
American Politics, News

Americans, take our business and vacations to Arizona and shun places with warped thinking like San Francisco

Update: Gulf Rig Conspiracy Theory Bob Parks | May 1, 2010
Mark Levin

Quote Of The Day Bob Parks | May 1, 2010
Sheila Johnson, co-founder and former owner, BET

Dodd wants to force corporate boards under the thumb of unions by federal fiat

Don’t Drink the Fascist Tea Daniel Greenfield | May 1, 2010
Boycotts, Protest, Political opportunists, Liberal media and its assorted band of activists lost their minds over Arizona

Americans United for Life

Jan Brewer for Governor

Oil spill in the Gulf

United for Peace and Justice, a far-left organization which argues that "peace activists" must "join hand-in-hand and march with immigrants to fight for their rights and an end to the militarization of our communities."

When Lame Ducks Attack Joy Tiz | April 30, 2010
Despite the mainstream media keeping the Obama cult alive, Americans are starting to question both Obama’s competency and motives

Obama’s Demoralized Democrats Bruce Walker | April 30, 2010
Messiah Fatigue. Every redundant or pointless appearance Obama makes diminishes him

Arizona: Illegal Alien Crime Wave Continues Jim Kouri | April 30, 2010
U.S. is Mexico's de facto penal colony

Obama Tough Guy On Illegal Immigration! That Was Then… Warner Todd Huston | April 30, 2010
Elvira Arellano, "We live in a country of laws. We don't do things sort of based on, you know, one person's situation."

Protest Obama at the University of Michigan! Guest Column | April 30, 2010
Calling all Tea Party Patriots:

John McCain Is No Conservative Leader Guest Column | April 30, 2010
McCain for U.S. Senate: Arizona Resident Says McCain's Wrong Man For Mission To Restore America

How Much Is This Recovery Going to Cost? Guest Column | April 30, 2010
The perception of stimulus-driven recovery that has so lifted the Federal Reserve's reputation has not been purchased without cost... and that cost may prove too much for us to bear

Democrats, Lock Up Base Phyllis Schlafly | April 30, 2010
Democrats and their feminist allies: Increase the number of single moms by increasing the flow of taxpayer-paid incentives that subsidize the non-marriage lifestyle

Allow schools to raid specified funds any time they feel like doing so and use those funds for whatever they want to use them for

In Obama's world, big Government and him are co-gods of control

Massive debt market: American municipal bonds

Amazing, is it not, Mr. President what enforcement of the rule of law can achieve when it comes to deterring criminals?

Child survived a botched abortion then was laid alone in a cold room struggling to live for 20 hours before anyone bothered to notice

Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion Cliff Kincaid | April 29, 2010
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which receives a federal tax exemption, gets one-third of its annual $146 million budget from the government

Will the US stop Syria’s terrorism?
 EPW Blog | April 29, 2010
laissez-faire leadership role regarding Hezbollah, the Terrorist Islamic Jihad organization

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Mexico’s despicable treatment of Latino illegal aliens is s called a “major human rights crisis” by Amnesty International

President Obama pledged his full support to President Calderon by sending Rev. Al Sharpton as an emissary to march with a group of Mexican nationals

Obama’s Shadow Government Alan Caruba | April 29, 2010
The bulk of the president’s czars are exempt from oversight

It’s The Illegality, Stupid Jim ONeill | April 29, 2010
Illegal immigration, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants. Illegal. I-l-l-e-g-a-l

‘Shovels and Axes’ Against Americans Armand C. Hale | April 29, 2010
"We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we...we will use them against you! Believe that!"
