
American Politics, News

Video: Coakley Buys her Union Support Warner Todd Huston | January 13, 2010
This video shows that union members admitting that they are being paid to stand and rally for Democrat Coakley

How Long Will the Bulls Run? Guest Column | January 13, 2010
The charts, the electoral cycle and classic monetary theory all agree: The bulls have 12 months – max! Taipan Publishing Group’s Editor Adam Lass explains why you must act now to profit.

The Magic of Government and the Socialist Apprentice Daniel Greenfield | January 13, 2010
But how does a tool become a master? Through dependency

The Punch Heard ‘round the World Jerry A. Kane | January 13, 2010
Scott Brown, People's seat not Kennedy's seat

Reid’s racism: typical trashing of white America Lloyd Marcus | January 12, 2010
Reid owes white America an apology and his resignation

The Regression of Harry Reid Joy Tiz | January 12, 2010
The Ku Klux Klan was the creation of southern Democrats, Blacks have long been abused in America, but not by conservatives

Health care bill should hang by a tree until dead Dr. Laurie Roth | January 12, 2010
Controlling Our Money, Our Health, Our Freedom

Elect Scott Brown, Massachusetts: Do it in memory of Mary Jo!

To oppose six major abortion problems in Senate health bill

Comfortable with the Double Standard Bob Beers | January 12, 2010
Harry Reid's racism gets a pass

Scott Brown is the kind of leader that we need in Washington immediately

Liberal politicians and their screw-ball antics

Christmas Day Massacre Christian Newswire | January 12, 2010
Rally in Protest to Attempted Assassination of Coptic Bishop & Christmas Day Massacre of Coptic Christians in Egypt

Death by 1000 cuts Frank Gaffney Jr. | January 11, 2010
The Obama administration appears intent on applying this approach of inflicting myriad attacks on the essential ingredient of American exceptionalism

Harry Reid must resign! Frances Rice | January 11, 2010
Democrats quickly give a pass to any Democrat, such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who again displayed egregious racism

Stall the election certification until the health care bill is rammed through Congress

Barack Obama has projected weakness on US national security

Unique American Education Site Celebrates 4th Birthday Bruce Deitrick Price | January 11, 2010
Improve-Education.org--which reached age four and 100,000 words at the start of 2010--continues to provide a radical critique of American education

Race and Politics in America Alan Caruba | January 11, 2010
Racism in America is not a one-way street, nor is it restricted to the black-white divide

Social justice flows freely from the lips of the US President, congressional leaders, Ivy League professors, Hollywood elites, the news media and the average college student

“AMA Doesn’t Speak for Most Doctors”

Judge Don Lowery Guest Column | January 11, 2010
Common Sense, Common Values

Wanted Community Organizers No Experience Needed Dr. Robert R. Owens | January 11, 2010
If these agents of change succeed in destroying the economy and neutering the Constitution what will protect the freedom and opportunity of America?

Accuses Senator Harry Reid of Racism and Demands his Resignation as Senate Majority Leader

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Homeschool Freedom Under Assault in New Hampshire Christian Newswire | January 11, 2010
Who are using a legislative maneuver to override the recommendations of a bi-partisan legislative study committee

The Left: Bending Over Backwards to Excuse Racism Warner Todd Huston | January 11, 2010
Harry Reid is quoted as saying that people supported Obama because he was "light skinned"

Quote Of The Day Bob Parks | January 11, 2010
It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth

Bonehead Of The Day Bob Parks | January 11, 2010
Republicans don’t have a welcome mat in the black community now

You Can’t Say That! Nancy Morgan | January 11, 2010
Harry Reid: 'the Negro dialect'

The Secret History of the Left Daniel Greenfield | January 11, 2010
The left, which has never come up with an original idea since the 19th century, Marxist reinterpretation of history
