prohibited.”   Which elegantly describes every abusive entity from communism to school boards.   Of course, the response to today’s liberal condemnation of a non-liberal as a Nazi is simply to point out that your “fault” is that you want less government. It leaves them perplexed, which is only a slight improvement over angry. Their fundamental blunder is the notion that government is good and the more the better. Nineteenth Century liberals understood that individual freedom could only be destroyed by unlimited government.   Which, during the Pax Britannica was someone else’s government. Which also prevailed during the Pax Americana.   And wherever it extended the ancient Anglo-Saxon concept of common law worked towards freedom and prosperity. Of course, common law means that it applies to all within a society. During the Enlightenment, it meant constraining royal ambition.  

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Supreme Court after 50 years of activism is suddenly avoiding the Constitution

Now, within the despicable double standard royal privilege is replaced by party privilege. And today’s card-carrying governing classes are aggressively controlling people with endless expansion of regulation. But, glaringly, the privileged classes don’t bother to obey them.   In too many former democracies as well as the American Republic, recent lockdowns have not applied to political or bureaucratic leaders. Lower down the steps of privilege, prisoners are released and hair-dressers jailed.   Those, who have assumed unconstitutional powers are fully employed. Their victims are not. Churches are restricted, but street rioters are not. Moreover, big-box stores remain open while small businesses are locked down. With some 70 percent of the workforce employed by small businesses, this is economic madness.   So, free and self-governing countries that could not be defeated by external enemies have been almost defeated by internal enemies. Goaded on by global authoritarians.   Checks and balances restraining ambitious government have been bypassed. Important agencies such as DOJ, FBI and the CIA have been abused by ambitious control freaks. Sadly, the Supreme Court after 50 years of activism is suddenly avoiding the Constitution. And the media in no longer being investigative or critical has become today’s Pravda. With legions of “Baghdad Bobs” touting the wonders of control freaks  

America is descending into mob rule

In so vigorously bypassing constitutional limits, America is descending into mob rule. Similar to the early stages of the Russian and French Revolutions. Fortunately, history suggests that recent intensity could be indicating that the long experiment in authoritarian government is climaxing. And in becoming so frenzied and demanding it is inspiring another benign popular uprising.   Legitimate opposition.   And after four years of vainly trying to depose an elected president, the mob stole the election. On November 3rd, Trump had a strong win. On November 4th, Biden was deemed the winner. The irony is that the remarkable surge for Trump blew up the Democrat mechanisms established to steal votes. This offense is well detailed, and the remedy will be fascinating. By placing hopes for accountable government in the hands of patriots and the Constitution.   The 1770s patriots that wrote the Constitution were at risk of the British Crown that had temporarily lost its regard for freedom. Treason then was a capital offense. Sound government was formed by that popular uprising.   Today, those determined to trash the Constitution are just as determined to destroy America, and could be acting treasonably. But those acting upon their oath to defend self-government are honorable heroes.  Through the state legislatures another uprising by ordinary folk could restore the blessings of limited government.   Constitutionally.


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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
