
Political correctness has infested all aspects of society, and the Bible is no stranger to controversy

VIDEO: Is Hillary Trustworthy? Hardly! Warner Todd Huston | April 18, 2015
America Rising has released a devastating video

Camp Lone Star—The Setup—Get Massey Gary Hunt | April 18, 2015
I'm certain there are many more facts that have been withheld from the defense

A Godly Right to Privacy Douglas V. Gibbs | April 18, 2015
Originalists, specifics, rule of law, moral code, individualism. Pragmatists, convolution of specifics into "general" definitions, the rule of man, man-made moral code, and collectivism.

“Are we going to hear any questions by the media or is it going to be a love fest to Hillary Clinton?”

Who is the Real Hillary Clinton? Chuck Lehmann | April 17, 2015
Her “laundry list” of scandals from the days of Bill Clinton's presidency till the dust up from her stint as Secretary of State, including Benghazi

“We’re living in a period when too many politicians believe they can ignore the concerns of their gun-owning constituents and get away with it,”

Let’s All Celebrate ‘Earth is for People Day’ Christian Newswire | April 17, 2015
The Earth Day slogan that "people are pollution" is so wrong

Clinton Campaign Credibility Questioned News on the Net | April 17, 2015
Hillary Clinton lies

Time for American Taxpayers to revolt Jeff Crouere | April 17, 2015
Close down the IRS and allow Americans to complete their taxes on a postcard. This plan offers tax reduction and simplification, just what America needs after six years of President Barack Obama

Another Victory Over ObamaCare Abortion Mandate Liberty Counsel | April 17, 2015
"I applaud the Supreme Court for stopping ObamaCare's assault on human life, religious liberty, and conscience,"

The fact is that congressional smear-mongering is really a form of political bullying.

Make Crown Expenses Transparent Canadian Taxpayers Federation | April 17, 2015
Taxpayers need to see both expenses and results for Crown travel

Welcome to the Sharpton gang!

India To Become Fastest Growing Country, Overtaking China

What's do %$@ing hard to understand about "I mean turn here"?

CBC’s Ghomeshi Report Rejected as Whitewash Mitch Wolfe | April 17, 2015
Canadians’ hard-earned tax dollars should not be used to fund a toxic environment where apparently senior male CBC hosts emotionally and sexually prey on vulnerable female employees.

American Jewry’s Moment of Decision Caroline Glick | April 17, 2015
During the next two months, Obama will be focused on closing his deal with Iran, and Clinton will be avidly seeking to lock up the Democratic nomination for president by building an impregnable fortress of campaign funds

More Judicial Activism Gerald Hall | April 17, 2015
The failed appointment of Justice Marc Nadon to the top court

“Silence perpetuates the status quo and empowers the well-connected special interests in Washington,” said @MikeNeedham of @Heritage_Action.

Now it’s the Bible that’s sexist Judi McLeod | April 17, 2015
According to Pentagon zombies:

And why don't the media ever ask her about it?

Clinton Campaign Chaos Matthew Vadum | April 17, 2015
Hillary is still not ready for prime time and it shows

Remember: Sic Semper Tyrannis Tabitha Korol | April 17, 2015
Virginia State motto, a rallying cry to be always against tyranny

Sunday’s Special Celebration - Don’t miss it! Robert L. Rosebrock | April 17, 2015
Los Angeles, Veterans Freedom Plaza, VA Hospital, The Veterans Park Conservancy Deception

She want back in the White House, too!

The Story: A Reporter’s Journey.

EIA, Fossil Fuels, natural gas, Nuclear, oil, renewables

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

The Rowing Vikings Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | April 16, 2015
The Viking's Heyday: Daredevils, adventurers and explorers a long time before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World
