
American Politics, News

Politicians and judges hear the Constitution talk only when it sings their tune

NYC is at the edge of a fiscal precipice

Obama Brokering Deal To Contain Nuclear Iran? J.D. Longstreet | May 6, 2013
Mr. Obama has now told the world that America's word cannot be trusted, that America issues empty threats

Loss & Regrets Sarge | May 6, 2013
My child died because of some circumstances I couldn’t control, others I could have controlled but didn’t. Don’t let this happen to our country

Our Un-News Media Bruce Walker | May 6, 2013
Ignore the bosses of information, education and culture. The more we do that, the more we win

Internet tax just another revenue stream for our bloated, overspending governments

Farm Mama Jimmy Reed | May 6, 2013
Who best bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best.” Mama knew that. She served her family, she served her Maker, and long years ago, she joined Him

Silence of the conservative lambs Lloyd Marcus | May 6, 2013
Losing America is not an option. Therefore, we will not become silenced conservative lambs

Ultimately, there will be parity between Mexico and America, when both are piss poor 3rd world disasters

Violence Free Society, Background checks for Magazines

Obama has refused to secure the borders and to enforce immigration laws on the books

The Heresy of Universal Reconciliation J.D. Longstreet | May 5, 2013
"There is no Devil" -- Satan's greatest trick!

Yes, Mr. President, the '50s looks pretty good standing next to you

Jay Carney: Benghazi Happened ‘a long time ago.’

Schumer-Rubio bill includes $150 million in slush funds used to fund groups like La Raza American Immigration Lawyers Association

Criminalizing the implementation of President Obama’s health care law

Comprehending the Incomprehensible
 Erik Rush | May 4, 2013
Radical Muslims and their liberal dhimmis

It’s Always Christmas If You’re a Politician Michael R. Shannon | May 4, 2013
Gov. Bob McDonnell, Star Scientific, Ken Cuccinelli, Anatabloc

The Inconvenient Truths About Amnesty John Lillpop | May 4, 2013
The solution? Forget amnesty, enforce existing laws, reinforce the border with military, and deport illegal aliens

American Youth Caught by the Tail? Rev. Michael Bresciani | May 3, 2013
Obsessive 24/7 preoccupation with everything carnal is now vogue and vital since it has been re-packaged and labeled as – sensuality

Gosh...who was sending those guns down there again?

Voting Insanity

I’m Coming Out of the Closet Mike Jensen | May 3, 2013
Evolved Obama and the homosexual agenda

Dershowitz and tragedy Caroline Glick | May 3, 2013
It is the tragedy of our times that basically decent liberals like Dershowitz dismiss as marginal those who base their assessments of Israel and the Middle East on reality

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Part three of their 'Inhuman' investigation

Déjà vu All Over Again? The Audacity of Truth J.D. Longstreet | May 3, 2013
The War for Southern Independence

The major problems with a “comprehensive” approach to immigration reform

Kansas tells him to shove Obama's anti-gun measures

Coming out as heterosexual has many pitfalls

Keep Stone Mountain carving a Confederate Memorial Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | May 3, 2013
Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson
