
American Politics, News

Tail-wagging love really does conquer all:

The Republican Party: A Play in the Theater of the Absurd? Arthur Christopher Schaper | October 19, 2014
Ideological conflicts are breaking out in the Republican Party today, where candidates and activists seem to be transforming into RINOs

"When the Going Gets Weird, The Weird Go Pro"--Hunter S. Thompson

Killing Confidence in Our Government Alan Caruba | October 19, 2014
Our confidence in our government must be restored with new leadership.

EBOLA: Lack of Common Sense, Money or Conspiracy? Leigh Bravo | October 18, 2014
Government corruption, lies makes it impossible to trust our elected officials. Is Ebola is here due to a lack of common sense, preparedness, lack of funds, conspiracy

ObamaCare is now projected to get $262 billion less in (non-coverage-related) revenue

Left Tries to Blame Ebola Crisis on Republicans Roger Aronoff | October 18, 2014
In an election season, do the liberal mainstream media really care about facts? Or are they desperately seeking any means possible to help the Democrats retain control of the Senate?

Houston’s mayor is a villain, not a hero Jeff Crouere | October 17, 2014
Pastor Castano speaks for millions of Americans who are sick and tired of political correctness run amok

Incredibly high degree of utter stupidity that is so rampant in the Obama Administration

Obama’s Deadly Ebola Lies Matthew Vadum | October 17, 2014
Obama seems to forget that his chief duty under the Constitution is to protect the American people

Foreign cash trumps American lives

In case you were wondering where your money went. Your congressman has it.

Knee, meet rubber mallet

No Mention of Ebola in Agency’s Strategic Plan

Just ramblin’ and amblin’ Sarge | October 17, 2014
It's been a fun day. Obama’s been masquerading as a president

Government overspending, gleefully celebrated by record tax collections of your hard earned dollars. The rapacious government needs to be fed.

Far from being a random development, the growing public concerns over Ebola and the Enterovirus appear to be playing into the administration’s game plan to distract public attention from the accumulation of scandals that have as yet elicited zero acc

Does anyone seriously believe that barring commercial travel from Ebola hot zones would eliminate our ability to send aid and workers into those regions?

The cost of death penalty cases is certainly not trivial. But the deterrent effect yields a most valuable benefit. The death penalty saves lives.

Law vs Anti-Law Dr. Robert R. Owens | October 16, 2014
How do we end this death spiral? How did Washington, Jefferson, and Adams do it?

“Once these individuals are issued a visa by the embassy, they are free to travel to the United States,” says Rep Ed Royce.

Justice Tom Parker

Climbing the stairway to heaven Klaus Rohrich | October 16, 2014
Failings of this Administration and its efforts to divert public attention

As America Sleeps, China Conquers Latin America Michael Fumento | October 16, 2014
America needs an intelligent, aggressive, integrated policy of discovering what its southern neighbors want and accommodating them so that all sides gain. Or soon that heat wave coming up from the south will be fire from the mouth of the dragon

Stacey Dash and Jessa Duggar Slammed for Resisting Evil Douglas V. Gibbs | October 16, 2014
Dash and Duggar verbalized what many people believe, but dare not say, because of the politically correct hard-left speech-nazis

Dr. David Bobb spoke to the Republican Women of Clifton Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | October 16, 2014
Dr. Bobb does not think counter-curriculum control is the solution and the most effective way to reverse the trend. Students have to learn how to think and how to become careful evaluators of history

Seeing Ebola Through Obama’s Eyes Cliff Kincaid | October 16, 2014
Criminally negligent and reckless approach to Ebola that threatens the lives of our families and loved ones

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Ebola Is the CDC’s Self-Created Crisis Michael R. Shannon | October 16, 2014
Frieden stumbles along

Shoot the lame duck and focus on 2015 Tom DeLay | October 16, 2014
Defunding Mr. Obama’s executive orders, Power of the Purse, Reining in the out-of-control EPA regulators, Taking on the president’s out-of-control spending habits
