
Senseless and preventable act of violence owned by an ideologically bankrupt Obama administration, corrupt San Francisco officials, and everyone else who would take the side of foreign criminals over Americans.

Embarrassing: CNN is a news channel devoid of substance, interviewing a presidential candidate devoid of any rationale for her candidacy

Fog of War - Obama’s Trojan horse emergent Eddie Pedersen | July 8, 2015
This colossal screw up is primarily Obama’s fault, Obama + Maliki + Hillary = Islamic State. This is the inescapable reality. Backing the Arab Spring, gun running from Libya to Syria, this whole thing is their mess

Schizophrenic states like Oregon must desist from passing laws and ordinances that counter their own Constitution, nullifying it and instituting anarchy in its place. SCOTUS should also get this message

The Media vs. Trump’s Patriotic Appeal Cliff Kincaid | July 8, 2015
Comments on criminal aliens have garnered the attention, Trump’s criticism of the trade practices of foreign countries may be what ultimately sets him apart from the other Republican contenders. It could be his path to the Republican nomination

Jamiel Shaw was murdered in 2008 in Los Angeles by a gang member who should not have been in the country

The man was one of two people killed in separate lightning strike incidents that saw two more injured

“Senator Wolk’s office confirms they have pulled the bill from Assembly Health. Will it be a 2-year bill.. will they put their chips on court action? On an initiative?” Johnston asked.

Veterinarian Luis Lizarraga, who examined Georgia says she is in remarkable shape for what she endured, including predators, traffic, a torrential rainstorm and Fourth of July fireworks.

The house is likely a complete loss and two nearby businesses were affected by the spillage

5 Ways to Fight the Left and Make Your Life Better Daniel Greenfield | July 7, 2015
Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You, Shop Small Business and Become Independent, Build Likeminded Communities, Focus on the family

Once again, the reckless, politically-motivated lack of border security by Barack Obama and his lawless administration has caused US citizens to suffer serious bodily harm.

Apparently, U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had Sanchez in their custody, but turned him over to San Francisco to finish serving time for a drug charge. The city was supposed to turn him back to ICE afterwards, but didn't

NOPD Under Political Arrest Nadra Enzi | July 7, 2015
Regrettably, the New Orleans Police Department is under political arrest and hostages with heads buried in the sand risk getting more than just protruding tail feathers shot off!

To the chagrin of progressives, especially those who are African American, we have not heard the last from this remarkable young woman. She plans to keep making videos. Patty has a bright future ahead of her no matter what she intends to do

Pro-Marxist Sells Greece to Moscow Cliff Kincaid | July 7, 2015
What is happening in Greece is part of a process of pulling Europe as a whole to the left and away from the United States

Obama and EPA imperil minority welfare Paul Driessen | July 7, 2015
“Clean Power Plan” would bring imaginary benefits – and real health and welfare damage

Mainly because he refuses to really fight.

Penn urges that a Clinton speech not minimize the strength of the Taliban, arguing that the idea of letting up on the Islamic radicals militarily “defies the imagination.”

Why This Town Has Been On Fire For 50 Years (video) American Chemical Society | July 7, 2015
From a chemical standpoint, what is fire, anyway?

No other details were immediately available.

Barack Obama and his minions are blaming everyone except the people who deserve the blame for the death of another American citizen by a criminal alien.

Please Democrats, nominate Bernie!

Affordable Burgundy Isn’t an Oxymoron David White | July 7, 2015
Wine enthusiasts have always looked to Burgundy for wines of consequence

Israel is not unique as an entity in the eastern Mediterranean basin with energy resources in its economic waters

Nobel Prize Winning Physicist Dr. Ivar Giaever: 'Global warming is a non-problem'

Ontario's Credit Rating Downgraded by S&P to A+

“There are great amendments in the Bill of Rights to protect people from unreasonable search and seizure and guarantee Americans have due process. Asset forfeiture is in conflict with those constitutional principles,” said Michigan Rep. Jeff Irwin.

Green Killing Machines Guest Column | July 7, 2015
'Green' Energy Threatens Amazon’s Wildlife & China's Rivers

President’s updated schedule on 9/12 Guest Column | July 7, 2015
RE: Dan Calabrese, Obama / Clinton Benghazi call.
