
American Politics, News

The libertarian-leaning Koch Brothers have been routinely vilifiedon the Left

Ending the Export-Import Bank Is All About Governing Heritage Foundation | July 11, 2014
Ex-Im routinely loses track of whom they’ve been helping.

The Obama Administration’s Human Trafficking Arnold Ahlert | July 11, 2014
U.S. Border Patrol takes over where the human smugglers leave off.

The Tragedy of the Regime’s Social Engineering Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | July 11, 2014
Law, order, and our borders have been erased by the social engineering of the current regime who wants to alter the demographics

Obama is now taking over all jurisdiction and authority of the US States

TACKLING THE FEDS: Corey Stewart, chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, is leading a charge to get info from the feds on the whereabouts of 7,000 illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in the county since 2008.

Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga voted against union

Tax mistake leads to sale of half a church Watchdog.org | July 11, 2014
A CHURCH LITERALLY DIVIDED: Mistaken assumptions, bureaucratic screw-ups and language problems have led to the rear half of a Muscatine church being sold for unpaid property taxes.

Facts are stubborn things.

Palestinians an "invented" people whose purpose is to serve as the means by which the destruction of Israel and the Jews

I wholeheartedly support Governor Palin's movement to impeach our imperial president, Barack Hussein Obama

Elian Gonzalez sent back to communist Cuba

Obama’s 2008 promises

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Destruction of Absentee Ballot Documents, Double Voting and Discarded Legal Votes Found Statewide

Nailed. New emails have surfaced that show Lerner was concerned about the OCS system in place at the IRS

Politico: maybe for $14 million - but... Not. First. Class. BUSTED!

'What about the kids here? In our neighborhood? In our country?'

Note to New York Times: Get a Dictionary Heritage Foundation | July 10, 2014
Just because the Export-Import Bank isn’t the biggest example of corporate welfare in Washington doesn’t mean it’s not corporate welfare

Elected officials like Ken Calvert and Duncan Hunter have chosen to play Waldo, vanishing into the landscape, hiding in plain sight and abandoning the people who voted them into office

CONNECTED: Documents suggest John Doe prosecutors were engaged in a wide sweep of the ISPs of conservative targets. Is it a case of the little NSA in the Badger State?

How Intelligent are Americans? Alan Caruba | July 10, 2014
Stupid Americans will vote for more of the same. Intelligent ones will vote for change

PUSHING BACK: U.S. Sen Brian Schatz is among several Senate Democrats trying to counter the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case.

Someone needs to help these kids. God knows the feds aren't doing it.

PUSH BACK: Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is leading efforts to reassert Justice Department authority of state election laws.

Obama, Master of the Straw-man Tactic Lloyd Marcus | July 10, 2014
What American industry, institution , group will Obama declare is public enemy number one? What will be the next crisis Obama accuses them of creating, causing him to usurp unlawful authority to fix?

Patricia Ireland, Former president of National Organization for Women

Despite Obama’s claim, a quick scan of the news easily debunks his claim

Statistics show that the number of illegal immigrant minors who have been deported is at an eight year low

“If you empower the government to pick winners and losers within lawful enterprise, there is no place for you to stop.”
