
Comprehensive efforts to reduce energy consumption

Predicting America’s Future Alan Caruba | October 22, 2013
It won’t be easy and it will not be fast enough for most, but America will remain a dominant agent for change

Hitler's Enabling act and his manipulative, national health care scheme

NGO urges U.S., EU to oppose China's 'absurd' UNHRC bid

Some of them, anyway.

The numbers are troubling, but take them with a big grain of salt...

Jay Carney, Chuck Todd

Committee Bills Threaten Health Care Freedom Guest Column | October 22, 2013
Wyoming's representatives must not limit access to care by protecting a poorly run government hospital from competition

A Public Challenge to Greenpeace Guest Column | October 22, 2013
Greenpeace's claim Golden Rice causes harmful environmental effects

Governments no longer have to worry about door-to-door consensus when they have operations like healthcare.gov at their fingertips

What Republicans Have Gained Following the Shutdown Arthur Christopher Schaper | October 22, 2013
President Obama's second term is already winding down with a massive, historical repudiation awaiting him in 2014

They sold out to big government long ago, and ObamaCare is the best thing that ever happened to them

Didn't care, pushed ahead anyway

IPCC's Climate Models Predicted Melting

New home sales hit record low at end of Q3 News on the Net | October 22, 2013
Total new home sales in September were up 4 per cent over September 2012

Combat Conservatives Sarge | October 22, 2013
The Republican Party is no longer a full-flavored Stout in the American Pub as it is a watered down Pilsner akin to Democrat Lite

Any attempt to pressure, threaten or even imply some sort of wrongdoing by those choosing to not buy insurance would be clearly unconstitutional.

Don’t Sign, Don’t Pay the Fine Arnold Ahlert | October 22, 2013

Who’s hiding what in the New York City Mayoral Contest?

Israel , Arms Control

Our World: A miracle and an outrage in Washington Caroline Glick | October 22, 2013
Restoring the Iraqi Jewish archive to its Israeli owners would be tantamount to recognizing that the cause of the Arab world’s conflict with Israel is Arab anti-Semitism.

Obama to push Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill J.D. Longstreet | October 22, 2013
Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

Kentucky: How Green is the Bluegrass State? Institute for Energy Research | October 22, 2013
Coal, Energy, Kentucky, natural gas, oil, production, renewable energy

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Science-based analyses are gaining ground, despite bureaucratic tricks. It’s about time.

Obama Said This with a Straight Face Heritage Foundation | October 22, 2013
The first problem—website signups—can be fixed. The second—Obamacare’s price—cannot.

Excruciatingly embarrassing for the White House and for the Department of Health and Human Services.

Liberalism’s War on Women Daniel Greenfield | October 22, 2013
In the Democratic Party, as with American Express, membership has its privileges

JPMorgan Gets the Obama Treatment Arnold Ahlert | October 22, 2013
Justice or retribution for the banking giant?

One for All & All for One
