
Janet Rodriguez's house on First Avenue in West Haven, Conn., is one of the homes the city is approved the use eminent domain on to make way for a $200 million high-end mall.

Obama is not the only traitor Diane Weber Bederman | September 16, 2015
These Democrats have acknowledged the flaws and their fears. Yet they stand in lock-step with their leader-The President of the United States Barack Obama-who was the initiator and instigator of this deal

The influence of citizen science grows despite some resistance American Chemical Society | September 16, 2015
Volunteers Against Pollution

India, China & Like-Minded Nations To Form Alliance

The nuclear agreement with Iran has sparked much concern about the financial resources Iran will have at its disposal once the sanctions are lifted.

According to a document released by the White House at that time, the program was modeled on one implemented in the U.K. in 2010.

OPEN LETTER to the government of Ontario Guest Column | September 16, 2015
Killing a rare Golden Eagle, a Blanding's Turtle, or a Snowy Owl "by accident" is not a punishable crime. But what about killing thousands of protected birds, bats and reptiles annually?

Workforce reductions part of $3 billion in expected costs

"It's a serious matter and affects public safety at large," AT&T spokesman Jim Greer said Tuesday.

Tarkhan Batirashvili was a natural military star when he joined Georgia’s military

New approach to mammograms could improve reliability American Chemical Society | September 16, 2015
A new mammography technique detects microcalcifications in both normal mice and those with dense mammary tissue

Phoenix officer shot during traffic stop Arthur Weinreb | September 16, 2015
“Thank goodness he was wearing his vest,”

Unlocking secrets of how fossils form American Chemical Society | September 16, 2015
Scientists pieced together 3,600 tiny images of this shrimp fossil to understand the processes that preserved it.

Black Lives Matter as “nothing more than an American born terrorist group brought on by the lie of hands up, don’t shoot during the thug Michael Brown incident.”

Yes he really did. But as you might expect, there's a problem

Bernie Edges Hillary in New Hampshire Matthew Vadum | September 16, 2015
Hate-America rhetoric sells on the Left..

University of California Totalitarians Strike Again Arnold Ahlert | September 16, 2015
The new Orwellian speech policy being considered by the UC Board of Regents

The push for the destruction of our current immigration laws has done nothing more than create a bone of contention and division within the American people on Immigration reform

Is Trump the Next Reagan? Cliff Kincaid | September 16, 2015
Reagan talked issues, while Trump talks about himself, especially his hair. Reagan had a good head of hair and an anti-communist brain to go along with it

For the first time in a long time America is seeing a populist movement with roots that extend all the way back to the birth of the United States of America

An Open Letter to ‘The Trumpster’! A.J. Cameron | September 16, 2015
It appears that the other candidates are too timid, or too tied financially to the attacks upon us. We need someone who is fearless in addressing the issues we aren’t supposed to know about

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000

DOE’s Dishwasher Regulations Mandate Dishwashers that Don’t Wash Well Institute for Energy Research | September 15, 2015
The proposed rule’s ostensible aim is to enhance energy efficiency and water conservation, but faulty assumptions and data—among other things—cast doubt on DOE’s analysis

Every Five Minutes a Christian is Martyred for Their Faith Christian Newswire | September 15, 2015
This year, November 8th is the day set aside specifically to raise awareness for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are tormented and martyred for His Name's sake

‘This Could Destroy Your Organization and Us’

Scott Walker: Make federal employee unions illegal Dan Calabrese | September 15, 2015
As FDR believed they should be, and as they were before 1962.

Wines from popular, "New California" producers like Arnot-Roberts, Lioco, Matthiasson, and Sandhi are reminiscent of a bygone era. And thanks to Stony Hill, we know what that means.

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” Dr. Westhoff says to a prospective organ purchaser

This will be fine.

Eleven candidates. Two hours (including commercials.) You do the math.
