
"She was shaking her hands because they hurt, her feet hurt," Rogers’ cousin Lisa Morgan told KOCO. Rogers’ limbs turned black and blue.

The Obama EPA is vehemently opposed to mining and development.

Health: Parasite Resistant To Chlorine News on the Net | August 14, 2015
“This parasite is resistant to levels of chlorine we use in pools and filters don’t remove it either,” Dr. Livornese explains.

County Clerk Appeals Federal Judge’s Gay Marriage Mandate Heritage Foundation | August 14, 2015
Christianity is not a robe you take off when you leave a sanctuary.”



The lawsuit was reopened because of revelations about Hillary Clinton's email records.

Barack Obama’s Silent War On Oil And Gas

“This case highlights the need for public policy that would prevent the government from coercing anyone or penalizing anyone because they believe and act on the belief that marriage is the union of a man and a woman,”

At 0600 GMT, Lenovo shares were down 8.7%, hitting their lowest level since late February 2014.

Dutch Court Orders Woman With Dementia Euthanized News on the Net | August 14, 2015
Nursing home had resisted, said woman was happy, enjoying life

Who do you want running the show (your county), folks – brain-dead emotion-driven liberals or adult conservatives?

Salon: Mouthpiece of the Racist Left Matthew Vadum | August 14, 2015
One of America's ugliest opinion forums

Jeb Bush Takes On the Party of Defeat Arnold Ahlert | August 14, 2015
The true history of the Iraq War and the rise of ISIS that Obama and Hillary can't deny

What I see from the mainstream media is often spin, deceit, and the failure to report on important issues. Covering up one’s mistakes instead of acknowledging them is just another way that journalists can skirt accountability.

Kerry raises flag at new U.S. embassy in Cuba Dan Calabrese | August 14, 2015
Why would Cuba change when the U.S. is giving them everything they want without requiring anything in return?

Growing worry over America and The Constitution, know there is overwhelming agreement with the original idea for which the struggle was made, that one shall be an unassuming and undeserving instrument in the hands of God

The mainstream media has been forced to look at the stark reality of the Culture of Death.

The Poor and Sick Suffer Under Obama’s Carbon Rule Institute for Energy Research | August 14, 2015
The EPA relies on faulty data to make exaggerated claims about the benefits of a rule that will cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars and plunge millions of families into poverty

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Planned Parenthood attacks, lies and defames life-affirming women's medical clinic in Meridian, Idaho in fund raising email

ISIS make rape part of its religion News on the Net | August 13, 2015
Fanatics claim that the Koran 'condones and encourages' attacking women if they are not Muslims

“These types of contributions -- any contributions -- to public officials are important and they do sway votes,” said Jeanne Zaino, a political science professor at Iona College in New Rochelle, N.Y.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will hear oral arguments against the Federal Communications Commission's rules on Dec. 4. A panoply of amicus briefs filed with the court last week offer a preview of the arguments.

Stop Throwing Good Money After Bad to UN Palestinian Refugee Agency Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | August 13, 2015
UNRWA’s latest appeal for more than $100 million in special additional funding should be treated in the same way as the boy who cried wolf

That's a felony.

Navy Veteran John Arnold of Priest River, Idaho, received a letter from the VA informing him that he is no longer allowed to purchase or own guns,

Western democracies supporting this disingenuous state of affairs should hang their heads in shame. Unless they engage in more straight talking and less doublespeak-- any negotiated two-state solution will remain pure fantasy

The EPA’s Polluted River Guest Column | August 13, 2015
So, EPA, you who have been so skillful at playing the blame game and beating mining companies into bankruptcy for simple screw-ups, take a good hard look in the mirror.

The Iran-North Korea Axis Of Atomic Weapons? Claudia Rosett | August 13, 2015
When asked about allegations of Iran-North Korea nuclear ties, Obama administration officials either retreat behind the classified veil, or deflect the question
