
Nobama Dr. Robert R. Owens | October 9, 2014
Whether you agree with the president's new war or not the fact that he seems to learn everything from watching the news should be disturbing to anyone

Obama and Turkey not helping fighting ISIS Dag Barkley | October 9, 2014
Sorry the World is Spinning and I'm Confused

Vapor Cigarettes Guest Column | October 9, 2014
The government and cigarette companies are going to say it is not good for you, but they have no real grounds for their findings, they are losing money!

Turlock Unified School District will continue to implement the Common Core math classes until they have substantial data to plan differently.

Jason Mattera, Crapitalism: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars

Stop scaring everyone!

But...but...pandering is all he knows!

But don't worry, says . . . Kim Jung Bong?

This latest acquisition cements Trinity College Library’s position as the world’s number one repository for the correspondence of Samuel Beckett

Subaru enhances its Legacy and upgrades its Outback for 2015 Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | October 9, 2014
Either of these Subarus would probably serve you well and they're getting more competitive when it comes to amenities and perceived quality

Bose celebrates 50 years of innovation with NYC bash Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | October 9, 2014
In an era of apparently planned obsolescence and "cheaper is better," it's nice to see someone who still believes in high standards

....Hosted by a billionaire.

Oh my God! Matthews getting honest on Obama AND the idiotic devotion of Democrats to illegal immigration in the same day is almost too much!

Why Are States Reevaluating Wind Energy? Institute for Energy Research | October 9, 2014
Renewable energy, wind energy, wind production tax credit, Wind PTC

GOP Governor Reforms: Which Worked Out Best, and Why Arthur Christopher Schaper | October 9, 2014
Conservative reforms must be bold, but well thought out, politically savvy as well as emotionally apparent to voters

"Wounded and Abandoned", a new documentary about abortion's many health risks

Now more than two years after the Benghazi attack, the narrative continues to unfold of that fateful night

Just Watched a Blood Red Moon – Now What? Rev. Michael Bresciani | October 9, 2014
We live in a spiritually dumbed down generation in which people cannot discern between their right hand and their left.

KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation will lead 525 million dollar TB control program

The Fourth Horseman has Arrived Alan Caruba | October 9, 2014
The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse as named in Revelation are Conquest, War, Famine, and Death

Leon Panetta’s Phony Tough Guy Act Cliff Kincaid | October 9, 2014
Anti-Americanism is on the march worldwide, and Panetta's fingerprints are all over the unfolding disasters. That's why he's spending his TV time criticizing his boss

The Progressive Missionaries of Unhappiness Daniel Greenfield | October 9, 2014
Obama, Pelosi, Reid: The left has suffered its worst defeats at the hands of the happy warriors of the right. Its greatest vulnerability is its meanness of spirit

Secret Service prostitution scandal

Not restricting travel from West Africa, not closing our borders because of false civil rights issues that cater to the liberal base of the Democratic party

Less than a month remains before the polls close and it is up to the voters to place the election at the top of their list of concerns. Nothing will change unless the right people take office.

Once again, Barack Obama's distorted judgment and refusal to act intelligently have combined to bring tragedy to America

How Operation Choke Point Hurt My Ammo Business Heritage Foundation | October 8, 2014
All we want to do is be able to operate our business without the government blocking us.

Care to comment on why you won't close the borders?

Obama says "I’m not on the ballot this fall," But his policies are

Can Muslims fit into our society? Gary Hunt | October 8, 2014
Is There a Difference Between a "Moderate Muslim" and a "Radical Muslim"?
