
People ask what the Republican Party has done for the Negro

Not being 'appropriately multicultural'

Yahya Jammeh made the threat during speech on safeguarding the young

Ministry of Defence insisted that the jets did not pose a military threat

Jobs Continue to Fly Out of Ontario News on the Net | May 14, 2015
Skyrocketing hydro rates, high taxes and burdensome red-tape under this Liberal Government are not a recipe for economic success

‘Sister Wives’ Take on Pro-Polygamy Crusade News on the Net | May 14, 2015
To the Supreme Court

Zuniga’s attorney, Alan Levine, told the newspaper Zuniga is now considering legal action to challenge her firing.

Fox News has extended an open invitation to Admiral Mullen to explain his recollection of events during his December 2009 trip to Afghanistan

Bloomberg’s anti-gun spinmeisters at Everytown have invented this ‘illegal gun’ term as a deceptive political weapon,”

This is the first major accident on Amtrak’s Northeast corridor—which carried 11.6 million people last year—since 1987.

The sanctity of the press.


Mr. Hockey, one of the greatest players in the history of the game, is a proud Canadian who led the Detroit Red Wings to four Stanley Cup victories, building extraordinary goodwill between our two countries

Jacob Conway claimed lack of payment kept him from enjoying Kentucky Derby

Why don’t we recycle Styrofoam? (video) News on the Net | May 14, 2015
Host Sophia Cai explains that EPS actually can be recycled, but the prohibitive costs have prompted cities to ban the pesky product instead.

"We've done investigative work here at ABC News, found no proof of any kind of direct action,"

When people are hurting, they need our prayers and understanding first.

It’s Time to Axe the Gasoline Tax-on-Tax: CTF Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 14, 2015
Charging sales tax on top of excise taxes needs to stop; axe the tax-on-tax

Students for Life of America

The fact that the Wisconsin DA is biracial himself doesn’t appear to be of significance to protesters.

False piety Sarge | May 14, 2015
Quid pro quo politics

Jhally is a prolific filmmaker and author whose work spans decades, and he continues to be an academic darling among leftists.

Congress serves as a body to check and balance the powers of the executive branch in accordance with the Constitution, not to aid the White House in violating the Constitution.

GSA seems to be losing sight of the fact that it is membership and not pandering to the politically correct that keeps them going

Support Canada Free Press


Latest News on Baltimore Protests News on the Net | May 14, 2015
Damage Caused During Baltimore Riots Estimated At $9 Million | Horror injuries of man, 61, after near fatal attack by pack of FIFTY teens, including girls, when he tried to break up a fight

ICC Prosecutor Continues Examining Palestine Situation and Warns Israel Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | May 14, 2015
Palestinians’ propaganda efforts to completely de-legitimize Israel and isolate it from the international community

Sex Education Today Alan Caruba | May 14, 2015
There is no knowing what they are learning, for good or ill, in school

Or as the President himself might say: “If you like your car or truck, you can keep it—as long as it meets my expectations rather than yours.”

Muslim extremists not only want to eradicate the lives of the dhimmi, they want to eradicate all historic record of the great civilizations. A call to remake civilization in the name of Islam. We watch. We tolerate. We submit

A Birthright Abandoned Tabitha Korol | May 14, 2015
Ari Labendz believes that he lost his birthright. Rather, he has surrendered his birthright. What he has truly lost is his Neshama, his Jewish soul
