
American Politics, News

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Michael E. Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Cente

What the Muslim Brotherhood Tells The West It Wants Versus What It Really Wants Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | February 10, 2011
Muslim Brotherhood has created a vast loophole to its profession of non-violence

Disputing Darwin Alan Caruba | February 10, 2011
Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps: The True Origin of Species

Stabenow and Snowe join Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) and Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)

Ronald Reagan from a black prospective Lloyd Marcus | February 10, 2011
I believe you can always tell the greatness of a leader by how they treat those around them.

Love Jimmy Reed | February 10, 2011
A definition of Love: Mother Teresa “I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.”

President of the American Federation of Government Employees, John Gage

O’Reilly was hornswoggled by shear political nonsense

More of Rahm’s Union Troubles Warner Todd Huston | February 10, 2011
Chicago's union bosses are not big Rahm Emanuelites

The Perfect Government Daniel Greenfield | February 10, 2011
The only law that the perfect government recognizes is its own plan. It will kill for the plan

Annual U.S. Production and Import of Crude Oil Institute for Energy Research | February 10, 2011
Peak US Oil production was in 1970, Then President Nixon signs NEPA into law

The IRS appears more interested in harassing taxpayers who play by the rules than to go after tax cheats

Why Can't Obama Do the Math On Jobs?

Soros-paid Scribes Cover Their Tracks in Egypt Cliff Kincaid | February 9, 2011
Soros’ multibillion dollar international business and influence network makes Halliburton look like a Mom ‘n Pop operation

Glenn Beck’s Mindless Critics On The Muslim Brotherhood Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | February 9, 2011
Beck’s linkages of Muslim Brotherhood ideology to communism and socialism have also been mocked as the product of a loony conspiratorial mind

Justice and Social Justice Dr. Samuel J. Mikolaski | February 9, 2011
There is no scripture mandate for government to expropriate honestly earned wealth in the interests of what is deemed to be social justice

Beware of the Balanced Budget Amendment Mike Foil | February 9, 2011
It does not seem right to add an Amendment to the Constitution which is full of exceptions and built-in over-ride allowances

Short Attention Spans Alan Caruba | February 9, 2011
Americans, Obama and Egypt

“Let There Be RIGHT” James Sharp | February 9, 2011
God saw that the conservatives were compassionate and driven

Freeze the Debt Ceiling Christian Newswire | February 9, 2011
American's should now realize when this administration starts talking about "catastrophic" outcomes it is really code for, "we hope we can scare you into giving us what we want."

Gov Scott’s budget displays tea party courage Lloyd Marcus | February 9, 2011
Florida Governor Rick Scott

A Conversation with a Neo-Conservative about Egypt Daniel Greenfield | February 9, 2011
So far the targets of this "freedom movement" have been somewhat moderate countries allied with the United States

More BS from the BLS Just as the unemployment rate is understated, so is the Consumer Price Index

We now know the CPUSA was Soviet-directed and funded

Sen. Orrin Hatch Faces the Tea Party Movement Guest Column | February 8, 2011
Event will be broadcast LIVE online and on television

More Evidence that Centrists Democrats Are Dead Warner Todd Huston | February 8, 2011
The rumors of the GOPs demise has been greatly exaggerated. But what hasn’t been exaggerated is the death of the moderate Democrat.

Marketing Conservatism James Sharp | February 8, 2011
A solid, well-thought-out and executed marketing plan will yield sales figures beyond the Republican Party’s wildest expectations

Presidential Boots Too Big To Fill Daniel Greenfield | February 8, 2011
Time Magazine: Obama needs constant disguising

Obama has made an art out of saying one thing and doing another

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell raised the ire of former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan on Meet the Press
