
American Politics, News

Pelosi needs to resign as Speaker. Guest Column | January 31, 2010
'U.S. Military Serving as Chauffeurs, Babysitters for the Pelosi Kids: Receipts That Will Blow Your Mind

Anystreet.org. Conservative community organizing Guest Column | January 31, 2010
Come with me if you want to be free

Angry voters track RINOs and Incumbents Henry Lamb | January 30, 2010
Both the President and Congress have turned a deaf ear to the expressed will of the people

How do you spell brazen? Neill Arnhart | January 30, 2010
Lies on Lobbying, Stimulus Bill, Earmark Spending, Supreme Court, George Bush

Where in Bloody Hell Is Janet Napolitano? John Lillpop | January 30, 2010
Obama's flagrant disregard for US borders and immigration laws

Left-wing character assassination factory, Media Matters for America

America and Israel: You Got A Friend in Me? Paul Ibbetson | January 30, 2010
2010 will be a year in which America’s friendship to Israel will be tested to its limits.

It’s Gitmo Time Daniel Greenfield | January 30, 2010
Obama's phony spending freeze

Obama Needs “Stupid Ideas” Czar John Lillpop | January 30, 2010
America’s deliberate slide into to a Marxist, third-world abyss

Government and Censorship of Thought

When Profit Trumps Patriotism JB Williams | January 29, 2010
Tea Party Patriots: Millions of average Americans fed up with elitists on both sides of the political aisle

Is THIS How The One “Reaches Out”...? Bob Parks | January 29, 2010
Looming Democrat midterm electoral Butt Whuppin'

The Tea Party Movement, The GOP & Making It Work Frank Salvato | January 29, 2010
Re-awakening of the American people to their obligation to civic responsibility; to governmental oversight

The topic of free market economics to religious believers

Bin Laden Endorses Cap-n-Tax Joy Tiz | January 29, 2010
Confiscatory taxation and oppressive regulations in furtherance of the global warming flim flam

If You Can Keep It Greg Halvorson | January 29, 2010
Americans are being assailed by thieves

All Obama, All the Time Alan Caruba | January 29, 2010
Obama addressed the Baltimore conference of Republican members of Congress with yet another familiar excuse, it’s all George W. Bush’s fault

Are We There Yet? Guest Column | January 29, 2010
The Obama Speech Experience

Drowning in a sea of health care red ink Troy Media | January 29, 2010
Lesson to Americans: Canada's single payer healthcare system

“Man-Caused Disaster” Sean Osborne | January 29, 2010
Barack Obama

The Real Loser In The Massachusetts Election Phyllis Schlafly | January 29, 2010
Every Democratic presidential candidate must pledge his fidelity to abortion with taxpayer funding

President Obama you are wrong. Ian Jay Germaine | January 29, 2010
The State of Obama, an open letter

How Australia runs its hospital wards Troy Media | January 29, 2010
Providing information, and managing waiting time perceptions and expectations, may be a more effective strategy

The blame meister has spoken Dr. Laurie Roth | January 28, 2010
Was there any group not insulted and scolded by Obama at his State of the Union speech?

Support Canada Free Press


McCarran to get USO club

Obama: Repeating the Same Mistakes (and Lies) Alan Caruba | January 28, 2010
How the President of the United States could continue to assert that global warming was or is real is beyond any rational explanation

Democrats’ Political Suicide Pact Matt Barber | January 28, 2010
America sucks. Capitalism sucks. The Supreme Court sucks. It’s Bush’s fault.

What Would Revolutionize Wireless Service? Warner Todd Huston | January 28, 2010
Until the service follows the person and NOT the device, we will not be able to revolutionize America’s wireless service

Obama using Indians for his dirty work Guest Column | January 28, 2010
Law With Reservations

Breitbart Suggests O’Keefe Will Be Cleared? Matthew Vadum | January 28, 2010
Does O’Keefe have evidence of some impropriety involving Landrieu, or perhaps ACORN, or both?
